脸部皮肤发黄怎么办- 美容护肤_美容养颜- 百度美容网












How do yellow facial skin

First of all, do not worry too much about this situation, many people have. This is a problem inside the body, is due to conditioning your body does not make good result. Is the so-called “Home Safe foreign soil,” If a bad apple out of the wrong which you cleaned doing the simple beauty you can not bad?

Second. Never believe that beauty products can help you solve the problem, do the work surface will be exposed one day a greater problem. As long as blood is not enough beautiful women want to be difficult!

If you look sallow or very dark dull generally mild anemia and blood deficiency, normally the absorption capacity of the gastrointestinal tract are relatively weak, although some were saved because the usual diet is too, too lax, resulting in malnutrition. However, significant yellow color and even the eyes are yellow sclera, and that is sick liver and gallbladder, such as hepatitis, jaundice, biliary obstruction and so on. If not, is simple anemia it!

So the solution is to eat three meals a day seriously, do not eat any food cold and cool, that’s cold and cool here, not only referring to the food’s cold and cool temperatures are cold and cool nature of the food, food must be done soft, thin, rotten so it can easily gastrointestinal absorption. Such as watermelon, melon, bananas, crabs, clams, shellfish, etc. These are the Big Chill the food, it is recommended not to eat. Can often boil the only poor to eat a variety of nutritional paste, boil all the crappier broth, soup bones, bone marrow soup, beef tendon soup, eel soup, such as eel, shrimp and other food for a week 2 to 3 times, can be blood, kidney. Do not any of the drinks, cold drinks and so on.

Diet recommendations:

1, normal blood and kidney diet to eat more food, to sex-based level of temperature, such as beef, mutton, pork, etc., to break the break to eat a variety of meat, which will help the absorption of nutrients. 2-3 times a week to eat shrimp and eel, blood and kidney. Eat more of the even temperature of the vegetables, meat and vegetarian dishes with the best ratio is 1:1. Jishi cold and cool type of food, no matter the temperature or the nature of the food. Eat spicy food lit. Do not eat food spilled gas, such as hawthorn, radish, tea and so on. The color of blood sufficient natural woman Oh great! Of course, men are just as effective Oh!

2, can eat solid element paste, once a day, a spoonful. Angelica half a teaspoon of powder daily. Can fasting morning bowl of brown sugar, ginger, water will eggs. Can use the wok Chaohei dates, add some dried longan tea drinking, blood tonic. Can also jujube, ginkgo (peeled) boil some water, kidney qi. Eat sweet potatoes, onions, green leafy vegetables, help defecation. This is the blood Oh! Good cosmetic results! Do not believe you go online look up.

3, insisted every night with warm water foot bath to sweat slightly, 2 times per week, the leaves can be added to help dispelling the cold and wet. Adhere to the back hitting the wall to clear the meridians. While the foot bath, you can massage both ears, hair, helps relieve headaches. Do some exercise to suit the waist, spleen appetite, enhance the internal organs. After the press can focus on the ten feet or toes —- This detoxification and beauty.

4, in daily 11 am to 13 points on the Heart Sutra rub arms, especially small sea cave, and then rub the back shu points in the waist, which is the most effective way kidney —– This also can improve the complexion.

5. Moxa with six green, round smoked lower abdomen to the navel, 2 times a week, a 30-40 minutes, can promote the lower abdomen of the blood circulation, to speed up your metabolism throughout the body, promoting detoxification of the body, the skin healthier, more shiny!


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