当投机客遇到政策阀门- fengqi18 - fengqi18 - 和讯博客
当投机客遇到政策阀门 [转贴 2010-04-16 11:03:42]   

原文When speculators face Policy valve
When speculators face Policy valve Spring day in 2010 prices reproduce a price, even first-tier cities housing prices soared 4000 per day, the majority of ordinary home buyers are also difficult to give everything a place, capsules room Jing Xian, on the other hand, speculators hoarding of 100 sets or even frequently 1000 Suite source, frequently shot in the big cities, more data that more than 60% of the volume control in the hands of real estate speculators. 2010 re crazy property market, housing prices once again pushed to the cusp, repeated calls, the government finally Sword, the second suite shall not be less than 50% down payment, second mortgage rates not less than 1.1 times the benchmark rate. Increase the proportion of two suites down payment mortgage is considered important to suppress the rising housing prices or even the "ultimate" means to restrain the property bubble is a killer. Falling house prices is the last round in September 27, 2007, "two sets of 4 percent mortgage down payment, interest rate 1.1 times" after the new regulations. The property market this year, they are crazy, the government once again resorted to mortgage instruments, the property market or just crazy. Improve the two suites down payment percentage, stopped speculators from the source of funds, reduce the property bubble. The reduction of the property market bubble, trading volume has stabilized, so that the buyers see through the property market woes, a more rational purchase, which in turn broke the speculators in the market, unable to map the natural receded, the property market seen stable situation. When speculators face Policy valve, the property market or just crazy. And improve the two suites down payment ratio, as the government's macroeconomic regulation and control of the signal, it would not be the end.
原文来自: http://www.google.com.hk/news

When speculators face Policy valve ;是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海丰企阀门有限公司还生产 及保温钛放料阀,V型调节钛球阀,刀型钛闸阀,旋启式钛止回阀,F9T43X电动盲板阀,欢迎您的选购。)

当投机客遇到政策阀门 2010年春房价再现{yt}一价,一线城市甚至出现房价{yt}暴涨4000元,广大普通购房者倾其所有也难以有一席之地,胶囊房惊现,而另一方面,投机客动辄囤积百套甚至千套房源,在各大城市频频出手,更有数据指出超过60%成交量掌控在炒房客手中。2010楼市再现疯狂,房价再次推到风口浪尖,千呼万唤,政府终亮剑,二套房首付款不得低于50%,第二套住房xx利率不得低于基准利率的1.1倍。 提高二套房房贷首付比例被认为是抑制房价高涨的重要甚至是“{zj2}”手段,是抑制地产泡沫的杀手锏。上一轮房价下跌正是发生在2007年9月27日“二套房贷首付4成、利率1.1倍”新规之后。今年楼市又现疯狂,政府再次使出房贷手段,楼市疯狂或可止。 提高二套房首付比例,从源头上截住投机客的资金,减少楼市泡沫。而楼市泡沫减少,交易量趋于平稳,使广大购房者看破楼市疑云,更加理性购房,反过来又断掉了投机客的市场,无力可图自然退去,楼市平稳态势可见。 当投机客遇到政策阀门,楼市疯狂或可止。而提高二套房首付比例,作为政府宏观调控的信号,相信不会是句点。

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