陕西潜水泵产品实物质量合格率为87.3% - cilibengwang - 博客大巴
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    2010年第1季度,陕西省质量技术监督局组织对潜水泵进行产品质量监督抽查。此次共抽取样品63批次。合格55批次,不合格8批次,产品实物质量 合格率为87.3%。 潜水泵产品质量不合格的 主要问题是电泵规定效率和电气安全、明示的流量、扬程、标志等项目达不到有关标准的规定要求。无接地装置,或接地线上标志不清、固定不牢靠,造成使用者电击伤亡事件时有发生。电泵效率是考核电泵性能的一个重要指标, 电泵效率的高低直接影响用户的经济利益。输入功率过大是造成效率偏低的一个原因,如果长时间运转会损坏电机,降低电泵 使用寿命。流量扬程指标不合格表现为一些企业乱打xx,乱标参数,以小充大,以低充高。产品铭牌不合格达不到明示产品主要性能的告示,对用户购买产品起不到指导作用甚至误导消费者。 3批次产品质量较差被曝光,分别是标称上海升美电器有限公司生产的规格为“QDX1.5-32-0.75”的“升美”潜水泵;标称台州温岭潘郎宏大电机水泵厂生产的 规格为“QDX3-32-0.37”、生产日期或批号为“2009.7”的“金猴”潜水泵;标称上海大兵机电有限公司生产的规格为“QDX6-30-0.55”、 生产日期或批号为“2009.3” 的“大兵”潜水泵。 针对抽查中发现的主要质量问题,陕西省质量技术监督局已责成各市质量技术监督部门严格按照产品质量法等有关法律法规的规定,对抽查中产品质量不合格的企业依法进行处理,督促企业限期整改;同时,对抽查中质量较好的产品及其生产企业,加大宣传力度。并将继续对潜水泵产品质量进行跟踪抽查,促进行业整体质量水平的提高。

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    1st quarter of 2010, Shaanxi Provincial Quality and Technical Supervision Organization submersible pump product quality supervision and spot checks. The batch of 63 samples were taken. 55 batches of qualified, unqualified eight batches of products quality pass rate of 87.3%. Submersible pump substandard product main problem is pump efficiency and electrical safety requirements, expressed in flow, head, signs and other items not meet the standards specified requirements. No grounding device, or grounding line marks unclear, Unstableness, causing users to electric shock injuries occur. Pump efficiency is the performance appraisal is an important indicator pump, pump efficiency will directly affect the economic interests of users. Input power is too large is one of the reasons causing the low efficiency, if the long run will damage the motor, reduce the pump life. Substandard performance indicators flow head for some brand-name companies Cookin, random standard parameters to a small charge large, low charge high. Product nameplate unqualified products fail to express the performance of the notices, and little guidance for users to buy products or even misleading. 3 batch of poor quality, exposure, namely the nominal U.S. Appliance Co., Ltd. Shanghai rose production specifications "QDX1.5-32-0.75" in the "l U.S." submersible pump; nominal Taizhou Wenling great motor pumps Steven Lang factory production specification "QDX3-32-0.37", production date or lot number as "2009.7" and "Golden Monkey" submersible pump; nominal soldiers Shanghai Mechanical & Electrical Co., Ltd. production specifications for the "QDX6-30-0.55", the production date or lot number as "2009.3" and "soldier" submersible pump. For spot checks found in the main quality problems, Shaanxi Province Quality and Technical Supervision has instructed the municipal quality and technical supervision departments in strict accordance with the Product Quality Law and other relevant laws and regulations, failure of product quality of the sample companies and the law, and urge enterprises deadline rectification; the same time, good quality sample of the product and its manufacturer, step up publicity. Submersible pump and will continue to track product quality checks, to promote the industry overall quality level.


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