营口管件阀门生产成为全国生产基地之一- 中国电动阀门网- 博客大巴
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    4月23日,市管件阀门行业协会正式成立。记者获悉,目前,营口管件阀门企业生产的产品,在产品质量和技术含量方面均居国内同行业xx,营口管件阀门生产成为全国四大生产基地之一。 目前,营口地区管件阀门行业共有企业80多户,从业人员近1万人,有 10多个系列,万余种规格型号产品,各种管件阀门年生产能力20万吨。北方牌、四方牌、亚泰牌等品牌管件阀门为国内外xxxx。营口管件阀门在国内外市场享有一定的声誉,部分产品达到国际水平,管件阀门产品是营口主要的出口产品之一。2009年,营口管件阀门行业产值达20多亿元人民币,出口额3.4亿元,约占生产总值17%。

    “ Yingkou pipe valve into a national production base ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国电动阀门网还提供相关产品搜索: 、 、、 、 等。

    April 23, City Pipe Valve Industry Association was established. Reporter was informed that, at present, Yingkou pipe fittings valve production of products, product quality and technical content in the area tops the domestic industry first, Yingkou pipe fittings valve become one of the four major production bases. At present, the Yingkou area pipe valve industry more than 80 families a total of enterprises, employing nearly 1 million, more than 10 series, thousand kinds of specification models, all kinds of pipe fitting valves 200,000 tons annual capacity. North card, four card, card brands such as Asia and Thailand valve fittings for domestic and foreign brands. Yingkou pipe valve in the domestic market enjoy a certain reputation, some products up to international standards, Yingkou pipe valves are one of main export products. In 2009, Yingkou pipe fittings valve industry output value of more than 20 billion yuan and exports of 340 million yuan, accounting for 17% of GDP.


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