东丽区领导到袁家河第二泵站调研- 中国磁力泵- 中国磁力泵- 和讯博客
东丽区领导到袁家河第二泵站调研 [转贴 2010-04-29 16:33:54]   

日前,副区长轧乃利带领区发改委、规划分局、国土分局、东丽供电分公司、无瑕街等单位负责人到正在建设中的 袁家河第二泵站调研指导工作。 在袁家河第二泵站施工现场,轧乃利及相关 单位负责人听取了区水务局和工程项目负责人的情况汇报。袁家河第二泵站是东丽区根据中长期排涝规划决定实施的泵站工程,主要承担着空港加工区、军粮城新市镇、军粮城工业园区及无瑕街部分地区的排水任务。工程占地面积15.73亩,总投资6136.01万元,自2009年9月开工以来,目前 已完成土方开挖43047.6立方米,钢筋制作793.17吨,混凝土浇筑3381.35立方米,砌石4620.6立方米。完成工程总量的75%。预计6月底完成 主体工程、交通桥的建设及水泵、电气设备的安装等工作,预计9月工程全部竣工。 轧乃利在肯定泵站前期施工建设工作的同时,强调,袁家河第二泵站作为区重点工程,是东丽区提高水利设施实力,改善水环境的 重要组成部分。在建设中要统筹考虑,集中力量从xx民生的角度把泵站建设好。要全面考虑2010年的防汛抗旱整体安排,加紧工期建设,尽快投入使用、发挥作用。同时要制定详细的管理办法,施工单位要认真验收工程,确保泵站建成后设备正常运行,雨水排放及时。要确保建成优质工程、廉洁工程,人民群众满意的工程。

“ Dongli District, leading to the second Yuan Jia River Pump Station Survey ”是由提供的水泵行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国磁力泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Recently, Deputy Mayor Lee led the District Development and Reform Commission is rolling, the Planning Branch, Land Branch, Toray Electric Power Company, flawless Street and other units that are under construction in the second Yuan Jia River Pump Station research guidance. In the second Yuan Jia River Pump Station construction site, rolling, and the related interest is the person in charge to listen to the District Water Authority and the Project Leader report on the situation. Yuan Jia River Pump Station is the second Dongli District, according to the implementation of medium and long term planning decisions drainage pumping station project, is mainly responsible for the Airport Industrial Park, Junliangcheng new towns, industrial parks and flawless Street Junliangcheng parts of the drainage task. Project covers an area of 15.73 acres with a total investment 61,360,100 yuan, since September 2009 has started, has completed the soil excavation 43,047.6 cubic meters, steel production of 793.17 tons, 3,381.35 cubic meters of concrete pouring, masonry 4620.6 cubic meters. 75% of the total completed project. The main project is expected to be completed by the end of June, the construction of the bridge traffic and pumps, electrical equipment installation work, construction is expected to be completed in September. Lee is certainly rolling in the early construction of Pump Station construction work, stressed that the second Yuan Jia River Pump Station as a key project area is the strength of Dongli District to improve irrigation facilities, improving the water environment an important part. Overall consideration in the building, we should concentrate on people's livelihood from the perspective of the pumping station building. Take full account of flood control and drought in 2010 the overall arrangement, to step up construction schedule, put into use as soon as possible, play a role. At the same time to develop detailed management approach, the construction units should seriously accepted the work, to ensure normal operation of pumping equipment is completed, the drainage time. To ensure completion of quality projects, clean project, satisfaction of the people of the project.

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