泡沫拯救地球- fengqi18 - fengqi18 - 和讯博客
泡沫拯救地球 [转贴 2010-04-16 13:44:57]   

原文Foam to save the planet
Foam to save the planet Some foam to be stronger for it - not in the property market, but in the sea. Harvard University physicist has pointed out that manufacturing in the sea by a large number of small bubbles, can boost the reflectivity of the sea, thus reducing the water temperature. In view of the majority of the earth's surface covered by water, even the smile of change may also play a role in containing global warming. Present in the sea foam less than sunlight reflected from Earth reflected sunlight thousandth, if they can use electronic pump discharge to the sea in a large number of small bubbles, these "little mirror of air to do," earth's temperature can be reduced by at least 3 degrees Celsius.
原文来自: http://www.google.com.hk/news

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泡沫拯救地球  让泡沫来得更猛烈些吧——不是在楼市,而是在大海。哈佛大学的物理学家近日指出,通过在海中制造大量细小泡沫的方式,可以增加大海的反射率,从而降低水体温度。鉴于地球表面大部分为海水所覆盖,即使是微笑的改变,也可能对全球变暖起到遏制作用。目前海洋中的泡沫所反射的太阳光不足地球反射阳光的千分之一,如果能用电子泵向海中排放大量小气泡,这些“空气做的小镜子”可以将地球温度至少降低3摄氏度。

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