
1、齿轮的磨损维修: 齿轮的磨损部位主要是齿的啮合、渐开线工作面和齿轮两端平面。轻微磨损时,齿面可用油石修磨,两端平而在平板上研磨修光。齿轮齿面严重磨损时应更换新齿轮,如果只是齿轮的两端平面磨损,可在平面磨床上磨削修光。更换齿轮测绘后,其模数m=3、齿数z=12、齿形角α=20°、齿顶高高系数f0=1、齿形正变位系数x1=x2=0.5时,各部位几何尺寸计算如下。 分度圆直径:d=mz=3X12=36(mm) 齿顶高:ha=m(f0+x)=3X(l+0.5)=4.5(mm) 齿根高:hf[=m(f0+c-x)=3X(l+0.25-0.5)=2.25(mm) 齿全高:h=ha+hf=4.5+2.25=6.75(mm) 齿顶圆直径:Da=d+2ha=36+2X4.5=45(mm) 固定弦齿厚:Sxn=m(π/2*cos2a+xsin2a)=3X(1.387+0.6428X0.5)=5.125(mm) 固定弦齿厚测量用齿高:hxn=m(π/8*sin2a+xsin2a)=3X(0.7476X0.117X0.5)=2.42(mm) 模数m3变位系数x0.5 齿形角o20°固定弦齿厚Sxn5.12 齿顶高系数f1固定弦齿厚测最齿高hxn2.42 齿数z12 2、轴的磨损维修: 齿轮泵中轴的磨损主要是因为轴两端与支撑滚针间的摩擦磨损,使轴径变小。如果是轻微磨损,可通过镀一层硬铬来加大此部位轴的直径尺寸,使轴得到修复。如果轴磨损严重,则应45钢或40Cr钢重新制造,轴毛坯经粗、精车后,轴承部位要热处理,硬度为HRC60-65,然后再经磨削,使轴承配合部位表面粗糙度Ra不大于0.32μm;轴的圆度和圆柱度允差为0.005mm;与齿轮配合部位按H7/h6、表面粗糙度Ra应不大于0.63μm。 3、泵体的磨损维修: 泵体内表面磨损主要是吸油区段圆弧形工作面.如果出现轻微磨损,可用油石修磨去毛刺后使用。泵体是由铸铁铸造毛坯成型,出现严重磨损时应更换新件。如果泵内齿轮两端面是用磨削修复,则泵体宽度尺寸也要改变,与齿轮两端修磨去掉的尺寸相等,重新加工后的泵体两端面应达到图3所示的技术要求。 4、两端盖的磨损维修: 齿轮泵的端盖用铸铁制造,出现磨损现象后,轻微的可在平板上研磨修平,磨损比较严重时应在平面磨床上磨削修平。修磨后的端盖与泵体配合连接的平面接触应不低于85%.平面度允差、端面对孔中心线的垂直度允差、两端面的平行度允差和两轴孔中心线的平行度允差均为O.Olmm。磨削后的表面粗糙度Ra应不大于1.25μm。 5、泵用滚针轴承的维修更换: 泵中零件维修后,轴承滚针应更换。对滚针要求是:全部滚针直径的尺寸误差不应超过0.003mm,长度允差为0.1mm,与轴配合间隙应在O.Olmm左右;滚针装配时要按数量要求充满轴承壳内,滚针间要相互平行布置。

“ Gear pump wear parts maintenance skills ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国磁力泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

1, gear wear and tear maintenance: Gear tooth wear is mainly the meshing parts, involute gear face and ends flat. Minor wear, the tooth surface grinding whetstone available, both ends of the flat plate mill in the repair of light. To severe wear of gear should be replaced with new gear, if only the two ends of gear surface wear on the grinding surface grinding machine can be revised in the light. Mapping change gears, its modulus m = 3, number of teeth z = 12, pressure angle α = 20 °, tooth top high coefficient f0 = 1, coefficient profile is x1 = x2 = 0.5, the various parts of geometric Size is calculated as follows. Pitch circle diameter: d = mz = 3X12 = 36 (mm) Tooth crown heights: ha = m (f0 + x) = 3X (l +0.5) = 4.5 (mm) Tooth High: hf [= m (f0 + cx) = 3X (l +0.25-0.5) = 2.25 (mm) Tooth full height: h = ha + hf = 4.5 +2.25 = 6.75 (mm) Addendum circle diameter: Da = d +2 ha = 36 +2 X4.5 = 45 (mm) Fixed string tooth thickness: Sxn = m (π / 2 * cos2a + xsin2a) = 3X (1.387 +0.6428 X0.5) = 5.125 (mm) Fixed string of high gear tooth thickness measurement: hxn = m (π / 8 * sin2a + xsin2a) = 3X (0.7476X0.117X0.5) = 2.42 (mm) Modulus coefficient x0.5 m3 O20 ° pressure angle tooth thickness Sxn5.12 fixed string Addendum Coefficient string f1 fixed gear tooth thickness measurement most high hxn2.42 Teeth z12 2, shaft wear and tear maintenance: Axis gear pump wear is mainly because with the support roller shaft at both ends between the friction and wear, so that smaller shaft diameter. If it is minor wear and tear, can be a layer of hard chromium plated to increase the diameter of this part of axis, the axis being repaired. If the shaft wear seriously, 45 should be re-manufactured steel or 40Cr steel shaft blank by the coarse, fine car, bearing parts to heat treatment, hardness HRC60-65, and then by grinding, with parts of the bearing surface roughness Ra not greater than 0.32μm; axis degree of roundness and cylindrical tolerance to 0.005mm; and gear with the site by H7/h6, the surface roughness Ra to be less than 0.63μm. 3, pump wear and tear maintenance: Pump body is absorbing the major section of wear surface arc-shaped face. If there is slight wear and tear, can be rubbed off glitch Hone repair before use. Cast iron pump body is rough shape, severe wear and tear should be replaced with new parts. If both ends of pump gears grinding surface is repaired, the pump should also change the width size, and gear grinding to remove both ends of the size equal to the pump at both ends of re-processed surface should meet the technical requirements as shown in Figure 3 . 4, both ends of the wear cap maintenance: Gear pump with cast iron end caps, wear phenomenon occurs after a slight revision in the plate mill level, more serious wear and tear on the grinding surface grinding machine should be revised in the flat. After grinding to connect with the end caps with flat contact with the pump should not be less than 85%. Flatness tolerance, side face of the vertical centerline hole degree of tolerance, both ends of the side of tolerance and the two axes parallel hole center line parallelism tolerance are O. Olmm. After grinding the surface roughness Ra to be less than 1.25μm. 5, pump maintenance and replacement with a needle roller bearing: After pump repair parts, needle roller bearings should be replaced. Requirements of the Needle: size of error of all the needle diameter should not exceed 0.003mm, length tolerance is 0.1mm, and the shaft with the gap should be about O. Olmm; needle assembly according to the number of required full bearing shell, needle should be parallel to each other arrangements between.


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