【CD-ROM】for "RF Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications ...
本帖{zh1}由 benemale 于 2010-4-22 21:33 编辑




CD-ROM for “RF Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications”, S.C.Cripps, Artech House 2006

This CD contains mainly Excel files, some of which are just variations on the “PA Postulator” PA_Waves, described in the book (and used extensively in Chapters 4,6 and 8). In addition to the base program, the CD contains several derivatives, which represent specific settings of input parameters for particular examples in the book. These are denoted by filenames of the form “paw_Fig_6_23”, which enables the reader to quickly generate the plots shown in Figure 6.23.

Several other Excel files relate to modulation formats described in Chapter 9. These reproduce the raw IQ data and the corresponding IQ plots and CCDF bar charts shown in Chapter 9, and have a typical format “OFDM_stats”, e.g. for the 802.11a format. There are also some files which enable rudimentary spectral analysis for stipulated PA non-linear responses for EDGE and OFDM systems (EDGE_ACP and OFDM_ACP). Clearly, these files are all open and can be modified by readers to analyze different PA responses and modulation systems. The files having the form “OFDM_effy” perform statistical analysis of PA efficiency for the stipulated modulation format, as described in Chapter 10.

There is a subdirectory of various CAD circuit design examples described in the book. These use the Microwave Office harmonic balance simulator, which can be downloaded for an evaluation period from the AWR website (), by all means mention that you want it to run the files from this book.
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