废塑料管做俏销« oursolo.net

废塑料袋,饮料瓶,烂布雨… …这些都是塑料垃圾的麻烦一些,经特殊处理,生产最畅销的大口径塑料管。日本三重县{zd0}的废物处理公司县-共和党绿色管业有限公司明报青山先生,昨日在深圳举行了新闻发布会,展示其在深圳的研发废旧塑料生产大口径管道专利的{zx1}企业技术。他说,在深圳,上海,北京等地设立在中国的大型塑料管材市场的生产基地和营销网络。







在中国塑料管材行业正在崛起的背后中国的城市化和经济快速增长的巨大商机引起的建设。 “国家化学建材产业”十五“计划和2010年发展计划”,提出到2010年,在该国,改建,扩建工程新,建设管道用塑料材料的80%,城市排水管道塑料管使用率达到30%。此外,建设供水,供水和供暖管道75%,城市供水管道70%,他们将采用塑料管,塑料管,城市燃气的应用高达40%,90%使用电线护套管塑料管。对中国的塑料管的快速发展巨大的市场需求奠定了良好的政策基础,塑料管材市场管市场的4倍左右的平均增长率的增长速度。





Waste plastic pipe to do俏销

Waste plastic bags, drink bottles, rotten cloth rain … … These are some of the headaches of plastic garbage, specially treated to produce a best-selling large-diameter plastic pipe. Mie Prefecture, Japan’s largest waste disposal company - Republican green pipe industry Co., Ltd. Ming Gazette president of Castle Peak, yesterday in Shenzhen, held a news conference to showcase its latest enterprise in Shenzhen R & D waste plastics manufacturing large diameter pipeline patented technology. He said that in Shenzhen, Shanghai and Beijing and other places to set up production bases and marketing network in China’s large-scale plastic pipe market.

“garbage king” waste to treasure

this year, 33-year-old Castle is a prescribed notice has been the company’s white-collar workers, as seen in Japan in the garbage disposal faced pressure, 5 years ago the resignation of the creation of a waste disposal company.

Aoyama said that due to Japan in the garbage that exist in great demand, his company established, rapidly growing business, in just a few years, he set up in central Japan, three large-scale recycling and garbage treatment plant.

Aoyama said that in the Matsushita Electric, NEC and other Japanese companies, with the support of him a business cooperation with South Korea, increase waste plastics to manufacture large-diameter PE pipe research and development. The success of these technologies, there have been the South Korean government attaches great importance to quickly put into production in Korea.

the largest market for plastic pipe in China

“from the international experience, alternative plastic pipe cement, iron, ceramic pipe is a general trend, we are Chinese plastic pipe market confidence.” Castle Peak come up with detailed market research report told reporters that now the global plastic pipe in the annual growth rate of around 4%, Chinese plastic pipe, however the growth rate of over 20%, ranking first in the world.

plastic pipe industry in China is rising behind the building of China’s urbanization and rapid economic growth caused by the enormous business opportunities. “National Chemical Building Materials Industry” Tenth Five-Year “Plan and the 2010 Development Plan” put forward by the year 2010, new in the country, alteration, expansion project, construction pipes used 80% of plastic materials, urban drainage pipes plastic pipe usage to be 30%. In addition, the building water supply, water supply and heating pipes 75%, urban water supply pipe 70% they will be used in plastic pipes, plastic pipes city gas applications up to 40%, 90% wire jacket pipe using plastic pipes. Enormous market demand for China’s rapid development of plastic pipe laid a good foundation of the policy, plastic pipe market pipe market growth rate of about four times the average growth rate.

international cooperation to seize opportunities to help deep

However, due to plastic pipe industry in China is still an emerging industry, the domestic enterprises most of the plastic pipe in its infancy. Although China plastic pipe production capacity rising, last year China’s exports of plastic pipe in the sharp increase in exports than imports, but the volume of trade between a deficit. China plastic pipe industry production and even export mostly low-end products, low added value, product technology, technical content than similar imported products have a big gap, exports are also limited to a small number of less developed regions, in the high-end products there is no innovation and breakthroughs.

Shenzhen Research Center of Industrial Economics Professor Wei Dazhi an interview with reporters, said the use of international cooperation to speed up the cycle of economic and technological development of new industries, the Shenzhen Development of Circular Economy and the construction of environment-friendly society far-reaching significance. Castle Peak, according to the prescribed notice introduce the new plastic pipe technology is the biggest advantage of garbage waste to treasure, and its products cost less than one-third of current similar products, and life should be higher than similar products. Castle hopes to set up in Shenzhen, plastic pipe production plant and of waste plastics recycling research and development centers, the introduction of Japanese investment in China’s export base plastic pipe. Castle Peak

notice pointing out the hands of Living litter samples, these waste plastics market can produce much-needed high-quality large-diameter plastic pipe. (07-11-26)

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