春季农业生产加快大中型灌区和泵站更新改造- huagongbengwang - 博客大巴
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    国务院总理19日主持召开国务院常务会议,研究部署进一步扶持农业生产的政策措施。 会议强调,必须高度重视农业生产面临的严峻形势,要在加快落实中央已确定强农惠农政策的基础上,采取更有针对性、更有力的措施,保障春耕生产顺利进行,全力夺取夏季粮油好收成,为经济社会发展全局提供有力支撑。 会议决定了进一步扶持农业生产的政策措施。一是实施冬小麦弱苗施肥、西南旱区覆膜种植和东北水稻大棚育秧补助。中央财政按每亩10元的标准,对全国11个冬小麦主产区5300万亩弱苗麦田给予补助,对云南、广西、贵州、四川、重庆五省(区、市)2500万亩玉米推广地膜覆盖技术给予补助。对黑龙江、吉林等省新建水稻育秧大棚给予补助。二是增加高产创建补助。中央财政在已安排6亿元高产创建专项资金的基础上,再增加5亿元。新增资金向水稻尤其是东北优质粳稻产区倾斜。三是继续实施油菜籽临时收储政策,收储价格由每斤1.85元提高到1.95元。四是增加农机具购置补贴资金。中央财政在今年已安排145亿元农机具购置补贴资金基础上,再增加10亿元,重点支持西南和北方地区机耕机播,加快春播进度。五是实施新疆、内蒙古冰雪灾区牲畜饲草料补助。中央财政增加补助资金1.5亿元,用于组织调运饲草和饲料,解决新疆、内蒙古灾区3000万头(只)受灾牲畜安全度春短期补饲和接羔育幼需要。六是落实冻猪肉收储计划,加快猪肉收储进度。适时启动对国家确定的生猪调出大县养殖户(场)能繁母猪的临时饲养补贴。七是充实和完善中央水利建设基金,加快建立各级政府投资稳定增长和保障机制,加强农田水利基本建设。加快大中型灌区和泵站更新改造、控制性骨干水源工程和各种节水灌溉工程建设。加大农村金融扶持力度。

    “ Spring production speed and medium-sized irrigation and pump station renovation”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国化工泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

    Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao chaired a State Council on the 19th executive meeting of the deployment of further policy measures to support agricultural production. The need to attach great importance to the grim situation facing agricultural production, to accelerate the implementation of central government has established the policy of benefiting the agriculture, based on taking a more targeted, more effective measures to protect the spring production proceed smoothly, fully capture the summer grain and oil good harvest, for the economic and social development and support effectively. The meeting decided that further policy measures to support agricultural production. First, a weak seedling winter wheat fertilization, mulching planting arid southwest and northeast of rice seedling greenhouse benefits. The central government according to the standard 10 yuan per mu, the main producing areas of the country's 11 winter wheat subsidies granted 5300 acres weak seedling, Yunnan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan, Chongqing, five provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) 2,500 acres of corn to promote film covering technology grant basis. Heilongjiang, Jilin and other provinces to supplement the new rice seedling greenhouse. Second is to increase the high yield benefits. The central government has arranged 600 million yuan in special funds to create the basis of high yield, the increase of 500 million yuan. Add funds to high-quality japonica rice producing areas, particularly the north-east slope. Third, continue to implement the interim purchasing and storage of rapeseed policy, purchasing and storage price from 1.85 yuan per catty raised to 1.95 yuan. Fourth, to increase farm machinery purchase subsidy funds. The central government has arranged this year, 14.5 billion purchase of agricultural machinery and tools on the basis of subsidies, an additional 10 million dollars to support the Southwest and northern plowing sowing machines to speed up the progress of spring. Fifth, the implementation of Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, livestock forage snow disaster assistance. The central government to increase subsidies for 150 million yuan for the organization of transporting forage grass and feed, to solve Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia hit 30 million (only) the affected livestock safety of short-term supplementation and Jie Gao spring nursery needs. 6 is a plan to implement purchasing and storage of frozen pork, pork purchasing and storage to speed up the progress. Timely start of the state for the county transferred out pig farmers (field) to prosperity temporary breeding sows subsidies. Seventh, strengthen and improve the central water conservancy projects, accelerate the establishment of stable growth at all levels of government investment and protection mechanisms, to strengthen water conservancy construction. Speed up the renovation and medium-sized irrigation and pumping stations, controlling key water projects and various water-saving irrigation project. Increase efforts to support rural finance.


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