什么样的药牙痛« City life wiki 城市百科



















切下含有芦荟,去除小片芦荟皮,肉中含有粘性液体含有疼痛,2 - 4小时解手。饭后漱口水和盐餐睡前将约1茶匙盐二百三十零毫升温水(接近体温),作为漱口解决方案,增加。不要吞咽。

xx手此方法可以减轻50%的痛苦。要采取冰摩擦揉搓你的拇指和食指相连的“V”字区的骨头。轻压在这5部分冰- 7 Fenzhong。

加拿大研究人员发现,60 - 90%的人使用这种方法,从而减少疼痛。他的研究表明,这种摩擦法能干扰牙痛神经冲动传导。

冰作为xx瘀伤一样的脸颊最接近牙痛可以减轻疼痛的冰部分。 15分钟,每天敷至少3 - 4倍。

如阿莫西林等,每6xxx- 8小时才会之一。






What kind of medicine toothache

my swollen gums What kind of medicine better? Thank you

Although I am not a doctor but it can help you look for information on the web page, because their teeth are such a pain once before, to know what it’s like a toothache is the hope that the following information can help to you.

★ Caution: toothache can not arbitrarily toothache medication ★

Although it is minor ailments, but gives people’s lives bring great trouble to find the door when the toothache, you know how to select medicine?

a few months ago, the small columns found stars that they have bad teeth, as a result of busy, so they did not see a doctor. Finally one day, their teeth began to ache, my colleagues gave him a “pain pills” He went to rotten teeth inside a plug, it seems better. Available at night, so painful teeth, more and more severe, which makes a small column did not sleep all night, another painkiller, but also anti-inflammatory drugs, the effect is not obvious. The next day, Xiao-zhu Wu Zhuolian come to the hospital, ask the doctor’s first words: “What kind of medicine toothache what should ah?”

Choose the right medicine for toothache, toothache caused first of all to make it clear the reasons and the disease situation. Clinically, the disease most likely caused by toothache has pulpitis, periapical periodontitis, crown weeks Yandeng.

※ pulpitis pulpitis

some patients in pain with cold water when you brush your teeth significantly, while the use warm water will feel less pain; there are some patients in a meal also feel pain when drinking hot soup, cool place to wait for soup in order to drink; if it continues to develop, and some patients in pain for no apparent reason, especially at night lay down to sleep, it will hurt even worse and even affect sleep. This is what doctors often call a “hot and cold to stimulate the pain, spontaneous pain at night.”

pulpitis the inflammation located in the central tooth pulp cavity, drugs through tiny holes to reach the apex can be said that any drug treatment can not completely pulpitis, so pulpitis “no cure” to say there is a certain reason. A lot of pulpitis when the doctor when critically ill patients with pain, those who are not professional doctors casually points to use of antibiotics to patients, the results of a totally dysfunctional. For pulpitis caused by pain, painkillers have a certain role, and when severe pain, the pain is not obvious the role of medicine. Such as “toothache pill” a category of local analgesic drugs may be effective in pain, when a slight, but not a good idea. When a pulpitis, it is best to find dentist, right Bingya treatment and processing, in going to the dentist before the pain could have been oral analgesics, other drugs are not recommended.

※ periapical

Under normal circumstances, the further development of pulpitis, bacteria invade the tissue around the root tip has resulted in the periapical. Inflammation early patients will feel a sense of dental float, easy to bite Bingya, teeth, bite to feel pain. The scope of early inflammation is relatively small due to the use of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs to control inflammation, despite some help, but meaningless. Professional dentist still stressed local drainage and local medication, the doctor will usually clear up to the root tip from the teeth around the organization, and placed in the local anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs, such as camphor phenol. Periapical If the patients did not receive timely treatment, the inflammation extended, may appear red and swollen cheek heat pain, suppuration, or even fever, body pain and other symptoms. At this time, there is a need for systemic use of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs (broad-spectrum antibiotics and metronidazole or metronidazole is commonly used drugs); pain can increase pain and films and so spent analgesics, severe pain, who can also be Bingya around the injection of local anesthetic agents, such as procaine and so on.

※ pericoronitis

pericoronitis to occur in the mandibular impacted wisdom tooth eruption incomplete or when the crown soft tissue inflammation. The initial inflammation, the patient felt pain, swelling gums, chewing pain when swallowing or opening activity significantly, with the development of the disease aggravated the pain; serious, can not be there are different degrees of mouth opening, and even trismus. Therapy for partial treatment mainly used saline and 2% hydrogen peroxide shower, and then put iodine glycerin, preferably 1 to 3 times a day, and then chlorhexidine mouthwash mouthwash. If there is abscess formation, should be promptly cut removing the abscess. If there is cheek swelling heat pain, and even body heat, pain, etc., you can use antibiotics and anti-inflammatory analgesics, commonly used drugs are broad-spectrum antibiotics and metronidazole (metronidazole) and so on.

either apical or pericoronitis, if the condition is not controlled, easy to form the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial space infection, could also be considered when intravenous antibiotics, doctors should be according to the patients to choose drugs such as penicillin and so on.

To sum up, toothache, when the first treatment should be considered a specialist and made a partial treatment, when necessary use of antibiotics and analgesics. There are some drugs available in the market that claim to treat toothache, periodontal disease, and in fact the basic non-professional dentists to open these drugs, without a local drug treatment alone will not solve the problem, or even to delay treatment.

toothache is your reaction to the external teeth sick. There may be dental caries or pulp, or canine teeth of your gums around the infected, of course, you can also cause cracks in premolar toothache, and sometimes only food debris stuck in the teeth caused discomfort. In addition, the toothache may also be caused by sinusitis. In the event a toothache, it is best to find your dentist to find out the real cause of a toothache. However, before going to the dentist, you can use the following method of pain relief.

mouth with a saliva (temperature similar to body temperature), force mouth. If pain is due to food debris caught between teeth, then the use of mouthwash vegetable debris removal will be able to solve the toothache. If the mouth is invalid, can be removed using dental floss. But be careful not to hurt gums.

potent narcotic analgesic with a little wine, may be anesthesia teeth and gums to achieve pain relief effect.

cut a small piece of aloe containing Aloe Vera, stripped skin, the flesh containing viscous liquid containing in pain at, 2 - 4 hours relieve themselves. Gargle salt water after meals and before bed meals will be adding about 1 teaspoon of salt 230ml warm water (close to body temperature), as a gargle solution. Do not swallow.

massage hand this method can alleviate the pain of 50%. To take an ice friction rub your thumb and index finger bones connected to the “V” word zone. Gently press the ice in this part of 5 - 7 Fenzhong.

a Canadian researcher found that, 60 - 90% of people use this method, thus reducing pain. His research shows that this friction law can interfere with the conduction of nerve impulses toothache.

ice as treatment of bruises, like ice parts of the cheek closest to toothache can alleviate the pain. Deposited for 15 minutes each day for at least 3 - 4 times.

antibiotics such as amoxicillin and so on, every 6 - 8 hours to take one.

References: http://www.39.net/disease/kouqiang/gz/yatong/76031.html
References: http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/1033821.html

anti-inflammatory to ah

anti-inflammatory, analgesic of the class should be all right

periodontitis does not?
to go get some medicine clinic on-line the.


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