There in the pressure tap cvt why not shake the end of the ...


a medium-pressure tap cvt why not shake the end of the insulation screen?

for Capacitive voltage transformer CVT must specify two points:
⑴ CVT for medium-pressure tap should be referred to a single CVT (110kV or 220kV next section) with the voltage transformer C1 and C2 the middle of the terminal A ‘;
⑵ CVT only the end of the capacitor, rather than calling it the end of screen; capacitor-type current transformer due to its production in different ways, while the outer layer of its capacitance, said capacitance screen it as the end of screen;
Note: (capacitor-type structure of the current transformer, electric screens are at the end (the most outer layer capacitance screen). Capacitive CT is widely used in porcelain box-type “U”-shaped coil structure, in order to improve the main insulation strength, insulation placed in a certain number of concentric circular capacitive screen (the outermost screen grounded capacitors), the capacitor formed between the screen one by one in series capacitor, which is called the cable capacitance-type insulation. the adjacent capacitor between screen capacitors are equal, then its near-uniform voltage distribution. neighboring capacitor insulation thickness of the smaller screen, then the use of insulation, the better. capacitive screens a few more, then the insulation in the more uniform distribution of electric field strength. In fact, capacitance screen number can not be too much, can do to make the electric field was approximately uniform intensity distribution. Therefore, capacitor-type insulation in the electric field strength within the CT distribution of the structure, forming a capacitive screen, that is, the outermost layer of capacitive screen - the end of electric screens.

CVT’s divider capacitor insulation resistance measurement:
⑴ measuring the insulation resistance of C1 + C2 - C1 pressing the first side A; the C2 end of N ground. C1 and C2 were measured without. shall medium voltage transformer high voltage winding of end of the XL vacant.
⑵ medium voltage transformer CVT measuring the insulation resistance: In the A ’side pressure measurement of high voltage transformer CVT in the pressure of the secondary-to-ground insulation resistance; shall C2 the end of the N left vacant; to medium voltage transformer high voltage winding The end of the XL grounding.

do not know if the pressure tap that? I know that the CVT is a screen at the end farthest from the live parts of which the outermost layer, which is the lowest voltage, normal operation , it should be grounded, or there will be thousands of volts of high voltage, grounding is to ensure that their normal work.
CVT shaking at the end is the end of the insulation screen screen-to-ground insulation. because of the end of screen running on the ground, so if the end of screen -to-ground insulation is low, it will not affect the normal CVT operation.
something like this, specifically I’m not very clear.


类别: 电力


⑴ CVT的中压抽头所指应该是单节CVT(110kV的或220kV的下节)含中压变压器的C1与C2的中间端子A’;



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