在屠宰300万奥运会猪肉供应商沉北新区项目猪« oursolo.net



沉阳辉山经济开发区自2002年1月28日成立以来,以振兴为契机,发展农产品深加工,促进农业产业化的主要线路,xxxx,东北老工业基地形成一乳品加工,粮油加工,畜禽加工,水果和蔬菜(饮料)加工和生物制品加工等5个为主体,以农业主导产业,相关产业,以补充“5 +1”模式工业发展,并建立研发孵化示范和推广,加工,销售,对休闲农业,旅游和旅游扩散积累在六个职能的核心,经过5年的发展,沉阳经济开发区,山辉已成为全球{zd0}和最推动力和辐射的基地,农产品深加工力量。

辽宁千喜鹤食品有限公司生猪屠宰和加工项目,从2008年北京奥运会冷鲜猪肉及猪肉制品{dj2}供应商-北京千喜鹤食品有限公司投资建设的,主要从事屠宰活猪和高低温肉制品深加工。项目1 560万元,在3000000设计生猪屠宰,高低温肉制品年产10万吨,总投资。


In pigs slaughtered three million Olympic pork suppliers Shenbei Projects

October 10, 2007 morning, Liaoning Qianxihe Food Co., Ltd. completed a project ribbon-cutting ceremony in Shenyang Agricultural Hi-tech Zone Shan-hui was held.

Hui Shan Shenyang Economic Development Zone of Shenyang, formerly Hui Shan Agricultural High-tech Zone, Shenyang are北新区under the jurisdiction of the provincial development zone, are the first batch of National Department of Agriculture named the “national demonstration bases for agricultural products deep processing “National Science and Technology and are approved by Liaoning provincial government,” Northeast Asia, the results of agricultural science and technology base for innovation and transformation “, in Liaoning Province are the only provincial-level agricultural high-tech development zone.

Hui Shan Shenyang Economic Development Zone since January 28, 2002 since its establishment in order to revitalize the northeast old industrial base as an opportunity to develop the deep processing of agricultural products and foster the industrialization of agriculture leading enterprises in the main line, formed a dairy processing, grain and oil processing, livestock and poultry processing, fruits and vegetables (beverages) processing and processing of biological products such as the five leading industries as its mainstay and agriculture-related industries to supplement the “5 +1″ pattern of industrial development, and established R & D incubation demonstration and extension, processing, distribution, accumulation of the proliferation of leisure agriculture, travel and tourism at the core of the six functions, after five years of development, Shenyang Economic Development Zone, Shan-hui has become the largest and most driving force and radiation force of deep processing of agricultural products base.

Liaoning Qianxihe Food Co., Ltd. pig slaughter and processing projects, are from the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games cold fresh pork and pork products sole supplier - Beijing Qianxihe Food Co., Ltd. investment in construction, mainly engaged in slaughtering of live pigs and high and low temperature meat products deep processing. Projects a total investment of 560 million yuan, the design of live pigs slaughtered in three million, annual output of high and low temperature meat products 100,000 tons.

project will be the spirit of “the industrialization of service” three rural “and the return of society” the management idea, grow in size and strength of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises, in accordance with the “company + base + farmers” business model, promote project construction and the surrounding areas to optimize the agricultural structure adjustment, the promotion of a new socialist countryside construction, the rural rich, peasant incomes. All completed projects put into production, and promote the development of related industries and six billion yuan annual output value can be resolved directly and indirectly more than 30 million rural surplus labor force. (07-10-11)

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