Jiangsu Wuxi to build high-rise will be 250 meters deep-fried into ...

2007 West Lake, the first years to build high-rise towers bombed the controversial picture

read the newspapers found out high-rise will be blasting

“Why should good to blow up a high-rise? “

■ experts

if they are not read the newspaper, Mr. Zhou Wuxi people may not know so fast, and his home only a few 10 meters away a 22-storey high-rise of 98 meters will be blasting in the next month.

high-rise was the first People’s Hospital of Wuxi City Complex Building, in December 1997 to start construction by the end of September 2000 delivery; December 2007, in Wuxi City First People’s Hospital of total removal, high-rise would be idle up. Recently, some workers and vehicles entering the hospital to begin in and around several high-rise building knock, a huge glass wall shattered windows and doors have been removed away. “the beginning, I thought again of high-rise renovation, daily and neighbors after the transformation of immense interest to speculate what the tall building will be used. “Mr. Zhou said:” But the dream did not expect the results with our conjecture are thousands of miles apart. “

the surprise of Mr. Zhou is a shortage of 100 picture-word report, published in Wuxi, a local newspaper. The report said, “the original unicameral 22-storey high building, which is scheduled for mid-April Blasting. It is understood that the directional blasting blasting will create the most Jiangsu floors. “

” well why should blow up a high-rise? “just to see the reports, Mr. Zhou also skeptical,” I immediately went to inquire about the hospital site, the workers said they do not know, I also find work in the Government’s son, his son confirmed that the report is true. “

high-rise to deep-fried the news, let Mr. Zhou depressed for several days,站在阳台上every day, watching the high-rise straight trance. “I am puzzled why how deep-fried. These two days, I was in a letter to the department concerned, could retain its appeal. “Mr. Zhou said. The table beside him, put there just loaded a pile of letters sealed off.

many people know that high-rise to be blasting the news, they are surprised sigh apart, and some chose the network to express their voices and opinions.

built using only 7 years in Wuxi City First People’s Hospital Comprehensive Building Blasting next month. The directional blasting blasting will hit the most Jiangsu floors. A message, This is a 22-storey high-rise of 98 meters immediately aroused the concern of the parties and hot you.

allowed the construction of the building in 1997, completed in September 2000. In 2003, the building where the land planning changes, from a medical site adjusted to commercial sites. Some members of the public blame the Government has not come from a long-term and scientific planning to blow up tall buildings do not comply with the requirements of a conservation-minded society. The Government wants the public to understand long-term view of the dialectical nature of the adjustment and high-rise block of blasting. Different view also showed the urban construction in some of the issues that need to be solved.

should establish strict accountability mechanisms to improve

Jiangnan University, speaking on condition of anonymity professor said in an interview that, blasting things Hospital Building of view can be divided into two levels: first, how the building originally planned; second, the building is not non-fried.

The professor said that the first level, there may be two reasons, First, short-sighted planning departments, only the immediate, despite the long-term, and the other is the Chief Executive will, “racking their brains” works. Some large-scale architectural planning and design, depends on a small number of decision makers, “racking their brains” or a circle drawn in the leadership of Lane argues that the new leadership took office are not pleasing to the eye looked at, so just give the order to dismantle.

fried building is questionable. Why does the Government not to stay but agreed to blow up, sold mainly to higher land prices, higher construction skyscraper. The final analysis, the concept of local urban development bias, is the weak rule of law. Blind pursuit of some leading performance, the pursuit of short-term interests and the surface of the image, only a few engage in during his term of office “looks like” the works, as well as the resultant rise in GDP, rather than talk about long-term interests and comprehensive benefits. Leadership that built on the building that demolition on the demolition, so the city can do nothing about planning to become a mere scrap of paper, so that urban construction and demolition repeatedly plunged into the vicious cycle, and the resulting losses, the surface is the developers pay, in fact, ultimately the people’s hard-earned money.

The professor said that whether a project is built or demolished, should organize experts to seriously argues that public opinion should be widely heard, but also establish a strict sound accountability mechanism. Liu Xianghong Express Reporter

Wuxi First People’s Hospital complex is located in heart of the city, although the surrounding high-rises, but its grandeur is still very eye-catching shapes. Building is, the side of the “First People’s Hospital of Wuxi City, Wuxi City, Children’s Hospital” in several gold-filled characters, standing in the road outside a few hundred meters are clearly visible.

building now seems to have is a big site. Blue glass curtain wall砸得a lot of problems on each floor under the window are removed, become a black hole. The building is empty, garbage everywhere, dust乱舞, jingling sound of the beat and ear-piercing sound of an electric drill here.

a Construction told the reporter that the building valuable things have been available almost demolished, a few days, it is necessary to enter the substantive stage of the main body of the demolition, the main work is blasting.

profile shows the construction of the building: the building is the Wuxi municipal government and First People’s Hospital of Wuxi joint construction, construction area of 39,145 square meters, 22 floors, 98 meters high, with a total cost of 37,767,000 yuan. Building the framework of the structure, construction of large diameter steel bars used to connect high-performance new technologies. Building December 15, 1997 began September 19, 2000 completion.

on integrated building construction and use of the Wuxi City have been incorporated into the original People’s Hospital of Wuxi City First People’s Hospital related to leadership declined an interview with reporters, “blasting on the eve of the building, to discuss these very sensitive, nor适合. “

” down with the stay, not our purview, we can not evaluate. “I talked about are going to be blasting the 22-storey high-rise, Wuxi City, the hospital management center and the former Wuxi City First People’s Hospital are some of the leadership to be avoided.

Wuxi City People’s Hospital Division is responsible for propaganda and say, “First People’s Hospital of Wuxi City of the merge and the relocation is decided by the Government, not a unit or individual is able to change and decision. We are just implementing the above decision. To interview, you go to the Government. Is impossible for us to talk about. “

floor for the bombing, the relevant leaders to avoid

” blasting on the eve of the building, to discuss these very sensitive, nor suitable. “


Wuxi City Planning Bureau, a staff member told reporters that the First People’s Hospital of Wuxi City Complex Building, early 1997 through the planning approval, completed in September 2000, “was the urgent need of hospital development, planning and construction of the higher starting point and standards. “the staff member they may not think of is that in 2003, the Government of Wuxi City First People’s Hospital block planning adjusted by the medical nature of the land into a commercial. In other words, the building has just completed 3 years, its fate has been basically demolished lock.

for such a short period of time planning a qualitative change, the Urban Planning Bureau, a staff member explained, “urban planning started late, they are more limited, especially in the last century 90’s, it is difficult to achieve the current standards and requirements. “

the staff member said that the City First People’s Hospital planning block adjustment is a major scientific decision-making. By the end of 2002, the center of the Second homes, maternal and child health care hospital due to hardware constraints, business development deeply blocked, have been proposed to the construction of new buildings. City Hall should be fixed from time to time, in view of the old city of 2.7 square kilometers within the scope of four major hospitals together, and mostly in the areas of traffic obstruction, and Wuxi cities have been expanding continuously Residential scattered members of the public find it difficult to adapt the situation of the situation, the fully integrated Wuxi health resources. The program by the relevant departments organized experts and 10 times the basic set hammer after the demonstration. August 2003, the city government formally decided to invest more than 10 billion yuan, 3.2 kilometers away from the Old City, a place to build an area of 191,800 square meters, with a total construction area of 256,200 square meters, bedspace 2000, with today’s most advanced very large hospital diagnostic equipment.

2007 years 12 months, the official completion of the hospital use, named Wuxi City People’s Hospital, City First People’s Hospital, Children’s Hospital and the City, the Fifth People’s Hospital, the relocation of the whole merge in, City Second People’s Hospital, City People’s Hospital, part of the third feature is also incorporated into the sections.

completion of the project will be adjusted 3-year planning

“urban planning started late, they are more limited, especially in the last century 90’s, it is difficult to achieve the current standards and requirements. “

new medical center, covering an area of 23,050 square meters of the Wuxi City First People’s Hospital site will be listed by the Government to sell. September 2007, the land price of 466.3 million yuan to starting, after 169 rounds of competition, a real estate enterprise to 1.201 billion yuan eventually won the right to use the land and create the Wuxi site in recent years, average the most.

City Planning Bureau staff said, the city of the First People’s Hospital is located in the city center core block region, business is very developed, and it is in Wuxi City is currently the most mature development of the CBD district. Piece of land can produce such a high price, from another perspective, that the planning adjustment is correct.

According to the plan, Wuxi City First People’s Hospital site will be a set of high-end five-star hotel, office, and other top commercial business as one integrated body, following the completion of the project is also a regional center in Wuxi a small number of high-grade construction, and about 250 meters of the building height will also be re-creation of the liberation of Wuxi City Loop building height within the region the most (under construction Hongdou International Plaza is about 248 meters high).

after demolition, in situ or high-rise building, why can not retain the existing high-rise? Wuxi City Planning Bureau staff said, “In fact, the Government wanted to retain the city’s First People’s Hospital This is a high-rise, many times recommended bidder spoil the land, as far as possible, continue to use it. “a reporter asked, If the Government wants to retain high-rise, high-rise is entirely possible to retain the land transfer as a condition. In this regard, the staff member explained: “high-rise block located in the middle, if retained, will affect the overall transfer of land prices, even the 1.201 billion yuan less than half of all land sales. “

blasting in the high-rise issue, the staff member that” deep-fried House, the Government does not suffer “,” construct a new larger hospital, the Government spent more than one billion point, and the transfer of an old hospital on the block won 12 million yuan, said the Government should be to achieve a surplus, it is a success. “” If you say that, the demolition of tall buildings is a loss and waste, it is also a loss and waste of corporate money. “the staff member said,” because the land transfer prices have been above, including land and its buildings. “

Wuxi City Land Bureau is responsible for that demolition is the need for transformation of the old city, not to waste and conservation standards, what things are relative, urban construction to the development and dialectical perspective.

to blow up the building, the Government does not suffer

“construct a new larger hospital, the Government spent more than one billion points, and that transfer of an old hospital on the block won 12 million yuan, said the Government should be to achieve a surplus, it is a success. “

burst of high-rise in recent years


only 7 years on the deep-fried It is too wasteful

“Building the quality of good, into the ruins is a real pity”

original Wuxi First People’s Hospital said one of the old staff : “Building a good quality of the construction, the outside is also very new, so ruins is a pity. “According to a construction unit in the work of Miss Song estimate,” a hospital complex in the current valuation should be at 1 billion yuan. In the central promote a conservation-minded society of today, only to build more and better buildings, blow up so easily should not be built until 7 years of high-rise, it was too wasted太xx. “

public Mr. Xu said,” the leaders of a small conference in the General Assembly has repeatedly stressed that a long-term vision, to be able to see the two decades after three decades of Wuxi, how in this Planning and construction of buildings on such short-sighted, we can only see ah 2056. Planning departments are not doing a good job pre-planning, does not take into account the future development, which is affecting urban development and construction of cities and an important factor. “

● 2006 years 11 8, is located in the Lu Pu Bridge above the eastern side of Pudong Iron and Steel Group Pu steel 16-storey office building the company was blasting. Pu steel building was built in 1987, was the first high-rise district of Pudong.

● 2007 years 1 on 6, tourist destinations, the beautiful West Lake in Hangzhou, 22 layer, 67 meters high, the design life of 100 years, the first high-rise West Lake is known as Zhejiang University, Hubin Campus 3 Building, through it in just 13 years life time, was blasting demolition.

● 2007 years 1 7, had been as a coastal city of Qingdao, one of landmarks of the 24-story building railway buildings, the sound of the blasting came tumbling down.


the life of British Architecture

in the United Kingdom, the average life expectancy of its construction up to 132 years , ranking first in the world. In the UK, not only attaches great importance to the quality of construction, planning, design has also been argued in detail. At the same time, the United Kingdom paid great attention to building maintenance, reinforcement and disease treatment, to extend the service life of construction to improve the efficiency of resource use.

Next: Ministry of Construction: price drop will not be decreased significantly increase

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Chinese version:江苏无锡为建250米高楼 将炸建成7年22层大楼

2007年西湖{dy}高楼炸了再建高楼引起争议 资料图片
















这位教授说,一个项目无论是建还是拆,都应组织专家认真论证,都应广泛听取民意,还应建立严格完善的问责机制。快报记者 刘向红





















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