中国阀门制造业代表赴日本交流考察- fengqi18 - fengqi18 - 和讯博客
中国阀门制造业代表赴日本交流考察 [转贴 2010-04-23 11:36:27]   

原文:China valve manufacturing sector, the exchange visit to Japan
China valve manufacturing sector, the exchange visit to Japan Valve Association of Japan invited China General Machinery Industry Association, headed by the Secretary-General Song Yinli valves Branch of China Valve Association industry delegation to Japan in April 12, 2010 left to go to Japan to study, visited the Yamatake, Fuji Gold, East Asia, Pakistan and the Olympic Village five butterfly valve business, and associations with the Japanese valve technology exchange, study and exchange are successful, the delegation of 27 people on April 21 successfully returned.

China valve manufacturing sector, the exchange visit to Japan ; 是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海丰企阀门有限公司还生产 及保温钛放料阀,V型调节钛球阀,刀型钛闸阀,旋启式钛止回阀,F9T43X电动盲板阀,欢迎您的选购。)

中国阀门制造业代表赴日本交流考察 应日本阀门协会邀请,中国通用机械工业协会阀门分会宋银立秘书长任团长的中国阀协制造业赴日本考察团于2010年4月12日启程赴日本考察,先后考察了日本山武、富士金、东亚、巴蝶和奥村五家阀门企业,并与日本阀门协会进行技术交流,考察和交流都取得圆满成功,考察团一行27人于4月21日顺利回国。

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