橄榄油的作用« City life wiki 城市百科



1促进血液循环:橄榄油能防止并发症动脉粥样硬化,以及动脉粥样硬化,高血压,心脏病,心脏衰竭,肾功能衰竭,脑出血在阿泰米斯。。西莫普勒斯博士的著作“欧咪伽健康。简单的长寿节目“1它描述了在食用油ω- 6脂肪酸使动脉合同,逼迫超负荷工作的心脏,导致血压高。而在橄榄油的ω- 3脂肪酸可以增加一氧化物的重要的化学物质的数量,可以帮助你放松你的动脉,从而防止动脉损伤血压高引起的。另外ω- 3脂肪酸还可以两种方法来防止血栓的形成。{dy},可减少血小板粘度,使血小板和纤维蛋白原不易缠绕在一起;第二,ω- 3脂肪酸可以降低纤维蛋白原的量,从而大大减少了血栓形成的风险。
4,xxxxx系统功能:橄榄油能提高生物体的新陈代谢功能,能够涂层。这是因为橄榄油含有80%以上的单不饱和脂肪酸脂肪酸和ω- 3脂肪酸,而ω- 3脂肪酸DHA的可以增加胰岛素的敏感性,当不饱和脂肪酸的细胞膜更高水平有更大的双键数目,将它们的活动。但有6个双键的DHA是最不饱和脂肪酸,因此,最活跃,使细胞膜。活性强大的细胞膜胰岛素受体的数量,对胰岛素更加敏感。当人体是一个适当的比例脂肪酸摄入,代谢更是正常的,从而导致肥胖,糖尿病的风险降低。{zx1}研究结果表明,健康人食用橄榄油,身体的葡萄糖水平可降低12%。所以,现在橄榄石油已成为预防和控制糖尿病的{zj0}食用油。
5对骨骼系统的益处:橄榄油中的xx抗氧化剂和ω- 3脂肪酸的帮助,如钙,磷,锌等人体对矿物质的吸收,能促进骨骼生长,而ω- 3脂肪酸有助于保持骨密度和减少(高活性分子)的骨质疏松症所引起的。
6xx作用:由于橄榄油中不饱和脂肪酸丰富的自由基和多不饱和脂肪酸,在其中多不饱和脂肪酸中的ω- 3脂肪酸可以减少从提取的亚油酸的数量血癌,使癌症肿胀退出迫切需要的营养。ω- 3脂肪酸能与ω- 6脂肪酸癌症代谢在需要作出更多的不饱和癌细胞膜的酶,变得容易损坏,可以抑制肿瘤细胞生长,减少癌症的发病率。以便它能够防止一些癌症(乳腺癌,前列腺癌,结肠癌,子宫癌):此外,ω- 3脂肪酸(多不饱和脂肪酸)还可以增加放疗及化疗的疗效,放疗和化疗通过(高活性分子的细胞膜上的袭击事件),自由基是杀死细胞。膜时,有足够的伤害,癌细胞自我毁灭的效果发生。而ω- 3脂肪酸让细胞膜更易受到自由基的攻击,从而增加了化疗和放疗的疗效。
10心脑血管疾病的预防:橄榄油,它可以在许多方面保护心血管系统,①它通过降低同型半胱氨酸是(1冠状动脉血管壁的损伤种氨基酸),以防止炎症和减少对动脉壁的损害。②增加身体的水平一氧化氮对血管松弛,降低血压。③处女地单不饱和脂肪酸的橄榄油能降低胆固醇法援署的氧化作用。橄榄油中的④含有一种叫角鲨烯,可以提高人体高密度脂蛋白(好胆固醇)水平,降低低密度脂蛋白(坏胆固醇)的水平,而在体内高密度脂蛋白胆固醇数量,更多的氧化低密度脂蛋白胆固醇在动脉的数量较少。{zx1}研究显示。中年男性到本地橄榄油,平均胆固醇下降13%,其中有一个“坏的风险”胆固醇,实际减少了21%。⑤橄榄油在体内通过增加ω- 3脂肪酸,以减少血栓形成的速度

参考: http://www.ganlan.cn/health/ health.html


不同的橄榄油,因为它的抗氧化性能和高不饱和脂肪酸含量,使其在高温下,仍然化学结构保持稳定。普通烹调油,当油温超过使用烟雾点,油脂会改变化学结构,在容易造成的致癌物质。而橄榄油的烟点在摄氏240 - 270度,这已经远远超过其它常用食用油的烟点值,高可反复没有恶化使用橄榄油是最适合煎炸油。
橄榄油可以防止动脉粥样硬化的并发症,以及动脉粥样硬化,高血压,心脏病,心脏衰竭,肾功能衰竭,脑出血,狩猎女神。。西莫普勒斯博士的著作“欧咪伽健康。简单的长寿节目“一书,ω- 6脂肪酸的食用油将动脉合同,从而迫使工作超负荷的心脏,导致血压高。在ω橄榄油- 3脂肪酸可以增加一氧化物的重要的化学物质的数量,可以帮助你放松你的动脉,从而防止动脉损伤血压高引起的。另外ω- 3脂肪酸还可以从两个方面防止块形成的血液。首先,它可以血小板粘度降低,使血小板和纤维蛋白原是不容易的交织;第二,ω- 3脂肪酸可以降低纤维蛋白原的量,从而大大减少了血栓形成的机会。
橄榄油可以改善生物代谢功能。这是因为橄榄油含有80%的单元不饱和脂肪酸和ω- 3脂肪酸,而ω- 3脂肪酸DHA的可以增加胰岛素的敏感性,当膜不饱和脂肪酸含量越高,双键的数目有更多的他们的活动将。但有6个双键的DHA是最不饱和脂肪酸,因此,最活跃,使细胞膜。积极有力的细胞膜胰岛素受体的数量,对胰岛素更加敏感。当身体到脂肪酸适当比例的照片,新陈代谢更是正常的,从而导致肥胖,糖尿病的风险降低。{zx1}的研究结果表明,健康人食用橄榄油,身体的葡萄糖水平可降低12%。因此,现在橄榄油一直糖尿病的预防和控制,成为{zh0}的食用油。
xx抗氧化剂的橄榄油和ω- 3脂肪酸有助于人体吸收的矿物质,如
钙,磷,锌等,能促进骨骼生长,而ω- 3脂肪酸有助于保持骨密度和减少(高活性分子)的骨质疏松症所引起的。
自由基由于橄榄油丰富的单-饱和脂肪酸和多不饱和脂肪酸,其中多不饱和脂肪酸中的ω- 3脂肪酸可以减少肿瘤的亚油酸,从血液中癌细胞数量是非常需要的营养物质提取踢。ω- 3脂肪酸酸ω- 6脂肪酸可以在竞争的需要做出更多的不饱和癌细胞膜的酶代谢癌症,成为容易损坏,可以抑制肿瘤细胞生长,减少癌症的发病率。以便它能够防止一些癌症(乳腺癌,前列腺癌,结肠癌,子宫癌):此外,ω- 3脂肪酸(多不饱和脂肪酸)还可以提高疗效放疗和化疗,放疗和化疗通过(高活性分子)的爆发对自由基的攻击是细胞膜,杀死细胞。当膜足够损伤,癌症细胞自我毁灭的效果发生。而ω- 3脂肪酸让细胞膜更易受到自由基攻击,从而增加了化疗和放疗的疗效。
7 。辐射效应:
橄榄油它可以在许多方面,保护心血管系统,①它通过降低同型半胱氨酸(1冠状动脉血管壁损伤类型是氨基酸),以防止和减少炎症到动脉壁的损害。②通过增加动脉血管一氧化氮放松水平,降低血压的机构。在不饱和脂肪酸③橄榄油可以降低胆固醇氧化,在法援署的作用。④橄榄油中含有所谓的角鲨烯的物质,人体可以增加高密度脂蛋白(好胆固醇)水平,降低低密度脂蛋白(坏胆固醇)的水平,而在体内高密度脂蛋白胆固醇数量,低密度脂蛋白胆固醇氧化越动脉的数量较少。{zx1}的研究显示。中年男性服用橄榄油,平均胆固醇13%,其中有一个“坏的风险”胆固醇,实际减少了21%下降。通过增加ω- 3脂肪酸,在体内⑤橄榄油内容以减少血栓形成的速度。


The role of olive oil

how to use olive oil as a food? As the use of beauty products?

There is a fruit called the olive oil
orange juice, watermelon juice, strawberry juice - in the world’s people to pursue healthy, balanced lifestyle of today, and now we both go out to dinner or cook at home , will try to choose freshly squeezed fruit juice as a beverage, the reason is very simple: the nutrient-rich, with no loss. Apart from the above fact, we are familiar with a variety of fruit juice, there is not a fruit juice drink when the drinks, but for cooking, beauty, and it is olive oil.
for beauty: not only edible, olive oil can also be used for beauty.
1, removal of stretch marks, rub with a tablespoon of olive oil on stretch marks Office, gently massage, a long time insisted that stretch marks can be removed, or to make it lighter.
2, anti-canthus wrinkles, with olive oil gently in the corner of the eye wrinkles at massage.
3, maintenance of skin, rough skin, especially the leg and arm positions easy to dry, olive oil has a moisturizing and maintenance of the role of ordinary dry can be used three times per week, particularly in the dry rub can be used daily.
4, whitening skin care, with a spoonful of sugar and olive oil mixture can be made with the whitening mask, used three times a week, not only be able to shrink pores, there is a significant whitening effect.

pairs of infant and young child and said: olive oil, help balance the metabolism, promote children’s nervous system, bones and brain development.
for adults: to help prevent atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and digestive disorders and other diseases.
for the elderly is: olive oil good for osteoporosis prevention. Can slow the decline of cell membrane changes, thereby delaying aging.
for women: Olive oil contains a variety of nutrients for the skin is very powerful, is a safe and reliable beauty Jiapin, in the West known as the “beauty of the oil
1 to promote blood circulation: Olive oil can prevent the complications of atherosclerosis, as well as arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, heart disease, heart failure, kidney failure, brain hemorrhage. in Artemis. Dr. Simopoulos book “Europe microphone Gaya health. simple longevity program” a It describes the edible oil in the ω-6 fatty acids make arteries contract, forcing the heart of the work overload, resulting in high blood pressure. while the olive oil in the ω-3 fatty acids can increase the nitric oxide that the amount of important chemical substances, can help you relax of your arteries, thus preventing arterial damage caused by high blood pressure. In addition ω-3 fatty acids can also be two ways to prevent the formation of blood clots. First, it can reduce the platelet viscosity, so that platelets and fibrinogen is not easy entwined ; secondly, ω-3 fatty acids can reduce the amount of fibrinogen, thus greatly reducing the risk of thrombosis.
2 to improve the digestive function: Olive oil contains vegetable oil should be higher than any other unsaturated fatty acids, rich in vitamin A, D, E, F, K, and carotenoids and other fat-soluble vitamins and antioxidants and other ingredients, and contain no cholesterol, and thus high rate of digestion and absorption of the human body. It has to reduce gastric acid to prevent the occurrence gastritis and duodenal ulcer disease and other functions; also stimulate bile secretion, and intensify the vitality of trypsin, so that oil degradation by intestinal absorption, in order to reduce the incidence of cholecystitis and gallstones.
3 to protect the skin: Olive oil is rich in affinity with the skin excellent squalene and human essential fatty acids, absorb quickly and effectively to maintain skin elasticity and moisturizing; olive oil contained in the rich monounsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E, K, A, D and so on and phenolic antioxidants, can elimination of facial wrinkles, prevent skin aging, there is skin and hair care and prevention of hand-foot chap, etc. It is can “eat” Beauty and skin care products, also coated with olive skin and capable of withstanding ultraviolet rays to prevent skin cancer
4 to improve the endocrine system Features: Olive oil can improve the metabolic function of organisms. This is because olive oil contains more than 80% monounsaturated fatty acids and ω-3 fatty acids, while the ω-3 fatty acids in the DHA can increase insulin sensitivity, when the cell membrane in the higher levels of unsaturated fatty acids, with the greater the number of double bonds, their activity will be. but has 6 double bond in DHA is the most unsaturated fatty acids and, therefore, the most active so that the cell membrane. activity a strong cell membrane insulin receptor of the quantity, the more sensitive to insulin. when the body is an appropriate proportion of fatty acid intake, the metabolism is even more normal, and thus causing obesity, diabetes risk is reduced. the latest research results show that the health human consumption of olive oil, the body’s glucose levels can reduce by 12%. So, now olive oil has become the prevention and control of diabetes, the best cooking oil.
5 on bone system benefits: olive oil in natural antioxidants and ω-3 fatty acids help the body’s absorption of minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, zinc, etc., can promote bone growth, while ω-3 fatty acids help maintain bone density and reduce free radicals (highly reactive molecules) caused by osteoporosis.
6 anti-cancer effect: Because olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids, in which polyunsaturated fatty acids in the ω-3 fatty acids can reduce the cancer from blood extracted amount of linoleic acid, so that cancer swollen quit a much-needed nutrients. ω-3 fatty acids can compete with ω-6 fatty acid metabolism in cancer in the enzymes needed to make cancer cells more unsaturated membrane, become easily damaged, can be inhibit tumor cell growth, reducing cancer incidence. so that it can prevent some cancer (breast, prostate, colon, uterine cancer): In addition, ω-3 fatty acids (polyunsaturated fatty acids) also can increase the radiotherapy and chemotherapy efficacy, radiotherapy and chemotherapy is through free radicals (highly reactive molecules) of the outbreak of attacks on the cell membrane, to kill the cells. When the membrane is sufficiently injury, cancer cells self-destruct effect occurs. while the ω-3 fatty acids make cell membranes more easily attack by free radicals, thereby increasing the efficacy of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
7 radiation effects: Because olive oil contains polyphenols and lipopolysaccharide composition, so there is radiation protection function of olive oil, so olive oil is often used produced astronaut food. more often use computers in them as health-care skincare Jiapin.
8 production of baby food: According to their composition and digestibility, olive oil is the most suitable for babies of oil. baby half the calories consumed come Since the grease on the mother’s milk, in the post-weaning, the need to heat the grease necessary to get through the diet. virgin olive oil nutrition in the human body can not be synthesized linolenic acid and linoleic acid ratio and breast milk are similar and easily absorbed by infants and young children can promote the growth of nerve and bone development, excellent nutrition for pregnant women and fetal growth agent, for the post-partum and breast-feeding is a good anti-aging tonic
9: number of components in olive oil, carrots Su and chlorophyll to give yellow-green olive oil, while the chlorophyll metabolism play role in promoting cell growth, accelerate wound healing. also help beautify the person’s appearance and reduce wrinkles. experimental results show that olive oil contains antioxidants the body can eliminate the free base, to restore the health of organs of the body organs, can prevent brain aging, and can promote longevity.
10 Prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases: olive oil, it can protect the cardiovascular system in many ways, ① It is by lowering homocysteine (a coronary vessel wall to injury kinds of amino acids) to prevent inflammation and reduce the damage to the arterial wall. ② the body by increasing levels of nitric oxide relaxation of arteries, lower blood pressure. ③ virgin olive oil in monounsaturated fatty acids can reduce cholesterol LDA The role of oxidation. ④ in the olive oil contains a substance called squalene, the body can increase HDL (good cholesterol) levels, lower LDL (bad cholesterol) levels, while the number of in vivo HDL cholesterol, more arterial in the oxidation of LDL cholesterol in the number of the less. The latest studies have shown. middle-aged men taking the native olive oil, the average cholesterol was decreased by 13%, which has a risk of “bad” cholesterol, actually fell by 21%. ⑤ olive oil in vivo through increased ω-3 fatty acids to reduce the rate of blood clot formation

Reference: http://www.ganlan.cn/health/ health.html

olive oil use (table use, beauty, health)

(a) the use of everyday table
21 century, most human food is characterized by the pursuit of a natural. In the edible oil, edible vegetable oil demand growth, while olive oil with its unique physical and chemical indicators and health-care functions, will gradually become the new century, the ideal edible oil. In many Western countries the widespread use of olive oil, salad oil and olive oil If you take common comparison, salad oil was transparent and yellow, a clear oil smell taste, went in after a little blue smoke; olive oil color yellow in the transparent green, smell forward to clear stocks tempting smell of wok cooking, after a fruit flavor throughout the entire process, it will not damage the color of vegetables, and no greasy feeling.
1. with the olive oil and herbal oil for frying
different olive oil because of its antioxidant properties and high unsaturated fatty acid content, so that in the the chemical structure at high temperatures still remain stable. the use of ordinary cooking oil, when the oil temperature exceeds the smoke point, oil and fat will change the chemical structure, resulting in easy to carcinogens. while the smoke point of olive oil Celsius 240 — 270 degrees, which is already far higher than other commonly used edible oil smoke point value, which can be used repeatedly without deterioration of olive oil is the most suitable for frying oils.
2. grilled with olive oil olive oil is also suffering
Similarly, suitable for burning, baking, frying, boil. the use of olive oil when cooking, the Food and emit a seductive aroma, mouth-watering. especially recommend the use of olive oil cooking chicken Egg Fried Rice, or do barbecue.
3. with olives Oil made sauces and spices, sauces
with the aim of bring up the taste of food, not to conceal it. olive oil is cold sauces and hot sauces make the best fat content, it can protect the fresh sauce of color.
4. marinated with olive oil before eating
the cooking marinated with olive oil can be added to a sense of fine food, but also heighten other spices, rich taste.
5. directly
Extra Virgin Olive Oil extra virgin olive oil direct use, will feature dishes of life. You may like to use salt as olive oil, extra virgin olive oil because the dishes will taste richer, the taste even more wonderful. You can also extra virgin olive oil added to any dish where the food is used to balance the high acidity, such as lemon juice, wine vinegar, wine, tomatoes and so on. It also enables a variety of spices in food to eat up more harmonious, if you pu…

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