10月份全国金银珠宝零售额增长37.5% « oursolo.net



钟表业,批发和6899.00亿元零售额,同比增长百分之18.0,住宿和餐饮业零售额1171.0亿元,比增长21.4%; 193亿元的其他工业,增加了5.0%的零售额。



National Jewelers in October retail sales up 37.5%

According to the latest National Bureau of Statistics announced in October retail sales of consumer goods 826.3 billion yuan, up 18.1 percent. Among them, the gold and silver jewelry categories of merchandise sales grew 37.5 percent.

look different from region to region, urban consumer goods retail sales of 559.8 billion yuan, up 18.6 percent, and below the county level retail sales of 266.5 billion yuan, an increase of 17.1%.

watch industry, wholesale and retail sales 689.9 billion yuan, up 18.0 percent; accommodation and catering industry retail sales of 117.1 billion yuan, an increase of 21.4%; 19.3 billion retail sales in other industries, an increase of 5.0% .

look at merchandise category, the limit above the wholesale and retail food, clothing, merchandise category with retail sales grew 24.4 percent year-on-year, 32.6% and 26.2%. Among them, the grain and oil rose 45.1 percent, 45.4 percent growth in poultry and eggs, clothing shoes and hats textile needle-type growth of 32.6 percent, and cultural office supplies rose 26.3%, sports, entertainment, supplies rose by 35.0 percent, daily necessities rose 27.5 percent, household appliances and audio-visual equipment rose 30.5 percent, 41.7 percent growth in furniture, construction and decoration materials rose 42.5 percent, cosmetics category grew 32.1%, gold and silver jewelry rose 37.5 percent, communications equipment rose 8.5 percent, automotive category grew 36.1 percent, petroleum and petroleum products grew 17.8%.

1-10 total monthly retail sales of consumer goods 7209 billion yuan, an 16.1 percent increase over the same period last year. (07-11-23)

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