

据报道,抽查发现,产品质量的一些问题包括以下内容:{dy},部分产品铅,镉浸出超过。抽查发现,有6种产品的铅溶出超过严重,高达124.9mg / L的长期使用铅,镉超出了产品的数量,可能会导致重金属中毒。第二,部分产品热稳定性不合格。对失败的热稳定性,在产品的会出现开裂现象过程中使用。继续使用,污物易渗入裂缝和不违反纪律,造成xx繁殖,影响人体健康。


China’s ceramic products lead cadmium severely overweight

Recently, the reporter learned from the quality supervision departments that AQSIQ has medium-sized cities on the part of the quality of ceramic products for daily use of national supervision, inspection results show that small business products of poor quality, the sampling rate was only 65.2 percent of qualified .

It is reported that spot checks found that some of the Product Quality problems include the following: First, some products of lead, cadmium leaching exceeded. The spot checks found that six kinds of products have lead leaching exceeded serious, up to 124.9mg / L. Long-term use of lead, cadmium exceeded the volume of products, can cause heavy metal poisoning. Second, the thermal stability of some products are substandard. Products of the thermal stability of failure in the use of the process of cracking phenomenon will appear. Continue to use, dirt prone to cracks and infiltration should not cleared, resulting in multiplication of bacteria, affect human health.

experts advise consumers to purchase ceramic products for daily use, the first product to view the document box or box marked name and grade of product; followed by observation of the actual product quality, as we choose to look out no significant surface defects, browser-based structured products. Plates, bowls products, may be the same as the size of several specifications of products stacked together, to observe the inter-distance, distance uneven-type non-structured notes. On a single product can be placed or反扣in the glass, the watch is in line with the glass to determine the size of its deformation. Of ceramic products, can be entrusted in the hands of a finger tapping口沿, if issued a hoarse voice, that there has cracks. (07-11-23)

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