

2010-04-22 14:30:45 阅读4 评论0 字号:

Valve was present and accounted for at Microsoft's X10 conference held yesterday, and it didn't hold back when it came to making announcements. The main news that came our way was the announcement of "The Passing" and its expected arrival date, Valve marking the DLC for a late March release. The DLC will feature quite a few new things, though some of them have only been hinted at. Even so, those that were confirmed were enough to get us excited and waiting to once again march upon the undead hordes. First of all, the new DLC will feature at least one new type of infected, the Fallen Survivor. The new zombie is a human who believed himself immune to the infection, was obviously wrong, and ended up on the other side of the conflict. He's going to be somewhat easy to spot, with his bonnie hat, bandoleer and Molotov cocktails, but also as a hunted infected, as he'll sometime drop health kits or ammo when killed, remnants from his survivor days. As far as the campaign goes, players will have a chance to hook up with the old crew, the cast of the original Left 4 Dead, Francis, Bill, Zoey and Louis, who will act as NPCs. According to the information that Kotaku extracted from Valve, the veteran survivors of the first Left 4 Dead will help players finish the third map in the campaign. "The Passing" would also allow them to get a bit more intimate with the cast of the original game, learning a bit more about their traits, Valve's Chet Faliszek explained. The story will most likely be detailed in the Left 4 Dead digital comic that will be illustrated by Powers artist Michael Avon Oeming, and will come out after the release of the DLC. And if that wasn't enough for the fans of the old L4D, then Valve announced that it had another treat for them. Approximately a month after the digital comic book comes out, L4D will receive a special add-on, detailing the adventures of the survivors in the time that passed since the first title ended up until the events in The Passing. Right now, the add-on is still unnamed and it will only be available in the original game, and not in the sequel.
原文来自: http://blog.reelloop.com/4884/news/valve-announces-downloadable-content-left-4-dead-2-huge-sales/

Valve announces downloadable content for ‘Left 4 Dead 2′ amid huge sales;是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海丰企阀门有限公司还生产 及保温钛放料阀,V型调节钛球阀,刀型钛闸阀,旋启式钛止回阀,F9T43X电动盲板阀,欢迎您的选购。)

阀门是当前和微软的X10会议昨天举行占,并没有阻止它来时作出公布。主要的消息,来到我们的方式是“过公告”及预计到达日期,阀门标志为3月下旬发布的金刚石。该金刚石将有不少新东西,但其中一些人只是暗示。即便如此,那些被证实是足以让我们兴奋,等待再次游行呼吁不死成群。 首先,新的金刚石将有至少有一个受感染的新类型,堕落的幸存者。新僵尸是人力谁相信自己不受感染,显然是错误的,结束冲突的另一边了。他将在某种程度上容易被发现,他的邦尼帽子,子弹带和燃烧瓶,而且也是感染的追捕,因为他的某个时候会下降,健康包或弹药时死亡,其遗属残余从天。 至于竞选去,玩家将有机会与老挂钩的船员,原造成4人死亡,弗朗西斯,条例草案,Zoey和路易斯,谁担任参项票。根据资料,小宅,从阀门中提取,{dy}次造成4人死亡的老将幸存者将帮助玩家在完成活动的第三个地图。 “过”,也让他们得到一点与原作演员亲切,学习一点对他们的特点,Valve的切特Faliszek解释。这个故事很可能在造成4人死亡的数字漫画,将由国艺术家迈克尔埃文Oeming详细说明,并会后释放出类金刚石。 如果这是不够的旧L4D的球迷,那么阀门宣布,它已经为他们再xx。大约在数位漫画书后一个月内,L4D将获得一个特殊的插件,详细的,自{dy}个{gj}结束,直到合格才发生的事情时间的推移,幸存者的冒险。目前,加载项尚未命名的,它将仅在原有的游戏,而不是在续集。


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