In this topic (article) i describe method restoring MIO from brick-state (it may be flash uBoot, format uBoot, bad full flash) via JTAG.
I restored my MIO a701 with JTAG.
What we need:
1. ocd commander (ocd_cmdr.exe)
2. clear IPL (option)
3. clear uBoot (from full R46)
4. JTAG cabble
5. Soldering iron
6. BIN2HEX utility (HJTAG 0.7.0 have this converter)
7. Disassembler (Option)
What I do for brick state MIO: only flash uBoot from 48 to 55 - AND my MIO on power on light only buttons!
JTAG cabble:
In this scheme we don't need SRST_N signal PC_VCC and RIGHT PART of JTAG pins (not used)
Where JTAG connection on mio (left pins!)
LPT connection
Power connection for Microcircuit.
JTAG sheme (montage)
For all pictures 7.1 megapixels you may download from files in below
Install ocd commander
Install HJTAG
1. Connect power to mio
2. Connect JTAG cabble
3. Place Battery to mio (it is very important)
4. Connect power for JTAG cabble
5. Connect LPT port to JTAG cabble
6. Press reset and hold!
7. Start OCD commander
8. Click all ok
9. Mio will blank leds. See some window:
10. release reset and enter command:
pc 0x1800
hbr 0xa0000000
load (programm ask you for file in hex format. give him WINCEIMG-UBOOT.BIN.1.hex)
if programm halt on 0xa0000000 - IPL good!
In next you must load WINCEIMG-UBOOT.BIN.1.hex to disassembler and with command step hbr go pc manipulate with programm execution uBoot from ocd commander and monitor in disassembler!
Press buttons for enter to uBoot, and execute uBoot step by step (pass some cycle). Some times uBoot go from 0xA00XXXXX address to 0x000XXXXX address - in this case do command pc 0xA00XXXXX where XXXXX same as in 0x000XXXXX. If you miss this jump - next what do mio is freeze!
On XX Attempt my MIO show uBoot menu!
If you flash IPL that don't start:
1. Unpack IPL from full flash R46 (how it make - please describe)
2. Depack IPL on two part (0x200 bytes are repeated on all IPL)
3. Convert IPL to HEX format (start address 0x1800)
3. Load IPL to memory after enter to ocd commander
4. And enter command that shows above
Good luck
1. SeparateFiles.exe 566.50 KB (my programm for separate file with 0x200 interval)
2. fullimage.rar 9.90 MB (images mio jtag cabble 7.1 megapixels)
3. ocd_cmdr.exe 7.64 MB (OCD Commander for jtag debugging)
4. H-JTAG+V0.7.0.rar 900.12 KB (JTAG Server, but used onlu BIN2HEX converter)
5. Customizing_Hardware_J... 137.71 KB (information of JTAG wiggler cabble)
6. 1.86 MB (DOC G3 technical information - may be for make programm in hex format wich will flash memory on the fly!)
7. MIO_A701_R46_WWE.rar 27.73 MB (full image R46 version - where i get uBoot)
8. WINCEIMG-UBOOT.BIN.1.hex 812.38 KB (uBoot in hex format)
9. WINCEIMG-UBOOT.BIN.1.bin 288.81 KB (uBoot in bin format separeted from uBoot in full flash)