有毒蘑菇如何确定? « Live in China 混在中国



环过去处理功能,对腐朽的菌类,如草地面有机质,6月哲通常是白色,浅黄色至浅黄色,绿色成长明确的xx环,作为环柄菇属众所周知,现在是属划分成几个,这些都是有有毒,铅绿褶菇的xx某些类型的一部分。 2000年7月,参加9月在广州(Guangzhou China),这两个毒蘑菇中毒的地方是野生食用菌类。
生长在牛粪上的其他蘑菇,一大部分的病毒,虽然他们分类学上属于不同的类群,但其毒性都较为相似,通常的主要原因神经中毒类疾病的症状也可能导致中毒的胃肠型。如多点折叠蘑菇,蘑菇裸盖等,更在广东常见。 2000年4月参加了广州(Guangzhou China)市番禺(China Panyu)区发生肉眼所涵盖的10古巴(Cuba)移民工人吃(俗称与牛屎菇)中毒事件属于这一类别称为蘑菇。受伤的一些
再次,“因地制宜”的立法。他说:“经验”蘑菇猎人,在新的地方绝不能掉以轻心,一定要了解实际情况,没有不喂(广州(Guangzhou China)足够的把握,事件发生在9食物中毒个案,有来自6陌生人吃它自己造成的集合)。有毒和xx蘑菇相似,身份查验很多事情要特别小心,当你一定要注意周围的环境。
四是观察。在市场上购买野生蘑菇,主要是干货,一个更大的变化,在蘑菇类,一般很难确定。因此,仔细观察是否混在其中,不知道,不要购买有毒蘑菇。在正常情况下,{zh0}不要购买市场上的野生蘑菇,以防止蘑菇中毒事件引起的中毒(虽然毒性较低)。 2000年广州(Guangzhou China)市干部在超市购买一包野生蘑菇后中毒症状,食用器官,是一个典型的例子。
五是“警惕法”。野生蔬菜,野生蘑菇和其他野生动物菜肴,营养丰富,味道鲜美,是人们喜欢的食物。因此,野生餐馆逐渐增加了人们吃野菜,野蘑菇和创造商机。但是,有时不合食用的蘑菇,或者没有xx煮熟的污染(没有煮熟的一些野生蘑菇会有点毒性)通过肠胃不适或中毒造成的消费也发生了,特别是在食品火锅,更容易出现。因此,野生餐厅吃饭,一定要提醒食肆工作人员特别注意是否掺杂有毒蘑菇,一定要煮熟后才吃的食物,否则。 2000年,在蘑菇餐馆在春节前在深圳(Shenzhen China)的人吃一顿后,全家呕吐,xx等症状。在餐馆发出了样品检测微蘑菇中毒。阿于2001年在广州(Guangzhou China)有毒蘑菇中毒事件发生后,餐馆的“牛肝菌提交”干货物,货样,其实有五个不同的xx,其中60%是一种有毒的混合品种。







Identify how poisonous mushrooms?

activities in the field burning point of mushroom soup could not be better! Identify how it can be poisonous mushroom?

the rainy season, the vegetable market on the sale of wild mushrooms (also known as Wild Mushroom) many, because of its special delicious taste, popular consumer favorite, but rather lead to eating wild poisonous mushrooms tragic accidents have also occurred. To this end introduce some special way to identify the poisonous mushrooms:
a look at the growth zone. More non-toxic edible mushrooms grow in a clean grass or pine, oak trees, poisonous mushrooms often grow in dark, damp dirty zone.
two to see the color. Surface bacteria poisonous mushrooms colorful, red, green, jet, bruising and other colors, especially purple often highly toxic, easy to change color after harvesting.
3 to see the shape. Non-toxic than the flat cap mushroom, umbrella surface smooth, the surface bacteria-free round, the lower part of aseptic care, toxic central cap was convex-shaped, shape strange, thick plate bacteria side hard, bacteria bacterium rod wheel, bacteria child care or a thick long slender stalk, easy to break.
4 look secretions. To pick fresh wild mushrooms tear off bacteria stalk, non-toxic secretions brighter water (individual is white), bacteria do not face torn off color; toxic secretions thick thick, was auburn, tearing up the rear in the air, easy to change color.

According to incomplete statistics, the world s known toxicity of the toxin with the more obvious types of up to more than 400 kinds of (if a minor toxic species are counted as many as 1,000 kinds), there are more than 200 kinds of Chinese toadstool . The different types of poisonous mushrooms have different toxicity, caused by the severity and symptoms are not the same, which is contained by a poisonous mushroom toxin type and toxin content of the decision. Poisonous mushroom poisoning caused by a common poisonous mushroom taxa What does? In recent years, the main common poisoning incidents caused by toxic mushroom taxa are:
Amanita (ie, Amanita genus) species, ring handle mushrooms, and we deal with these types of viral special vigilance. Amanita main features are provided by health, there are bacteria care (and sometimes bacteria obvious care and become enlarged the base of the stipe), with or without bacteria Central Junzhe white. This year a number of deaths caused by the deadly Amanita belongs to Amanita.
ring handle features mushrooms grow on decaying organic matter such as a grass ground, Jun Zhe usually white, light yellow to light yellow-green, with a clear ring of bacteria, in the past were known as Lepiota mushroom genus, it is now is divided into several genera, these are there are some types of toxic, lead green pleated mushroom part of this fungus. In July 2000, took place in September in Guangzhou, the two poisonous mushroom poisoning is a kind of wild edible mushrooms.
grow on cattle dung on the other mushrooms, a large proportion of viral, although they are taxonomically belong to different taxa, but its toxicity were relatively similar, usually the main cause nerve-type symptoms of poisoning can also cause gastrointestinal type of poisoning. Such as multiple spots fold mushrooms, mushroom bare cover and so on, are more common in Guangdong. In April 2000 took place in Guangzhou s Panyu District 10 naked covered the Cuban migrant workers eat mushrooms (commonly known as mushrooms covered with cow dung) poisoning incidents fall into this category. Some of the injured
become green, or green color with a Junzhe types have to be careful (such as lead blue-fold umbrella Junzhe a little green, Cuba, nude cover umbrella injured bacteria will become green). After the oxidation of these injuries become blue green chemicals may be toxic.
poisonous plants in the vicinity of the mushroom species can not feed.
talking about here is a poisonous mushroom and characteristics of some taxa are not recognized standards and methods for toxic mushroom poisoning. However, with these characteristics are not necessarily poisonous mushrooms.
civil identify poisonous mushrooms in error. Sometimes, even the experts in identifying poisonous mushrooms should be using microscopes and other equipment can be accurately identified, with the naked eye or experience, the accuracy of identification of poisonous mushrooms is not reliable. Now the most popular of the many poisonous mushroom identification method , first, there is no scientific basis, there is a regional and limitations of the second and third rule of thumb, do not meet the objective reality. Therefore, we should not casually think. For example:
bright colors, or poisonous mushrooms look nice , this bright and pretty itself is no standard sex. Yan color is not a matter of fact, the meat looks ugly brown scales Xiao San, autumn Galerina other Amanita poisoning is very substantial. Amanita muscaria is very beautiful, a lot of mushrooms are all works of art created out of it as a prototype, but it is indeed toxic; equally beautiful Caesarea, but it is a very well-known edible.
no life maggots, insects do not eat, bitter, poisonous mushrooms fishiness, but the famous toadstool Amanita leopard slug feeding, and often many toxic species may be health maggot.
widespread the mushroom and silver, garlic, rice, or fried with black color Zhuhou toxic In fact, mushroom toxin does not react with silver, which is actually a misrepresentation, there is no scientific basis.
injuries color, stream of toxic mushroom juice but in fact is not always the case, as in Lactarius mushrooms, Lactarius injured Office and milk are blue green, but it is edible and tasty.
cap on warts, there are ring and a handle on the care of toxic bacteria, such a larger proportion of types of toxic bacteria, but there are also a feature and not toxic to this example. Many toxic, and no special features, like the appearance of a very unusual Dufen fold very poisonous mushroom.
Thus, some non-spread among the masses of the method used to identify a wide range of different forms, toxin composition of complex toxic mushroom is unreliable, even dangerous.
the correct identification of poisonous mushroom method. For the general masses, how can we correctly identify the poison mushroom to do? The following types of authentication methods for your reference.
first control method. With the use of color suitable for the local mushroom books or manuals, one by one identification of local edible and poisonous mushrooms is a good way.
followed by the characteristic method. Only familiar with and master all kinds of poisonous mushrooms (especially the local poison mushroom) and morphological characteristics, combined with the experience of local people to identify poisonous mushrooms, in order to prevent poisoning, which is a reliable method.
Once again, site-specific legislation. There experience mushroom hunters, to a new place must not be careless, be sure to understand the actual situation, do not have sufficient grasp of not feeding (in Guangzhou, the incident occurred in nine cases of poisoning, there are six from a stranger Eating caused by its own collection). Toxic and non-toxic mushrooms similar to a lot of identification to be especially careful when you must pay attention to the surrounding environment.
fourth is observation. In the market to buy wild mushrooms, mostly dry goods, a greater change in mushroom-type are generally difficult to identify. Therefore, carefully observe whether the poisonous mushrooms mixed in which, not sure Do not buy. Under normal circumstances, it is best not to buy wild mushrooms in the market in order to prevent poisoning caused by mushroom poisoning case (though less toxic). 2000 Guangzhou cadres in the supermarket to buy an organ in a pack of wild mushrooms, edible after the poisoning symptoms, is a typical example.
fifth is vigilance Act. Wild vegetables, wild mushroom dishes and other wildlife, nutrient-rich, delicious taste, is that people like the food. Therefore, the wild restaurant gradually increased for people to eat wild vegetables, wild mushrooms and create opportunities. However, sometimes adulterated with substandard food and edible mushrooms, or not fully cooked (not cooked some wild mushrooms will be a little toxicity) caused by consumption of gastrointestinal discomfort or poisoning have also occurred, especially in food hot pot more easily happen. Thus, wild food restaurant for dinner, be sure to remind restaurant staff pay particular attention to whether the doping poisonous mushrooms, be sure to eat food cooked before, or else. In 2000 there was a person before the Spring Festival in Shenzhen in a mushroom restaurant to eat after a meal the whole family vomiting, abdominal pain and other symptoms. In the restaurant sent a sample to detect a micro-mushroom poisoning. A restaurant in Guangzhou in 2001 toxic mushroom poisoning incidents occurred after the submission of Boletus dry goods, samples, actually mixed with five different fungi, of which 60% is a toxic species.
the consumption of wild fungi still have to try to pick their own understanding, or before eaten, and so because the greedy pay with their lives.

one of the most simple way, often a long bright are toxic, long and often did not look like much poison

bright colors are toxic.

roadside mushrooms do not adopt, do not buy a vendor without a license to sell wild mushrooms, to prevent poisoning incidents. Some poisonous mushrooms has more than 100 kinds of people after eating a poisonous mushroom experience latency, false more period, period of several stages of the damage internal organs, due to weak constitutions children and the elderly, who died of poisoning occurred relatively large probability .

It is understood that the country had recently taken place more than poisonous mushroom poisoning. According to incomplete statistics have resulted in 27 people were poisoned, including 16 deaths. Poisonous mushroom known toxin. In China, there are about 180 kinds of poisonous mushrooms, which may cause death of at least 30 species commonly seen brown scales Xiao San, meat brown scales Xiao San, Amanita, scales handle Amanita, Amanita, residual Amanita care, Dufen pleated mushroom, Akio Galerina, packet feet are dark-fold umbrella, deer, flowers bacteria.

toxic mushroom poisoning is very strong, complex and diverse clinical manifestations of poisoning are generally divided into gastroenteritis type, neuropsychological type, hemolytic type, organ damage type, five types of solar-type dermatitis, of which the most serious organ damage type the mortality rate high. Wild mushrooms are difficult to identify whether the toxic and the public, often because of family eating poisoning, poisoning mostly occurs in the wild poisonous mushrooms growing wet season, in order to disseminate the main, and the consumption of dried mushrooms can also be caused by toxic poisoning.

experts have warned that, previously to determine the characteristics of poisonous mushrooms is a colorful, there are warts, spots, spots, etc., but these are all toxic mushrooms can not serve as identification standards. In order to avoid toxic mushroom poisoning incidents, one can not arbitrarily or lightly feed consumption did not know mushrooms. Where, after eating wild mushrooms in the short term nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, they should seek medical treatment as soon as possible, thoroughly emetic, gastric lavage, catharsis and conditions are implemented as soon as possible blood purification procedure.


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