

2010-04-26 14:41:50 阅读4 评论0 字号:

原文:China Guangdong Nuclear Valves by engineering firm orders for two million U.S. dollars
China Guangdong Nuclear Valves by engineering firm orders for two million U.S. dollars China Valves Technology, Inc. (CVVT), today announced that the company has received one from the China Guangdong Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd. (CNPEC) the value of two million dollars in purchase orders, purchase products, including gate valve, check valve and ball valve. China Guangdong Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd. is specialized in China's first nuclear power plant construction and management company, set project supervision, engineering consultation, import and export qualification and tender agents in one, the owners exercised the functions of project management, overall responsibility for nuclear power projects and other energy sources engineering from the preparation to the design procurement, civil construction, installation, transfer of manufacturing process management.

China Guangdong Nuclear Valves by engineering firm orders for two million U.S. dollars ; 是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海丰企阀门有限公司还生产 及保温钛放料阀,V型调节钛球阀,刀型钛闸阀,旋启式钛止回阀,F9T43X电动盲板阀,欢迎您的选购。)

中国阀门获中广核工程公司200万美元订单 中国阀门技术公司(CVVT)今日宣布公司已获得一份来自中广核工程有限责任公司(CNPEC)的价值两百万美元的购买订单,购买产品包括闸门阀、止回阀及球阀。 中广核工程有限公司是我国xx专业化的核电工程建设和管理公司,集工程监理、工程咨询、进出口和招标代理等资质于一体,行使业主工程管理职能,全面负责核电工程及其他能源工程从前期准备到设计采购、土建施工、安装调试、移交生产的全过程管理。

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