大脑有问题。 « Live in China 混在中国


是2 1 5 1 8 = 17分钟个。

1 2 1 8 2 +2 = 15分钟。这个聪明的做法是让两个走在在桥上的人最慢,因此花费的时间就是最慢的人去花时间,慢时代谁不需要花费其他桥梁的时间。你可以把所有可能的程序重新上市,他们会发现这是最快的程序

1。 1分钟,2{dy}分钟。时间为2分钟。
2。 1芬中有手电筒回来。了1分钟。
3。 5分钟,8手电筒回到过去分钟。参加8分钟
4。 2分钟后的手电筒。时间为2分钟。
5。 1分钟,2分钟的过去。时间为2分钟。

2芬中八分钟+ 2分钟+ 1分钟+ 2分钟= 15分钟。

There brains problem.

On a dark night, there are four people to lead a small bridge to the mainland, known to the bridge can only accommodate two people at the same time passed, the bridge must also bring to light the torch, but they only have brought a flashlight, four of the speed of the bridge is not the same, namely, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 8 minutes. How can I ask to use the shortest time to reach the other side.

I ll answer it.
assumed that four were A, B, C, D. Obviously, the two began holding a flashlight across the bridge, the flashlight on the other side of the bridge, and now need to have the bridge in one of those two men then returned to the bridge side flashlight. Send flashlight back across the bridge but also of time, so to elect a gain on faster.
a very natural idea is that every time so that the fastest A accompanied another bridge, and then quickly ran back to A, and then to accompany the next one in the past, nobody can cross the bridge on the. Let us count if this should be long. For convenience, we have travelers starting on this side of the bridge, known as this side of the, while the travelers want to reach the other side is called the other side. In the expression of a bridge program, we use the ← to represent the movement from the other side of this shore, with → said the movement from shore to shore. In front of A to escort us across the river, the program can be written as: (on the right figure for the time required to complete this step)
A B → 2
A ← 1
A C → 5
A ← 1
A D → 8
is a total of 2 +1 +5 +1 +8 = 17 minutes.

However, there are actually a faster way:
A B → 2
A ← 1
C D → 8
B ← 2
A B → 2
a total of 2 +1 +8 +2 +2 = 15 minutes. This clever approach is to let two go at the slowest of the people at the bridge, so that the time spent is just go the slowest person to spend time, and go slow times who do not need to spend time on the other bridge the. You can put all the possible programs are listed again, they will find it is the fastest program of the

1. 1 minute, 2 minutes of the first. Took 2 minutes.
2. 1 Fen Zhong with flashlight back. Took 1 minute.
3. 5 minutes, 8 minutes with a flashlight back to the past. Took 8 minutes
4. 2 minutes of flashlight back. Took 2 minutes.
5. 1 minute, 2 minutes of the past. Took 2 minutes.

2 Fen Zhong +8 minutes + 2 minutes + 1 minute + 2 minutes = 15 minutes.04-12-20

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