水蒸气从截止阀中泄漏- 中国疏水阀- 中国疏水阀- 和讯博客
水蒸气从截止阀中泄漏 [转贴 2010-04-15 14:46:10]   

[Final Edition] Daily Press - Newport News, Va. Author: WILLIAM H. MCMICHAEL Daily Press Date: Mar 23, 1993 Start Page: B.1 Section: Local Text Word Count: 773 Abstract (Document Summary) Wayne Muth of Hiller's Chesapeake office has testified that he closed the valve tightly at the end of that first phase. But as the main part of the test drew to a close, said Lt.j.g. Ken Smith, also in the room with Muth, "There was carbon dioxide vapor leaking from the stop valve. I told Mr. Muth that he needed to crank down on that valve." Muth did so, and Smith recalled that Muth "seemed a little surprised that the valve moved." Muth and another man then used a wrench as a lever. Muth said during his testimony that "it sounded like something snapped" as they tightened it further. Photos (color) by the U.S Coast Guard The dented bolt, inside a main shutoff valve, is one of two bolts witnesses say blocked the mechanism that closes the valve. That allowed excess carbon dioxide to flow into the fire suppression system, which killed two people. Investigators examine the main shutoff valve outside one of the ship's two main carbon dioxide tanks. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction or distribution is prohibited without permission.

VALVE CITED IN DEATHS ON SHIP CARBON DIOXIDE SMOTHERED 2 MEN;是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海一环流体控制设备有限公司还生产 及蝶式缓冲止回阀,水封截止阀,明杆软密封闸阀,明杆消防闸阀,内螺纹楔式闸阀,欢迎您的选购。)



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