洛阳轴承比前两年的出口金额前10 « oursolo.net

今年,洛阳市政府出台了政策,为工业轴承全面提升数字,“在帮助”来,以便在新的发展机遇轴承行业迎来。 21日从洛阳海关获悉,今年头10个月,全市出口334.0万的轴承和出口一千四百四十四点零零零万美元套,超过了2005年,2006年,轴承一两年的出口总额。


从传统的北美市场出口到欧洲市场,欧洲将成为{zd0}的轴承出口。今年的欧洲国家,出口达到18个,同比增长百分之63.6。 1月至10月对欧洲出口轴承由17.5%七百六点零万美元,增长6.5倍,同一时期的出口总额的比重轴承,目前百分之52.6。

产品结构进一步优化,大型,专用高精密轴承,主导产品的代表。 1月至10月,洛阳轴承出口334.0万辆,下降15.4个百分点,但总价值增加了一倍。轴承从去年的0.69美元的平均出口价格/套上升到1.6美元/台,增长2.3倍。到大型,专用的高精密轴承为代表的出口占主导地位,突出了洛阳轴承行业已逐渐走出低谷,逐步优化产品结构,增加值,显着增加。


Luoyang Bearing ago in October over the previous two years the sum of exports

This year, the Luoyang municipal government introduced a number of policies for the comprehensive upgrading of industrial bearings, “come on help” so that bearings industry usher in new development opportunities. 21 Customs from the Luoyang was informed that the first 10 months of this year, the city exported 3.34 million sets of bearings and exports 14,440,000 U.S. dollars, exceeding the 2005, 2006, bearing a two-year total exports.

the rapid development of private enterprises, the export growth to lead bearings. Bearing this year, exports of private enterprises has 19, up 58.3 percent. January-October exports of private enterprises in Luoyang Bearing 12,800,000 U.S. dollars, an increase of 3.7 times, accounting for the same period bearing 88.6 percent of total exports. Luoyang Bearing

exports from the traditional North American market to the European markets, Europe will become the biggest exporter of bearings. European countries this year, exports reached 18, up 63.6 percent. January-October exports to Europe bearing 7,600,000 U.S. dollars, an increase of 6.5 times, accounting for the same period the proportion of the total value of exports bearings from 17.5% to its current 52.6 percent.

product structure was further optimized, large-scale, special-purpose, high-precision bearings, represented by the dominant product. January-October, Luoyang Bearing export 3,340,000 units, up 15.4 percent decline, but the total value has doubled. Bearing the average export price from last year’s 0.69 U.S. dollars / sets rose to 1.6 U.S. dollars / units, an increase of 2.3 times. To large, dedicated, high-precision bearings, represented by exports accounted for a dominant position, highlights the Luoyang Bearing industry has gradually bottom out gradually optimizing product mix, value added, increased significantly.

industry analysis, international and domestic changes in the market environment for the bearing industry has created new opportunities, which can predict the demand for bearings will be a stable growth situation, the Luoyang Bearing industry will usher in a sustainable development period, especially in the next 5-10 years, the Luoyang Bearing industry in technology, products, market demand and industrial structure, etc., there will be a larger development and changes. Industry with technology, research and development capabilities of leading enterprises will be relatively rapid development of high-grade bearings products with independent intellectual property rights of business development prospects; low-end product market competition intensifies, an increased risk of small and medium-sized markets; in the development momentum of the growing high-end cars strong bearing on the high-end products to increase. (07-11-23)

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