液压泵操作不当工人跌落井底- kaiquan8 - kaiquan8 - 和讯博客
液压泵操作不当工人跌落井底 [转贴 2010-04-19 16:25:49]   

原文:Improper operation of bottom hole pump workers fall
Improper operation of bottom hole pump workers fall Yesterday 0:33, King Bridge near the city of Kunming, Wang Hunan prison next to the construction company on site, in a race against time to rescue the well started. After 10 minutes, the second squadron sent a Panlong fire rescue vehicles and seven fire officers and soldiers rushed to the scene, by understanding that the site was the edge of the workers in the deep hydraulic pump operation due to excessive hydraulic pressure, resulting in three workers are operating deep inside the fall, including two minor injuries to workers by other workers have been rescued, and one seriously injured workers still trapped underground. Upon checking the scene commander found that a worker lying on the bottom about six meters deep, painful moan from time to time bursts, as well the construction is steel and steel structures up around full of sharp steel, construction Inoue side there is no strong point, and the bottom of the workers trapped waist injury, if the use of body belts permanent workers to save them, it is likely to cause secondary damage, tripod rescue program It looks not work. Commander then decided that a stretcher will use multi-function workers fixed, and then use the safety rope to rescue workers, coordination of on-site workers immediate commander, got three boards, the board laid on top in the deep, as rescue support points.
原文来自: http://www.google.com.hk/news

Improper operation of bottom hole pump workers fall ;是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海开泉泵业制造有限公司还生产 及液下泵 ,料浆泵 ,胶体磨 试压泵 ,卫生泵 ,更多水泵 ,欢迎您的选购。)

液压泵操作不当工人跌落井底   昨日零时33分,王大桥附近昆明监狱旁湖南望城建筑公司工地上,一场与时间赛跑的深井救援开始了。   10分钟后,盘龙消防二中队出动一辆抢险救援车和7名消防官兵赶赴现场,经了解得知,工地的工人在深井边缘进行液压泵操作时,因液压泵压力过大,导致三名正在作业的工人坠入深井内,其中两名伤情较轻的工人已被其他工友救出,还有一名伤势较重的工人仍被困井下。   指挥员现场查看后发现,一名工人躺在约六米深的井底,不时发出阵阵痛苦的xx,由于施工井是由钢管和钢筋搭建起来的,周围布满了尖锐的钢筋,施工井上方没有任何支撑点,并且被困井底的工人是腰部受伤,如果使用腰带固定工人身体将其救出来,很容易造成二次伤害,三角支架救援的方案看样子行不通。   指挥员随即决定,使用多功能担架将工人固定,然后利用安全绳将工人救出,指挥员立即协调现场工人,找来三块木板,将木板铺设在深井的上方,作为救援支撑点。

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