Why is the opportunity to close down 30 minutes ahead of schedule ...

why the opportunity to close down 30 minutes ahead of schedule procedures?

opportunity after completing the procedures in the aircraft taxiing to the runway to the first 45 minutes, the Civil Aviation staff to carry out the work of three areas:

a crew to settlement value of the number of travelers, baggage the number of pieces, weight, number of goods, weight, e-mail, and data on the basis of the above load balance billing (Load balanced billing plan to draw a balance to calculate the location of center of gravity), and then do a good job manifests pay flight crew, aircraft side can be released, which takes about 15 minutes.

II, when the above-mentioned work, the radio room to inform the passengers began to board the plane, the attendant to check the boarding pass, the number counted. Passengers on the plane, the crew would like to count the number of take to prevent the leakage, and then proceed to the aircraft before take-off preparations for the attention of the visitors were briefed on the matter of equipment and machines used to check whether the luggage rack in place, passengers whether seat belts work well. Team would also like to move inside the cabin baggage, cargo, mail, the above work is carried out, but the whole cloth 20 minutes to complete.

Third, the remaining 10 minutes is a good flying bodies sliding door to the time required for the runway threshold. Therefore, the aircraft left the ground 45 minutes should be the opportunity to close down procedures, otherwise it will delay flights.







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