冰箱压缩机{zd0}供应商预亏华谊2300.0万« oursolo.net


Refrigerator Compressor’s largest supplier预亏Huayi 23000000

The largest domestic supplier of fluorine-free refrigerator compressors compress Huayi (000404.SZ) today (24) issued a Notice预亏expected loss this year of around 23 million yuan. The reason is that production and marketing season for the fourth quarter, the output will have a more substantial reduction. and the first half of

Huayi compression has been a loss of 8,000,000 yuan. This year was the preparation of recombinant Huayi compression, in August he suddenly stopped and said based on the shares pledged reform, the company will not be before December 20 this year, equity transfer, debt restructuring negotiations.

“Business News” Yesterday was informed that Huayi compressed “brothers” in the company Huayi refrigerators, the current has been taken over Meiling. Before refrigerators had Huayi TCL hosted by, TCL to 60 million units of refrigerator capacity. An informed source told our reporter, at present has been sent Meiling Huayi into the refrigerator, it is estimated that production capacity next year, the latter can reach 50 million units. (07-10-25)

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