

Automatic Control of diesel generating sets consists of:
Automatic diesel generating sets, including no-load voltage regulation, automatic voltage regulation and protection of generating units.
A, voltage automatically adjust description: generator voltage automatically adjusted through the automatic voltage regulator (AVR) to achieve, when the generator output voltage is increased, through reducing the generator excitation current AVR is a voltage drop; On the contrary, when the output voltage is reduced, through the AVR to increase the generator excitation current, the voltage recovery to ensure voltage stability.
B, no-load voltage regulation description: When the generator load, through the AVR-conditioning-related potentiometer, the output voltage can be adjusted in a certain range, usually 95% of rated voltage -105%.
C, generator protection features include the following
a) installation of current transformer and current relays to achieve, sub-overload short-delay and time-lapse two kinds of overload.
b) short-circuit protection, through the main switch off and characteristics of the electromagnetic to achieve, when the load short-circuit when the main switch automatically trip.
c) stator temperature protection, by loading the stator temperature sensor, when the stator temperature exceeds the setting, alarm and protection.
d) damp heat, through the installation of moisture-proof heater to achieve, when the generator set in the Preparation of machine state, the heater to work to prevent lead to motor insulation due to environmental humidity reduced.

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