阀门的类别及功能- 中国隔膜阀网- 博客大巴
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    根据控制功能,阀门可以分为闸阀、球阀、截止阀、止回阀、过滤器等。 各种阀门的功能: 闸阀用闸板的启闭来完成管道系统开关的阀门。 球阀用球状芯体转动来完成管道系统开关的阀门,球体旋转90°。 截止阀靠锥形物上下移动来调节管道系统介质流量的大小而且可以防止倒流的阀门。 止回阀防止管道系统倒流的阀门。 过滤器用于管路上,过滤介质中的杂质。 煤气阀用于煤气管路的启闭。(属球阀类,因其能承受燃气、液化气等介质而单独命名为煤气阀门。普通阀门不能用于介质为煤气的开关、启闭作用) 注意:为延长阀门的使用寿命,闸阀和球阀应作全开和全关使用,不宜部分开启作节流使用。因为部分开启时,流动着的介质会冲蚀闸阀或球阀。当介质夹有杂物时,这种冲蚀作用会更大。

    “ Valve types and functions ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国隔膜阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

    Under control, the valve can be divided into gate valve, ball valve, globe valve, check valve, filter and so on. A variety of valve functions: Valve with the gate open and close switches to complete the piping system valves. Ball valve with a spherical core to complete the piping system of rotary switching valve, ball rotation 90 °. Cone valve by piping up and down to adjust the size of medium flow and prevents reflux valve. Check valve to prevent backflow valve piping system. Filter for the pipeline, filter medium impurities. Gas valve for gas pipelines in the opening and closing. (Ball class is because withstand gas, liquefied petroleum gas and other media named the gas valve alone. Ordinary media can not be used for the gas valve switch, opening and closing function) Note: To extend the service life of valves, gate valves and ball valves should be fully open and fully closed to use, not part of the throttle open for use. As part of the open, flowing medium will erosion gate or ball valve. When the media there are the debris, the effect of this erosion will be even greater.


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