on9ezshop: 竹炭护膝Charcoal Knee Support

ü 去湿气、驱风寒,促进膝关节血液循环。 Expel cold, promote blood circulation knee.

ü 对关节炎等症状有辅助疗效。Good effect in curing Arthritis

ü 降低运动的强度,还极大减轻了对膝关节的压力 Reduce the intensity of exercise and greatly reduced the pressure on the knee

This product is bamboo charcoal yarn fiber calcinations at 1200 , coupled with negative ion of the natural mineral powders calcined a second time, and then ground into powder of nano-carbon, and then make as fiber textiles. The result of high temperatures calcinations and the pore surface with numerous, and consists of the effectiveness as below:

【用途 Uses】


Body gear to wear in the upper limbs or lower limbs, to support, correct or prevent the deformation, and in order to improve the entire body structure directly used in medical equipment. Protective gear is necessary for injury rehabilitation and prevention of jacket, its function wounded or injured on the joints, tendons ligaments provide support, the effectiveness of fixed and oppression, and to maintain the body temperature to promote blood circulation, to prevent excessive movement caused severe injuries, the so-called role in supporting similar fixation fixed as to prevent injury continue to expand, pressure can make the affected area is tight, to prevent the swelling continues to expand, and let the muscles tense, more easily wounded, but also to maintain the body temperature to avoid cold, wet and can promote blood circulation, for office workers in a long time humid air conditioned room, drivers whose air-con outlet directly to the drivers, but also to prevent the occurrence of joint symptoms.

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