新疆新和县品牌葡萄远销区内外« oursolo.net




Xinjiang brand new and County grapes are exported to the region or elsewhere

Autumn in October, the new and the county’s grape harvest has ushered in Happo merchants. Recently, a new and county塔什艾day Acciari grams Rural Village hot grape plant families combined Cayman pleased to say that he planted this year五亩grapes, sold a total of 25,000.

Cayman in the heat of the vineyard, from Kashi City Memetili Tursun merchants are busy command more than twenty workers in mining, put grapes. He told reporters that he and county in the new acquisition of grapes has 15 years, as here, a very good quality grapes, he acquired more than 200 tons every year, this year he received 350 tons, the majority of sales to Beijing, Hong Kong, Canton and other cities, these new and年光County grapes he sold over 100 million.

In recent years, new and counties around the “agricultural efficiency and farmers to increase the” target, to develop fruit industry, focusing on market needs and guide the development of peasant grapes, grape varieties Optimize continuous improvement. Their efforts to build the Jade Huangsha Pak Jade, Green Jade mainly sand “sand jade” grape brand reputation in the region or elsewhere. Through years of hard work, and now the new and County grape acreage has reached 4.2 million mu, annual output of 6 million tons of grapes, 70% sold to Urumqi, Beijing, Guangdong, Shenzhen and other places, peasant income has become an effective way to get rich one. (07-11-23)

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