Large methanol highlights in energy-saving emission reduction ...

“Vigorously promote energy-saving emission reduction, construction, ecological province of Hainan,” “building an environment-friendly modern industrial city” … … This morning, CNOOC 800,000 tons of methanol project started the ceremony site, one side surface of the banners flapping in the wind is so full of words. Build the project into environmental protection projects, energy-saving model, the goal of the project builders.

energy consumption is far lower than the domestic medium-sized methanol plant indicators

In fact, the builders to make such a goal is to have emboldened the.

“The project uses the world’s most advanced technology, strictly in accordance with world-class technical standards and management standards for construction of the building, with outstanding environmental benefits.” said Fu Chengyu, general manager of CNOOC.

It is said that 80 tons of methanol project the main installations in the United Kingdom DAVY technology, with a short process, equipment, small, integrated, high efficiency, small footprint, products, high value-added features.

“The technology is the use of hydrogen recovery, pre-conversion, low-pressure methanol synthesis and PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption) recovery tail gas and other energy-saving technologies, using new energy-saving equipment and new insulation materials, greatly reducing the energy consumption of methanol production.” China Shipping Project Chemistry Project Director, Wang Hao Fei said.

been estimated that the project total energy consumption per ton of methanol, 31.4 GJ (heating units), far lower than the domestic medium-sized methanol plant 36 GJ of energy consumption indicators, its comprehensive energy consumption has reached the current international large-scale methanol plant the advanced level. At the same time, the technology uses three-tower distillation process technology, product quality, while achieving superior product in China GB338-2004 and U.S. federal “AA” class standard.

annual “eat” carbon dioxide, 252,000 tons

80 tons of methanol project of energy-saving emission reduction effects of the project lies not only used technology, but also benefit from the raw materials used in methanol production .

According to reports, after the methanol production project uses Ledong high carbon dioxide content and low calorific value of natural gas as raw material. Feed gas concentration of carbon dioxide up to 20%, if used for civilian or electricity and so on, will release a lot of carbon dioxide each year on the environment is bound to cause great pollution.

“and we use this set of carbon dioxide by the world’s advanced technology devices that produce methanol, through the feed gas composition can be self-regulating methanol production process of hydrogen-carbon ratio required for the best, without added carbon, to avoid the a period of more carbon-hydrogen steam reforming process less conflict. “Hao-Fei said.

“in accordance with the current situation, and 80 tons of methanol project the main device is the country’s largest single set of production facilities.” Provincial Director of Public letter to Bureau of heavy industry, Fu Chuan-chi said that such a single series of large-scale methanol production plant is currently the first in the country sets. According to reports, the project put into operation, the package can be consumed per day methanol plant is about 760 tons of carbon dioxide annually consumes 252,000 tons.

Ledong natural gas production and the use of methanol is the best use of their way not only saves the consumption of natural gas, but also greatly reducing the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide emissions, with good economic efficiency and outstanding energy-saving emission reduction benefits.


“大力推进节能减排,建设海南生态省”,“建设环境友好型的现代工业城”… …今天上午,中海油80万吨甲醇项目启动仪式现场,其中一个在风中飘扬的旗帜侧面是如此充满了话。建设成环保工程,节能示范项目,该项目的建设者的目标。






据估计,该项目每吨甲醇能源消费总量,31.4 GJ(供热单位),远远低于国内中低规模的甲醇厂36的能源消耗量指标GJ,其综合能源消费量达到目前的国际大型甲醇装置的先进水平。同时,该技术采用三塔精馏工艺技术,产品质量,同时实现{zy1}的产品在中国GB338 - 2004和美国xx节“AA”级标准。







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