parts of a car

car safety tips (秘诀)

1.always wear a seat belt

2.put children in child car seat

3.always use headlights in bad weather

4.check your brakes(刹车) at least twice a year

5.check your tires frequently for damage

1.child car seat

2.jack 千斤顶

3.trunk 后备箱



6.brake light

7.gas tank 油缸

8.license plate

9.bumper 保险杠

10.air bag

11.rearview mirror 后视镜 belt

13.oil gauge 油压表

14.speedometer 速度计

15.dashdoard 仪表盘

16.gas gauge 燃料表

18.glove compartment汽车仪表盘上的小柜

19.air conditioning


21.horn 喇叭

22.ignition (汽油引擎的)发火装置

23.gearshift 档

24.steering wheel

25.clutch 离合器

26.brake pedal 刹车踏板

27.gas peadal 油门

28.emergency brake

29.windshield wiper 雨刷

30.hood 汽车发动机罩

31.fender 挡泥板

32.engine 引擎


34.jumper cables起搏器

35.radiator 散热器

36.turn signal 转向灯

37.headlight 前灯

open the hood

close the trunk

chech the battery

check the rearview marrior

a spare tire 备胎

a flat tire

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