Mad For Plaid: A Peek at Burberry's Trench Coat-Inspired Makeup ...

When you think of , what image comes to mind? Besides the oft-copied tan, black, and red tartan design, likely it's the classic, timeless trench. This wardrobe staple is exactly the inspiration behind the brand's new color cosmetics line, Burberry Beauty, which is at . On the reasoning behind the latest venture, Burberry's Christopher Bailey explained to WWD, "When we were doing makeup [at shows and photo shoots], I felt like we weren’t able to get the right attitude. It was either caked-on makeup or then just the wrong colors, the wrong tones, the wrong spirit for makeup. I wanted it to be this kind of effortless elegance."

Aiming to be totally wearable, the 96-unit line will center on sheer washes of color. It includes a Lip Definer pencil ($24) and Sheer Foundation compact ($59), among standard cosmetic staples like bronzer, eye shadow, lipstick, and the like. Partly influenced by the weather, the palette also features shades like stormy grays and blues and sunny, glowing hues throughout. Get more details when you

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