China realty 房地产之窗» Dalian: the protection of residential ...

  Area Security has been a headache for property companies, as soon as a problem, owners are often easy to blame the property company. A few days ago, is located in a residential District, the owners of one home were stolen. In addition to the police after the owners, but also find the residential property company to have a say. This case, the reporter conducted an investigation.
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  Area owners:
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  property security, security must Ping’an
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  follow the relevant regulations, the property company to help make good work of residential security responsibilities. “Help” clarify the responsibilities of the property company is to assist building owners and public security organs in the maintenance of community policing and law and order should not put an end to all kinds of cases and criminal cases can only be a maximum to prevent the occurrence of cases and cases in a timely manner after the occurrence of such relief.
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  interview, the vast majority of owners believe that the theft of home on the residential security problems, the vast majority of property should bear the responsibility of the company. One owner said: “Since I pay the property charges, in the property services also include security projects, property security, security must Ping’an, its stolen responsibility should be borne by the property.”
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  property company:
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  security of non-insurance, should not all tube
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  almost all property companies are that they should not be entirely safe to assume the responsibility of district . They believe that the security zone is not a law enforcement departments, not bodyguards, nor porters, their views on law and order and prevent accidents only negative duty. This is a “service” rather than “functions” and the service is the maintenance of public order, rather than on physical or personal property security.
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  property company general view is that property companies are not insurance, nor is the public security department, the owner into trouble because it should not. Property company should be based on the contract agreement, for the district to provide cleaning, greening, security, public facilities and maintenance services; in accordance with the provisions of the higher level department in charge of the owners family decoration and full supervision of the implementation of the management.
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  experts recommend:
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  contract security applications to protect the owners
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  against this case, the reporter interviewed the lawyer Chen Liaoning State Affairs侯建文by lawyers. Hou lawyers think: the home of the owners of stolen property whether or not there liability issues, can not be generalized. As long as the owners of stolen property management companies on the burden of the financial liability, it is contrary to China’s civil law, “the principle of fairness” and “the principle of fault liability.” Responsibility for the identification, Hou lawyers think both cases should be to confirm:
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  first, based on the principle of fault liability. If the owners and property management company has not signed a service contract, according to China’s law, due to the fault of others against the property and the person shall bear civil liability. If the property management company to hire security to fulfill their duties in accordance with the regulations, there is no dereliction of duty, theft of property owners should not assume responsibility, on the contrary must be held accountable.
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  Second, under the contract liability. If the owners and property management companies have signed a “property management services contract”, property management companies in breach of its contractual obligations, resulting in incidents of stolen property owners, property management companies have already constitute a breach of contract, it should bear the responsibility of the corresponding economic compensation. Hou lawyers suggested that the owners can the Commission with the property owners the company commissioned to re-signing the contract, signed by the property service contract methods to allow the property to implement the duties of the company.
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  It is learned that many of Dalian City, signed a residential property management contracts, both contract owners and property safety in the absence of agreement on the situation. Therefore, the majority of District residents to get their property after the theft of property management companies for compensation, the key is to have their human rights awareness. In addition, the majority of owners should also enhance their self-awareness, at the same time the best to buy the personal safety of various types of accidents, such as insurance, to strengthen their capacity for risk prevention.

 区

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 按照有关规定,物业公司,帮助做好工作,住宅的安全责任。 “说明”澄清责任公司的财产是协助业主和公安机关在维护社区治安,法律和秩序不应该制止各类案件和刑事案件,只能是{zd0}限度防止发生的案件和案件及时发生后,这种救济。
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 采访中,绝大多数的业主认为,家中被盗的住宅安全问题,绝大多数的财产应承担的责任公司。一名业主说: “自从我的财产支付的费用,在物业服务项目还包括安全,财产安全,安全必须平安,其被盗的责任应由财产。 ”
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   安全
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 几乎所有的房地产公司,他们应该是不xx的安全承担责任的区。他们认为,在安全区不是一个执法部门,而不是保镖,也不搬运工,他们的意见对法律和秩序,防止发生意外只负的责任。这是一个“服务”而不是“职能”和服务是维护社会秩序,而不是身体或个人财产的安全。
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 专家建议:
   合同
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 针对这一情况,记者采访的律师陈辽宁国务侯建文律师。侯律师认为:家中被盗财产所有者是否有赔偿责任问题,不能一概而论。只要业主被盗物业管理公司的负担的财务责任,这是违背中国的民法, “公平原则”和“的原则,过错责任。 ”负责查明,侯律师认为,这两种情况下应确认:
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 第二,合同规定的赔偿责任。如果业主和物业管理公司已经签署了一份“物业管理服务合同” ,物业管理公司违反了其合同义务,造成事故的业主被盗,物业管理公司已经构成违约,应承担责任相应的经济补偿。侯律师建议,业主委员会可以与物业业主委托该公司重新签订合同,签订的物业服务合同的方法,使财产执行职责的公司。
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 据了解,许多大连市签署了住宅物业管理合同,双方合同的业主和财产安全的情况下达成一致意见的情况。因此,大多数地区的居民获得的财产被盗后,物业管理公司赔偿,关键是要他们对人权的认识。此外,大多数业主也应该提高他们的自我意识,同时{zh0}购买人身安全的各类事故,如保险,以加强其能力的风险防范。

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