To eat “junk food” What harm? « Industry info 工业信息

Category:catering food

What is junk food? What are the harmful effects of eating junk food?

1. fried foods

such a high-calorie foods that contain high fats and oxidation of material, often eating easily lead to obesity; hyperlipidemia and coronary heart disease led to the most dangerous food. In the frying process, tend to produce large amounts of carcinogenic substances. Studies have shown that people who eat fried foods, some of their cancer incidence is much higher than eating fried foods do not eat little or no crowd.

2. Canned Foods

either canned fruit, or canned meat, in which the nutrients have been a lot of damage, especially in all kinds of vitamins virtually destroyed. In addition, the canned products in the denaturation of proteins often appear to be greatly reduced the rate of digestion and absorption, nutritional value greatly “diminished.” Also, a lot of canned fruits contain high sugar content, and to fluid intake as the carrier is the human body, so that glucose absorption rate can be gained from significant increases in Le blood sugar after eating a short time led to a sharp rise, the pancreas increased load. At the same time, due to higher energy, it has led to obesity too.

3. preserved foods

in the curing process, the need for a large number of salt, which will lead to excessive concentration of such food in salt, resulting in the consumption of preserved foods are often the burden of kidney occur an increased risk of high blood pressure. Also, food in the process of curing a large number of carcinogenic substances can produce nitrosamines, leading to the incidence of cancer and nasopharyngeal cancer risk increased. In addition, due to high concentrations of salt may be serious damage to the gastrointestinal tract mucosa, Gu Chang who eat preserved foods, gastrointestinal inflammation and ulcers have a higher prevalence.

4. processed meat products (ham, etc.)

these foods contain a certain amount of nitrite, it may lead to cancer of the potential risks. In addition, the addition of preservatives, hyperchromic agent and color retention agent, resulting in human liver burden. Also, the ham products are mostly high-sodium foods, a large number of eating can lead to excessive salt intake, resulting in fluctuations in blood pressure and renal function impairment.

5. fat meat and animal offal foods

, although it contains a certain amount of quality protein, vitamins and minerals, but the visceral fat and animal foods which contain a large number of saturated fat and cholesterol, has been identified as leading to heart disease The most important of the two types of dietary factors. Is now clear that eating large quantities of animal offal food group can be substantially increased risk of cardiovascular disease and malignant tumors (such as colon cancer, breast cancer) the risk of the occurrence.

6. cream products

eat butter kind of product can lead to weight gain, and even elevated blood sugar and blood lipids. Before meals, eating cream cakes and so on, but it also reduces appetite. High-fat and high-sugar ingredients often affect gastrointestinal emptying, and even lead to gastroesophageal reflux. Many people cream products on an empty stomach after eating acid reflux, heartburn and other symptoms.

7. noodle

belong to the high salt, high-fat, low in vitamins, minerals, a low-class food. On the one hand, due to the high salt content increase in kidney burden will rise hypertension; the other hand, contains a certain amount of man-made fats (trans fatty acids), on the cardiovascular considerable negative impact. In addition contain preservatives and flavor, such as the liver may have potential adverse effects.

8. grilled foods contain strong carcinogens

triphenyl Sibing imidacloprid.

9. frozen desserts

, including ice cream, ice cream. Such foods are three major issues: Due to the cream contains a high, easily lead to obesity; due to high-sugar, can reduce appetite; may also be due to low temperatures to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract.

10. preserved fruit, plum and candied

foods containing nitrite, in the human body can be combined to form potentially carcinogenic amine nitrite amine; contain flavor additives, etc. may damage the liver and other organs; contain high salt can cause high blood pressure and kidney burden.

you say this is rubbish, but also do good, not good is bad, that there are gray areas!

a small amount of intake of sweets will complement the human body needs energy, but will make people happy!

agreed, saying that the great!

live too careful, and daring to eat. afraid of this and that, and what is the meaning alive


类别: 餐饮食品


























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