中船重工七?四所伺服阀打破国外垄- qidongfamen - qidongfamen - 和讯博客
中船重工七?四所伺服阀打破国外垄 [转贴 2010-04-21 13:45:52]   

集机电液磁技术于一身的伺服系统的制造水平,是衡量国家工业自动化水平高低的一个标志,而我国的伺服阀制造业长期徘徊在低端市场。最近,这一情况有了改观??记者从中船重工第七?四研究所获悉,该所几十年潜心研发射流管电液伺服阀并实施产业化,经过努力,如今终于撼动了国外品牌对国内xx市场的垄断。 大型装备中的伺服阀好比运动神经元,能将“大脑”传来的指令,转化成液压动力,驱动机器做出相应的动作。卫星展开太阳能电池板、生产线抬起巨大的机械臂、万吨巨轮远驶大洋,都离不开它。 制造“精度为王”的射流管伺服阀,则需要更高水平的技术??不少核心器件的加工,必须在放大镜、显微镜下进行,误差只能小于1微米。自1985年在国内生产出{dy}个射流管伺服阀,七?四所就不断在这个领域中探索、积累。可当小批量的“实验室制造”转变为大批量的“流水线制造”,质量控制却成了大问题。针对这一情况,科研人员从2006年开始了技术攻关,建立了一系列质控体系。 迄今为止,该所科研人员已研发出了6个系列、60多个规格的射流管伺服阀,同时将产品故障率从原先的超过30%降到了3%以下。七?四所电液伺服阀产业部主任黄增告诉记者,目前他们已拥有了精度高达0.08微米的检测能力和计量能力,发展出了精密车、精密磨、微孔加工等能力。 当七?四所的高质量射流管伺服阀推向市场后,国外厂商被迫将同类产品价格下降了一半,同时缩短了供货周期,提升售后服务质量。最近,黄增介绍,在成功迈出{dy}步后,他们又挑战新的高度:开发世界上{zx1}一代的数字伺服阀,同时加强质量体系建设,争取将国产伺服阀用上飞机、飞船。

“ China Shipbuilding Heavy Industry 704 servo valve to break the foreign monopoly ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国气动阀门网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Set hydraulic magnetic technology in a servo system, the manufacturing level, is a measure of the level of national industrial automation as a symbol of our country's servo valve manufacturing sector also remained in the low end. Recently, this situation has changed - from ship's Heavy 7th ? 4 Institute was informed by decades of painstaking research and development of the jet pipe servo valve and the implementation of industrialization, through the efforts, and now finally shake the foreign brands the monopoly of the domestic high-end market. The servo valve of large equipment like motor neurons, can the "brain" came the directive into hydraulic power, driving the machine to make the appropriate action. Satellite launch solar panels, a huge line up arm, tons of ocean drive wheel well, can not do without it. Create "Accuracy is king," the jet pipe servo valve, you need a higher level of technology - many of the core components of the process, must be magnifying glass under the microscope, the error only less than 1 micron. Since 1985, domestic production of the first jet pipe servo valve, 704 have continued to explore in this area accumulated. But when small quantities of "Laboratories" into high-volume "manufacturing line", quality control has become a big problem. In view of this situation, researchers from the technical research in 2006, established a series of quality control system. So far, the Institute researchers have developed a 6 series, more than 60 specifications of the jet pipe servo valve, while the product failure rate from the original more than 30% to 3% or less. 704 servo valve industry by director Wong told reporters, and now they already have a precision of up to 0.08 micron detection and measurement capabilities, developed a sophisticated car, precision grinding, micro processing capabilities. When the 704 high-quality jet pipe servo valve to the market, foreign firms are forced to lower prices of similar products by half, while reducing the supply cycle, improve service quality. Recently, Huang by introduction, after a successful first step, they challenge a new high: developing world, the latest generation of digital servo valve, while enhancing the quality of system, servo valve for the domestic spend aircraft, spacecraft.

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