承德加强液化石油气充装站管理出新招- 嘉德阀门- 嘉德阀门- 和讯博客
承德加强液化石油气充装站管理出新招 [转贴 2010-04-26 15:11:50]   

原文:Chengde strengthen the management of liquefied petroleum gas filling stations out of new tactics
Chengde strengthen the management of liquefied petroleum gas filling stations out of new tactics Chengde City, Hebei Province reporter from the Quality Supervision Bureau learned that in order to further strengthen the management of liquefied petroleum gas filling station, to curb accidents, the city quality supervision departments in the management measures has a "new tactics." According to the city's Bureau of Quality Supervision Bureau of Special Equipment related to personnel, liquefied petroleum gas storage station is to rely on tanks, pipes, valves and pumps to achieve hydrocarbon receiving, storing and sale of liquefied petroleum gas, and pipelines and valves, equipment link between most of the flange components (flanges, gaskets and fasteners) to complete. Flange components in the LPG storage and distribution station plays an important role in security. Needs special attention is the first liquefied petroleum gas storage tank used in the import and export flange gasket choice. Asbestos rubber sheet gasket poor resilience, high temperature, low temperature, high pressure and so easy to bad condition of aging, resulting in leakage of materials. The spiral wound pad has good elasticity and heat resistance, high strength. Council staff to remind all units, liquefied petroleum gas cylinders and piping systems shall be in the flange gasket spiral wound gasket. Now this work is in progress.
原文来自: http://www.google.com.hk/news

Chengde strengthen the management of liquefied petroleum gas filling stations out of new tactics ; 是由 提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海嘉德阀门制造有限公司还生产 及三片式法兰球阀,主安全阀,外螺纹球阀,双杠杆安全阀,高压内螺纹球阀,欢迎您的选购。)

承德加强液化石油气充装站管理出新招 记者从河北省承德市质监局了解到,为了进一步加强对液化石油气充装站的管理,遏止事故的发生,该市质监部门在管理措施上又出“新招”。 据该市质监局特种设备科相关人员介绍,液化石油气储配站是依靠储罐、管线、阀门和烃泵来实现接收、储存和销售液化石油气的,而管线与阀门、设备之间的联结多数是由法兰组件(法兰、垫片和紧固件)来完成的。法兰组件在液化石油气储配站安全中扮演着重要角色。需要特别注意的是,石油液化气储罐的{dy}道进出口法兰连接所采用垫片的选择。石棉橡胶板垫片回弹力较差,在高温、低温、高压等恶劣工况下容易老化,导致物料泄漏。而金属缠绕垫有较好的回弹性和耐热性,强度高。该局工作人员提醒各单位,液化石油气罐和管路系统的法兰密封垫应当采用金属缠绕垫片。目前,此项工作正在开展中。

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