怎样辨别精油真假- 美容护肤_美容养颜- 百度美容网














How to distinguish between true and false oil

10 kinds of simple and effective method of identifying

1, to see the price
Mainly essential oils distillation, 100 kg of flowers generally can be extracted from 2 to 3 kg of oil, the real oil price is not too cheap, the market reference price is: ordinary essential oils such as orange, tea tree oil is probably 10m/400 -1,300 dollars, expensive oils such as sandalwood about 10m/900-1700 dollars. Recommend you to the formal beauty of large shopping centers or professional organizations to purchase. If some claim to oil imports, prices cheaper than those made in China if its true or natural self-explanatory.

2, see usage
In addition to rose, tea tree, lavender and a few varieties, most pure essential oils can not be directly used for the skin, or cause burns, peeling, if the business introduced to you the essential oils that can be directly applied to the skin, said that it was pure essential oil, then there is a problem. Must distinguish between the different base oils and essential oils, some of the name name of oil base oil did fool many people.

3, smell taste
Most pure essential oil flavor soft and mellow, because it is {bfb} extracted from plants, so a kind of pure essential oils have the amazing natural taste of the plant (although the smell is not necessarily good news), the deployment of essential oils with fragrance slightly pungent taste, long-term use of such oils are harmful to profits. When the newly recruited taste is not very red nose, but memorable, to the brain there will be a kind of wilderness feel. Everyone feels he’s not the same, it is the first taste, the flavor, after taste different.

4, point Kaoru
A, the unilateral oil point smoked a few times, if the oily residue left behind (other than scale) shows with vegetable oil or mineral oil diluted; if left under the crystal, it is likely that ethanol, ethyl ether diluted bring It is self-evident harm.
B, take a glass of water, drip a drop of essential oil, pure essential oils general essential real fast, then there is no residue, if the use of vegetable oil or mineral oil dilution, evaporation rate will slow more, the water often leaves oil stains.

5, see Package
Essential oils are usually stored in dark sealed small glass bottles with special resistance to acids, alkalis of the cap, to prevent the penetration of sunlight and oxygen, so that only less volatile oils, metamorphism. Kept in good conditions (stored at room temperature), can usually be kept for two years, good quality essential oils can be stored 4-5 years. Citrus essential oil also can be stored 1-2 years, with a dripper bottle packaging with the product is generally between 3% -10% dilution of essential oils, not pure essential oils. Pure essential oils should be marked on the label on the purity.

6, see the proportion of
In general, the proportion of grass essential oil is the lightest, and drops a glass of water will quickly disperse, the water will show oil slick state; resin essential oil the most important elements, drops a glass of water droplets can be integrated into the whole cup the end, not soluble in water. But both will be underwater, the proportion of the essential oil would be distributed two kinds of molecules, though not dissolved, but a full glass of water until they have been filled. Comparison of flower essential oil in particular foreign citrus, the proportion is also heavier than water and insoluble in water, and resin oils like, will the entire drop straight into the water, and can see crystal clear dark green oil beads.

7, see color
For example, the German foreign citrus, very valuable because it contains ingredients “Blue through” its color is dark blue, has a strong 药味. If you buy a colorless that must be fools!

8, see texture
The more pure quality essential oils, penetration of the stronger. Will test the oil in the back of the hand or wrist graze the inside, and then a little massage with a few fingers. Good quality oil will be absorbed in the moment and will not leave skin shining in the oil composition. Essential oils can also rub in view of whether it contains impurities. The traditional method such as pressing frozen out from the peel oil pressure, which will leave little residue, which makes product quality is poor. As the molecular structure of the causes of the volatile oil faster, play in the 5-10 fair share command, indicating relatively pure. Evaporation is very slow is not necessarily a pure essential oil.

9, see confluence
Hydrophobic quality pure essential oils are highly deployment within the base oil, it will be fully integrated, the two elements are fully integrated. Otherwise, that is, chemical compounds containing essential oils or waxes, so that can not be fully integrated with the base oil.

10, see origin
Extraction of essential oils of plants, because of the quality of different origin differ. The quality of land, air temperature, humidity and plant level, harvest time and processing methods, have a direct impact on the quality of its pros and cons of essential oils. So, choose essential oils should pay attention to the origin of the plant. (Out the origin of some essential oils such as rose oil is Bulgaria, etc.)


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