

2010-04-27 13:30:54 阅读4 评论0 字号:

闸阀的启闭件是闸板,闸板的运动方向与流体方向相垂直,闸阀只能作全开和全关, 不能作调节和节流。闸板有两个密封面,最常用的模式闸板阀的两个密封面形成楔形、楔形角随阀门参数而异,通常为50, 介质温度不高时为2°52’。楔式闸阀的闸板可以做成一个整体,叫做刚性闸板;也可以做成能产生微量变形的闸板,以改善其工艺性,弥补密封面角度在加工过程中产生的偏差,这种闸板叫做弹性闸板。 闸阀的种类,按密封面配置可分为楔式闸板式闸阀和平行闸板式闸阀,楔式闸板式闸阀又可分为:单闸板式、双闸板式、空气疏水阀和弹性闸板式;平行闸板式闸阀可分为单闸板式和双闸板式。按阀杆的螺纹位置划分,可分为明杆闸阀和暗杆闸阀两种。闸阀关闭时,密封面可以只依靠介质压力来密封,即依靠介质压力将闸板的密封面压向另一侧的阀座来保证密封面的密封,这就是自密封。大部分闸阀是采用强制密封的,即阀门关闭时,要依靠外力强行将闸板压向阀座,以保证密封面的密封性。

“ Gate the role of principle structure ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国闸阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Is the gate valve opening and closing parts, ram direction of motion perpendicular to the direction of the fluid, valve can only be fully open and fully closed, can not be adjusted and the throttle. Ram has two sealing surface, the most common mode of gate valve sealing surface formed two wedge, wedge angle varies with the valve parameters, usually 50, the medium temperature is not high when 2 ° 52 '. Wedge gate valve of the gate can be made into a whole, called the rigid gate; also be made to produce micro-deformation of ram, in order to improve its process of, to make up the sealing surface angle deviations arising during processing, such gate is called the flexible gate. Valve types, according to the sealing surface configuration can be divided into wedge gate-type valve and parallel to the gate-type valve, wedge gate-type valve can be divided into: single-gate type, dual gate plate, air traps and flexible gate plate; parallel gate-type valve can be divided into single-ram type and double plate. Position by the valve stem threads are divided into clear and dark bar bar gate valve two. Valve closed, sealing surface can only rely on media pressure to seal, in which the medium pressure to ram pressure to the other side of the sealing surface of the valve seat to ensure the sealing surface of the seal, which is a self-sealing. Most of the valve is sealed by force, that the valve is closed, to rely on external pressure to force the gate to the seat, to ensure the sealing surface of the seal.

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