布光利器HDR Light Studio Standard v1.5 Portable 绿色便携xx版_爱 ...
HDRLight studio一个HDRI制作软件,为CG场景创建HDR照明与反射贴图,提供了各种摄影灯具元素,可以轻松制作出优秀的产品布光环境,加快渲染速度!不知道大家知不知道 HDR Light Studio 这个用来制作HDR环境贴图超爽~~

HDR Light Studio™ has been created for 3D computer graphic artists wanting to create studio photography style renderings of products, packaging and vehicles. Surrounding your 3D data with a good quality studio HDRI map helps to create an image that is a good match for traditional photography, and can then be used for advertising and marketing.

Studio photographers surround their subject matter with different shaped light sources, reflectors and lighting effects - carefully positioning them all to bring out the best in the items being photographed - controlling both the lighting and reflections. This is most important for surfaces that are shiny and reflective - like gloss plastics, metallic paints and chrome/metallic finishes.

So at last you can quickly replicate these studio lighting techniques with your own bespoke HDRI maps, made to measure for each of your rendering projects. HDR Light Studio™ gives you the freedom to quickly adjust your lighting setup to ensure the best results - just like a real photo-shoot!

Synthetic Lighting System
At the heart of all versions of HDR Light Studio™ is the Synthetic Lighting System. This allows for the creation and placement of mathematically generated light sources on the canvas, resulting in visually perfect lights. Simple, yet powerful properties control the look and feel of the lights to generate almost infinite possibilities.

Windows® XP 32/64 bit or
Windows® Vist®a 32/64 bit
Windows® 7 32/64 bit
425 MB free hard drive space
Web browser and Internet Connection for software activation and access to Support.




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HDR Light Studio Standard v1.5 Portable

Password: cehx.com

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