第4期家居xx大搜查Keep a Super-Clean House
You’ve worked hard to make your house a beautiful, peaceful haven – but even super-tidy homes can harbor unwelcome germs. But, not to worry: health.com have tracked down these germs and come up with simple strategies to get rid of them. 
Simple Fix: After you rinse or cook food, clean the sink, counters, and faucet with soap and water or an antibacterial cleanser. It’s tempting to leave your cleaning implement – a damp rag or sponge – hanging around to use the next day, but that could create a germ breeding ground. Instead, sanitize1 your sponge or brush in the dishwasher and your dishrags in the washing machine. To really disinfect the sink and drain, clean them twice a week with a solution of one tablespoon of bleach and one quart of water: scrub the basin, then pour the solution down the drain.
Washing your food before eating removes some germs, of course, and cooking meat kills dangerous bacteria like salmonella. And you probably know it’s smart to chop meats and veggies on separate boards. Still, almost 25% of food-sickness outbreaks are the result of kitchen mistakes, such as using contaminated cutting boards.
Simple Fix: If your food doesn’t smell or feel right, throw it out. As for your cutting board, use glass or plastic, both of which are nonporous and most resistant to germs. When you’re done with the board, wash it in hot, soapy water, and then spray it with a mixture of one teaspoon of bleach to 16 ounces of water that you keep in a clearly labeled spray bottle. Finally, rinse the cutting board again with hot water or toss it in the dishwasher. Got a beat-up board? Replace it. Bacteria can hide in a cutting board with lots of knife-cut indentations2.
There’s a tenth of a gram of feces hiding in every pair of underwear, and washing doesn’t always remove it all. That means you can get E. coli on your hands every time you transfer underwear from the washer to the dryer. And a single soiled undergarment can spread those dangerous bacteria to the whole load. 
Simple Fix: Think 150 degrees, the temperature at which you should run your washer and dryer, to kill bacteria. Wash underwear separately, and wash whites with bleach, which kills 99.99% of bugs. Transfer wet laundry to the dryer quickly so germs don’t multiply; dry for at least 45 minutes (or until the load is fully dry). Wash your hands after doing laundry, and run a cycle of bleach and water after laundering unmentionables3 to eliminate any lingering germs.
Simple Fix: After brushing, rinse your toothbrush with hot water and stand it up in a water glass to air-dry. Don’t lay it on the counter, where it can gather other bathroom germs, and don’t store it in a travel case, where bacteria can thrive in the moisture. You can even clean your toothbrush in the dishwasher once in a while. 
Simple Fix: Use a disinfecting cleanser once a week on the bathroom floor and sides of the tub and shower; rinse well and dry the surfaces with a towel. Keep the shower dry on a daily basis by using a squeegee4, and disinfect the squeegee weekly, too. 
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