前三个滁州皮革毛皮工业产值季下跌« oursolo.net




3,大,中型状况良好,工业企业的生产。到第三季度末,大中型工业企业共实现51.20亿元增加值,增长百分之14.4,比{dy}季度末提高1.4个百分点,但比上半年更好下降1.3个百分点,大型和中型工业增加值占规模以上工业的增加值的比重达到63.8%。 68个大,中型工业企业中有56个正增长,其中有15家企业工业总产值的比去年同期增长40%以上,目前的价格,而12家公司在去年同期下降。

四亿美元在该业务单位的数量显着增加。到第三季度末,全市限额以上工业的产值规模的企业超过1亿的企业已经达到57个,占了19比去年同期的净增幅为5.0亿元超10家企业有去年同期净增2,超- 100.00亿元有4个比去年同期净增加了1。 57家公司完成工业总产值188.1亿元,较56.4亿元,去年净增加,对上述比例规模占工业总产值达64.7个百分点去年同期上升4.6个百分点。



The first three quarters of Chuzhou leather fur industry output fell

The first three quarters, the industrial economic situation is still good in our city. The city’s above-scale industrial month realize 1.06 billion yuan of industrial added value, an increase of 28.3% and realized an accumulative total industrial added value of 8.03 billion yuan, up 22.1 percent, higher than the same period last year 6.5 percentage points. Three quarters of industrial production showed the following characteristics to run mainly:

1, all counties (cities, districts) are to maintain double-digit growth industry. To the end of the third quarter, an increase of more than 15 percent Tianchang City, 16.5%; Langya area定远县, Fengyang Mingguang City County and an increase of more than 20%, respectively, 20%, 26.2%, 24.9% and 21.8%, South Qiao area,来安县and全椒县cumulative increase of more than 30%, respectively 32.7%, 31.9% and 30.1%, respectively, higher than the city average 10.6,9.8 and 8 percentage points.

Second, an increase higher than the light of heavy industry. To the end of the third quarter, light industry realized an accumulative total industrial added value of 3.63 billion yuan, up 18.4 percent, accounting for above-scale industries accounted for 45.3%; heavy industry realized an accumulative total industrial added value of 4.39 billion yuan, up 25.5 percent, accounting for above-scale industries account for 54.7%; heavy increase 7.1 percentage points higher than that of light industry.

three, the production of large and medium-sized industrial enterprises in good condition. To the end of the third quarter, and medium-sized industrial enterprises amounted to realize the added value of 5.12 billion yuan, up 14.4 percent, than in the first quarter at the end improve 1.4 percentage points, but better than the first half declined by 1.3 percentage points; large and medium-sized industrial added value accounted for above-scale industrial the proportion of added value reached 63.8%. 68 large and medium-sized industrial enterprises in 56 has a positive growth, of which 15 enterprises have total industrial output value at current prices than the same period last year more than 40%, while 12 companies declined over the same period last year.

IV billion a marked increase in the number of business units. To the end of the third quarter, the city’s industrial enterprises above designated size in the output value of over a hundred million enterprises has reached 57, representing a net increase of 19 over the same period last year, of which 500 million yuan chao 10 enterprises have the same period last year net increase of two, super - 10 billion yuan has four more than the same period last year net increase of one. 57 companies completed a total industrial output value 18.81 billion yuan, representing a net increase of 5.64 billion yuan last year, accounting for the proportion of above-scale industrial output value reached 64.7 percent the same period last year increased by 4.6 percentage points.

five, the majority of industry production and development situation is still good. To the end of the third quarter, the city of 35 major categories of industrial sectors, with the exception of leather, fur, feathers (down) and its products industry, pharmaceutical manufacturing, chemical fiber manufacturing and waste of resources and waste material recycling processing industry dropped four sectors , the other 31 industries was a positive growth. Double-digit growth of the industry which has 29, 11 industries have increased by over 40%, of which nine trades increase of more than 50%,矿采选ferrous metal industry, wood processing and wood, bamboo, rattan, palm and grass products industry , furniture manufacturing, paper and paper products industry, chemical materials and chemical products manufacturing, instrumentation and culture, office machinery manufacturing and gas production and supply industry, an increase of more than seven industry 60%, respectively, 109.9%, 60.2 %, 176.4%, 73.4%, 126%, 71.3% and 134.1%.

six, large-scale industrial good overall level of economic efficiency. To the end of August, the city’s above-scale industrial economic efficiency index reached 168.7 percent, the same period last year increased 18.5 percentage points. The city’s above-scale industrial Sales revenue totaled 22.85 billion yuan, up 28.3 percent, 2.39 billion pre-tax profits, up 35.3 percent, which realized a total profit of 1.12 billion yuan, up 54.8 percent. (07-10-18)

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