

2010-04-28 14:52:19 阅读8 评论0 字号:

电磁阀的安装与维护要点 电磁阀是自控系统中常用的阀门之一,它以价格低廉、使用简单、方便可靠(能直接接受PLC或DCS的开关量控制信号)而得到用户的一致青睐。当然,再好的东西也得使用的当才能发挥出它应有的功用,下面就把电磁阀在安装与使用维护方面需要注意的问题简单说明一下。 安装注意事项: 1、先要检查电磁阀是否与选型参数一致,比如电源电压、介质压力、压差等,尤其是电源,如果搞错,就会烧坏线圈。电源电压应满足额定电压电压波动范围:交流+10%~-15%,直流+10%~-10%,平时线圈组件不宜拆开。 2、接管之前要对管道进行冲洗,把管道中的金属粉末及密封材料残留物,锈垢等xx。 要注意介质的洁净度,如果介质内混有尘垢,杂质等妨碍电磁阀的正常工作,管道中应装过滤器或滤网。 3、一般电磁阀的电磁线圈部件应竖直向上,竖直安装在水平于地面的管道,如果受空间限制或工况要求必须按侧立安装的,需在选型订货时提出。否则可能造成电磁阀不能正常工作。 4、电磁阀前后应加手动切断阀,同时应设旁路,便于电磁阀在故障时维护。 5、电磁阀一般是定向的,不可装反,通常在阀体上用→指出介质流动方向,安装时要依照→指示的方向安装。不过在真空管路或特殊情况下可以反装。 6、如果介质会起水锤现象,那么应该选用具防水锤功能的电磁阀或采取相应的防范措施。 7、尽量不要让电磁阀长时间处于通电状态,这样容易降低线圈使用寿命甚至烧坏线圈,就是说,常开、常闭电磁阀不可互换使用。 8、蒸汽用电磁阀入口侧应装有疏水阀,该处接管应倾斜。 电磁阀的常见故障与排除 1、电磁阀通电后不工作 :检查电源接线是否不良→重新接线和接插件的连接 ;检查电源电压是否在工作范围内-→调到正常位置范围 ;检查 线圈是否脱焊→重新焊接; 线圈短路→更换线圈 ; 工作压差是否不合适→调整压差→或更换相称的电磁阀; 流体温度过高→更换相称的电磁阀 ; 有杂质使电磁阀的主阀芯和动铁芯卡死→进行清洗,如有密封损坏应更换密封并安装过滤器 ; 液体粘度太大,频率太高和寿命已到→更换产品 。 2、电磁阀不能关闭 : 主阀芯或铁动芯的密封件已损坏→更换密封件 ; 流体温度、粘度是否过高→更换对口的电磁阀 ; 有杂质进入电磁阀主阀芯或动铁芯→进行清洗 ; 弹簧寿命已到或变形→更换 ; 节流孔平衡孔堵塞→及时清洗; 工作频率太高或寿命已到→改选产品或更新产品 。 3、其它情况: 内泄漏→检查密封件是否损坏,弹簧是否装配不良; 外泄漏→连接处松动或密封件已坏→紧螺丝或更换密封件; 通电时有噪声→头子上坚固件松动,拧紧。电压波动不在允许范围内,调整好电压。铁芯吸合面杂质或不平,及时清洗或更换。

“ Solenoid valve installation and maintenance of ”,是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国电磁阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Solenoid Valve Installation and Maintenance Points Solenoid valve is controlled valve system commonly used in one of its low price, easy to use, convenient and reliable (PLC or DCS directly receiving the switching control signal) and unanimously favored by the users. Of course, even the best things that have to use to play when it should function, put the following in the installation and use of solenoid valve maintenance issues needing attention briefly. Installation Notes: 1, first check valve is consistent with the selection of parameters, such as power supply voltage, medium pressure, pressure, etc., especially the power, if wrong, it will burn out coils. Rated voltage power supply should meet the voltage fluctuation range: AC +10% -15%, DC +10% -10%, usually not open coil components. 2, taking over prior to flushing of the pipeline, the pipeline of the metal powder and sealing material residue, rust, etc. removed. Media to pay attention to the cleanliness, if the media with a mixture of dust and impurities, impede the normal operation of solenoid valves, pipes should be installed in the filter or filters. 3, general electromagnetic solenoid valve components to be vertically upward, vertically installed in the pipe on the ground level, if space constraints or conditions required to be installed by Celi, be made in the selection order. Otherwise may cause valve does not work. 4, solenoid valve should be added before and after the manual shut-off valve, and bypass should be located, easy to solenoid valve in the failure to maintain. 5, solenoid valves are generally oriented, not anti-installed, usually on the body with a medium flow direction → pointed out, the installation instructions to follow the direction of → install. But in the vacuum hose or anti-loaded under special circumstances. 6, if the media will play a water hammer phenomenon, you should use a water hammer valve function or to take appropriate preventive measures. 7, try not to let the power on a long solenoid valve, so easy to reduce or even burn out the coil winding life, that is, normally open, normally closed solenoid valve can not be used interchangeably. 8, steam inlet side of solenoid valve should be fitted with traps, there should be inclined to take over. Electromagnetic valve faults and trouble shooting 1, solenoid valve does not work after powering: Check the power wiring is bad → re-wiring and connectors for connection; check the supply voltage is within the scope of work - → transferred to the normal position range; check the coil is loose weld → re-welding; coil short circuit → replace the coil; work pressure is not appropriate to adjust pressure → → commensurate valve replacement; fluid temperature is too high → commensurate valve replacement; the impurity to the main valve spool and the moving core were stuck → cleaning, sealing should be replaced if damaged seals and install the filter; liquid viscosity too much, too often, and life has come to → replacement product. 2, solenoid valve can not close: the main spool or iron core seals move → replace damaged seals; fluid temperature, viscosity is too high → electromagnetic valve replacement counterparts; the impurity into the electromagnetic valve or an iron Fazhu core → cleaning; spring → Life has to change or deformation; throttle Kong Pingheng hole plug → timely cleaning; operating frequency is too high or life → re-election has been to update the product or products. 3, other cases: within → Check the seals leak if damaged, the spring assembly is bad; outside the junction leakage → loose or tight seal has been broken → screws or replace seals; power → noise when the head of the solid pieces of loose, tighten tight. Voltage fluctuations are not allowed within the adjust voltage. Core pull impurities or uneven surface, timely cleaning or replacement.

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