如何调整时钟? « Live in China 混在中国








妇女在冬季应增加无机盐和维生素,特别是钙和铁的摄入量应该有足够的供应。老人和宝宝,身体虚弱或慢性消耗性疾病,身体差,冷是一个很大的威胁,他们尤其需要优质蛋白质。蛋白质,脂肪和碳水化合物,以保持合理比例的3应三间应拆分13% -15%,25%-35%,60%-70%是适当的。
224 “如何调整时钟



How to adjust the clock?

how to adjust the clock?

medical experts believe that, for sub-health patients, we must first develop good habits, a good grasp of the degree of work, encouraging people to work and rest, comprehensive and balanced adequate nutrition, increasing physical activity, maintain the optimistic attitude towards life, after age 35, regular annual medical examinations. The most important thing is, the body once the discomfort, and timely treatment, seek medical help.

In winter, many people s appetite has increased, but that does not mean that in winter, the body needs more calories, this is because the body s hormones clock in a cold climate, running change making.

research found that in winter the cold affect the body s endocrine system, so that the body s thyroid hormone, increased secretion of adrenaline and so on, so as to promote and accelerate the protein, fat, carbohydrates, three categories of heat decomposition of nutrients to enhance the body s The cold capacity, so that the body caused by excessive heat loss. Therefore, to increase the heat in winter nutrition should be mainly due to more intake of foods rich in carbohydrates and fat.

weak constitution without serious illness for people who may be based on the actual situation of their own bodies, appropriate use of some drugs edible food, such as jujube, Gorgon, Coix seed, peanut kernels, walnut, black sesame seeds , lotus seeds, yams, lentils, longan, hawthorn, maltose, etc., coupled with the nutrient-rich foods, you can achieve the purpose of cold tonic.

for obese people, the winter is to reduce weight and control obesity in good time. At this point, obese people should be eating dinner, and arranged some light. As the night the body intake of nutrients easily converted into stored fat, while a small amount of evening activities, if the dinner is apt to cause a rich elevated blood lipids, and easily deposited in the vessel wall, in order to lay hidden atherosclerosis.

of women in the winter should increase intake of salts and vitamins, especially calcium and iron should have adequate supply. The elderly and children, and physical weakness or chronic wasting disease, poor physical cold, cold is a big threat to them, in particular, need high quality protein. Protein, fat and carbohydrates to maintain a reasonable ratio of the three should be among the three should be split 13% -15%, 25% -35%, 60% -70% is appropriate.

elderly people should eat in winter coarse grains, cereals and tubers. Such as maize, buckwheat, oats, sweet potato, potato, goat s milk, rabbit meat, animal liver, animal blood, tofu, sesame, brown sugar, dried shrimps, dried small shrimps, as well as colored leafy vegetables are suitable for winter eating.

In addition, keep warm in winter tonic, to adjust your diet at the same time, cold tolerance of exercise should be carried out in order to enhance adaptive capacity. If ignored the cold tolerance of the human body s own physiology, and relied exclusively on food cold, excessive consumption of high-heat high-fat food and wine, etc. and processing center of gravity can cause disease. In addition, a winter down, there is likely to grow more fat, give the original fat or cardiovascular function on the poor, bringing a number of adverse effects. Therefore, the winter should adhere to the appropriate sports, such as tai chi, walking, playing, etc., so that can promote metabolism, speed up the systemic blood circulation, enhance the gastrointestinal tract for digestion and absorption of nutrients, to really benefit from the purpose of eating

Answer :
223 how to adjust the clock?
In winter, many people s appetite has increased, but that does not mean that in winter, the body needs more calories, this is because the body s hormones clock in a cold climate, a result of operation change.
research found that in winter the cold affect the body s endocrine system, so that the body s thyroid hormone, increased secretion of adrenaline and so on, so as to promote and accelerate the protein, fat, carbohydrates, three categories of heat decomposition of nutrients to enhance the body s cold capacity, so that the body caused by excessive heat loss. Therefore, to increase the heat in winter nutrition should be mainly due to more intake of foods rich in carbohydrates and fat.
for the physical weak people without serious illness may be based on the actual situation of their own bodies, appropriate use of some drugs edible food, such as jujube, Gorgon, Coix seed, peanut kernels, walnut, black sesame, lotus seeds, yams, lentils, longan, hawthorn, maltose, etc., coupled with the nutrient-rich foods, you can achieve the purpose of cold tonic.
for obese people, the winter is to reduce weight and control obesity in good time. At this point, obese people should be eating dinner, and arranged some light. As the night the body intake of nutrients easily converted into stored fat, while a small amount of evening activities, if the dinner is apt to cause a rich elevated blood lipids, and easily deposited in the vessel wall, in order to lay hidden atherosclerosis.
of women in the winter should be increased intake of salts and vitamins, especially calcium and iron should have adequate supply. The elderly and children, and physical weakness or chronic wasting disease, poor physical cold, cold is a big threat to them, in particular, need high quality protein. Protein, fat and carbohydrates to maintain a reasonable ratio of the three should be among the three should be split 13% -15%, 25% -35%, 60% -70% is appropriate.
elderly people should eat in winter coarse grains, cereals and tubers. Such as maize, buckwheat, oats, sweet potato, potato, goat s milk, rabbit meat, animal liver, animal blood, tofu, sesame, brown sugar, dried shrimps, dried small shrimps, as well as colored leafy vegetables are suitable for winter eating.
In addition, keep warm in winter tonic, to adjust your diet at the same time, cold tolerance of exercise should be carried out in order to enhance adaptive capacity. If ignored the cold tolerance of the human body s own physiology, and relied exclusively on food cold, excessive consumption of high-heat high-fat food and wine, etc. and processing center of gravity can cause disease. In addition, a winter down, there is likely to grow more fat, give the original fat or cardiovascular function on the poor, bringing a number of adverse effects. Therefore, the winter should adhere to the appropriate sports, such as tai chi, walking, playing, etc., so that can promote metabolism, speed up the systemic blood circulation, enhance the gastrointestinal tract for digestion and absorption of nutrients, to really benefit from the purpose of eating
224 How to to readjust the clock
After a lengthy review pro forma, many candidates formed a habit of sleep at night. Some people even to about 10:00 am also lazy, and excited them. If, when the entrance is still in such a physiological state, it s very negative, it should be to readjust their biological clocks.
person s biological clock is a long time to form a physiological reflection. In order to adjust to the best condition, should be exam two weeks or so to proceed. The first entrance examination is usually in the 9:00 am start. Candidates in order to ensure that they have sufficient energy and appropriate excited state, we must work and rest during the college entrance examination in full accordance with the timing of their day, and gradually adjust the clock over. The first step is to sleep at night
habit Gaidiao, can not be up late the next morning. Specifically, must be at 22:00 every night before falling asleep the next morning to get up at 6:00 ~ 6:30 or so. After washing to get up, activities about the body, to see a few pages of review materials, eat breakfast around 7:30. So to 9:00 or so people have gradually enter the excited state. To meet the examination, candidates between 9:00 ~ 11:00 to find yourself trying to do a number of examination paper to do. This will not only conduct some review, but also experience a moderate feeling of tension.
after lunch, candidates still have to press entrance of the need to rest for an hour or so further review. So that a test in every time are in the moderate excitement.
225 candidates how to adjust the clock
exam draws near, some candidates may therefore feel anxiety, insomnia and other circadian clock disorder symptoms. To listen to experts on the prevention of this phenomenon recommendations.
doctor s opinion, to break the routine exam, burning the midnight oil the night, it is taboo. In accordance with the current number of daily habits a little early, about 21:30 or so to sleep, get up at 6 am. If sleep difficulties, you can eat before going to bed that will help hypnosis food such as apples, milk, but also listen to paragraphs soothing, beautiful music, but try not to take sedatives. Some students self-assured performance is good, in order to relax and feel away disco, playing video games, this is absolutely not work. The appropriate level of tension in favor of people play; to relax over-thinking the brain would become lazy, dull.
1. refresher Do not stay up all night, otherwise easily lead to clock disorder.
2. according to the normal sleep time a little bit ahead of schedule to ensure the physical the next day.
3. sleep difficulties can eat apples, milk, not to take sedatives.
4. can not be over-relaxation, affecting the brain thought to play.

adjust the clock is a very simple matter, according to their own body temperature to adjust their work and rest time, and if you have a college English (Zhejiang University version), in the third book under a unit described in more detail. you can look at.

You may be young and still has not been long working hours, three shifts is not it? So my experience for your later reference.
day shift: like that, and if I can not sleep on the way to use reading, sleepy and slept.
the middle shift: noon will need to sleep, so sleep is not enough.
night: It is the most difficult to engage in the. Is best to eat dinner early, sleep early, so calm the mind down with the reading of the old solution. Another one is home from work without sleep, to the noon meal to sleep, so sleep is also a sense it is 8-9 hours.
If you are a long-term three shifts, we certainly have enough to sleep 8 hours, preferably before work woke up, so that work will be full of vigor.04-12-21

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