造成重大工程质量事故责任人将被追责- rimeifa18 - rimeifa18 - 和讯博客
造成重大工程质量事故责任人将被追责 [转贴 2010-04-20 09:47:32]   

原文:Responsible for the accident caused serious quality will be the Responsibility
Responsible for the accident caused serious quality will be the Responsibility All localities should actively expand the real estate credit file and coverage in the future to sales practices, housing quality, delivery, information disclosure and other aspects of real estate into the credit system, credit files as a basis for assessing enterprise qualification. Notice that illegal enterprises to strengthen the responsible persons to account for a significant real estate development project quality accident legal representative, responsible person, irrespective of any post in any grade, Around the world, should be prosecuted according to law corresponding responsibility. The circular also required the establishment of commodity housing market dynamics throughout the regulatory system, implement the responsibility system for supervision and inspection, smooth and reporting channels, attention and support of public opinion, and actively and properly handle the disputes, and timely to announce the results.
原文来自: http://www.google.com.hk/news

Responsible for the accident caused serious quality will be the Responsibility ;是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海一环流体控制设备有限公司还生产 及活塞式缓闭止回阀,水封截止阀,铜角式截止阀,橡胶瓣止回阀,静音止回阀,欢迎您的选购。)

造成重大工程质量事故责任人将被追责 各地要积极拓展房地产信用档案功能和覆盖面,今后要将销售行为、住房质量、交付使用、信息公开等方面内容纳入房地产信用体系,信用档案作为考核企业资质的依据。 通知称加强对违法违规企业的相关责任人的责任追究,对造成重大工程质量事故的房地产开发企业法定代表人、负责人,无论其在何职何岗,身居何处,都要依法追究相应责任。 通知还要求各地建立商品住房市场动态监管制度,落实监督检查责任制度,畅通举报投诉渠道,重视和支持舆论监督,积极妥善处理矛盾纠纷,并及时公布处理结果。

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