APl 598 阀门的检查和试验

第1章概述 1.1范围 1.1.1本标准包括对闸阀、截止阀、旋塞阀、球阀、止回阀和蝶阀的检查、检验、补充检验和压力试验的要求.上述各类阀门为弹性密封、非金属(如,陶瓷)密封或金属?金属密封.弹性密封是指; a.软密封,固体或半固体润滑脂类(如,油封阀、旋塞阀), b.软密封与金属密封的组合, c.设计满足表5规定的弹性密封泄漏率的任何其他类阀门. APl598是对引用它的API标准的补充,但经买方与阀门制造厂商定,APl598也可用于其他类阀门。 1.1.2检查要求适用于由阀门制造厂进行的检验和试验及买方要求在阀门制造厂内进行的任何补充检验.试验要求适用于在阀门制造厂内进行的需要的和任选的压力试验。 1,1.3本标准所规定的试验和检验如下: a壳体试验; b.上密封试验, c.低压密封试验; d.高压密封试验: c.铸件的外观检验, f.高压气体壳体试验. 1.2引用标准 1.2.1本标准引用下列标准、法规和规范的{zx1}版本. ASME BL20.1通用管螺纹 B16.11承插焊和螺纹连接的锻钢管件 B16.34法兰、螺纹和焊连接的阀门 MSS SP--55阀门、法兰、管件和其他管路附件的铸钢件的质量标准----目视法 SP--91阀门手动操作规则 1.2.2本标准补充下列APl阀门标准. API Std594对夹式、凸耳对央式和双法兰式止回阀 Std599钢和球墨铸铁旋塞阀 Std600阀盖为螺栓连接和自压密封的法兰和对焊连接的钢闸阀 Std602法兰、螺纹和焊连接的及加长阀体连接的紧凑型钢闸阀 Std603150磅级耐腐蚀法兰连接闸阀(铸造) Std608法兰,螺纹和焊连接的金属球阀 Std609双法兰式、对夹式和凸耳对夹式蝶阀 第2章检查、检验和补充检验 2.1在阀门制造厂内检查 买方将在定单中规定要在阀门制造厂内检查阀门并目睹阀门的检验和试验.在执行购货合同期间,买方检查员可随时进入制造厂内与阀门制造有关的任何部门。 2.2在阀门制造厂外检查 当买方规定,检查包括在阀门制造厂外制造的壳体部件时,这些部件应在其制造地接受买方检查。 2.3检查通知 当规定由买方检查时,阀门制造厂应在进行需要的阀门试验和规定的补充检查或检验前5个工作日,按定单中所列地址通知买方。如需要厂外检查时,阀门制造厂也应提前5个工作日通知买方在何时、何地可对在阀门制造厂外制造的壳体部件进行检查。 2.4检查范围 检查范围可在定单中规定,除另有说明外,检查应限于下述各项. a、在装配过程中对阀门进行检查,以保证符合定单中的规定。检查可包括使用规定的无损检验方法。 b.现场目睹需要的和规定任选的压力试验和检验。 C现场目睹任何补充检验(见2.6节)。 d.审查加工记录和无损检验记录(包括规定的射线检验记录)。 2.5检验 2.51阀门制造厂应对所有的阀体、阀盖和密封件的铸件进行外观检验,以保证符合阀MSSSP一55的规定。 2.5.2阀门制造厂应对每台阀门进行检验,以保证符合本标准和引用的采购规范(如,APl600,见1.2.2节). 2.5.3所有的检验均应按根据相应标准编制的书面程序进行。 2.6补充检验 各种补充检验仅在定单中规定时,并仅在规定范围内进行。铸钢件或锻钢件的磁粉检验、射线检验、液体渗透检验和超声波检验应符合ASMEBl6.34第8章或买方自己的程序和验收准则,如有这样的规定。这些检验应在买方检查员现场目睹的情况下,由阀门制造厂进行。 第3章压力试验 3.1试验地点 压力试验应由阀门制造厂在阀门制造厂内进行。 3.2试验设备 阀门制造厂用于进行需要的压力试验的设备不应施加影响阀座密封的外力。如使用了端部夹紧试验装置,阀门制造厂应能证实该试验装置不影响被试验阀门的密封性能。端部夹紧装置适用于装配在配合法兰间的阀门,如:对夹式止回阀和对夹式蝶阀。 3.3需要的试验 3.3.1每台阀门应按根据本标准编制的书面程序进行表1一A或表1一B所列的压力试验。 3.3.2除非定单中另有说明,对具有上密封性能的阀门其上密封试验可为高压试验或低压试验由制造厂选择。 3.3.3规格小于等于NPS4压力额定值小于等于ASME1500磅级的阀门和规格大于NP54压力额定值小于等于AsME600磅级的阀门应按表l?A进行试验。 3.3.4规格小于等于NPS4压力额定值大于AsME1500磅级的阀门和规格大于NPS4压力额定值大于ASME600磅级的阀门应按表1一B进行试验。 3.4高压密封试验 如表1?A和表1一B所示,有几种类型的阀门需要进行高压密封试验.按表1一A和表,一B,一些类型的阀门其高压密封试验是任选的,但这些阀门仍要求能通过高压密封试验(作为阀门密封结构设计的试验)。 3.5高压气体壳体试验 当定单中规定时,应进行高压气体壳体试验.高压气体壳体试验应在液压壳体试验之后进行,并要有相应的安全防护措施,气体壳体试验压力应是100下(30℃)时{zd0}许用压力的110%或按定单中的规定,不允许有可见的泄漏。 表1一A压力试验(见3.3.3节) 阀门类型 试验项目闸阀截止阀旋塞阀止回阀浮动式球阀蝶阀和固定式球阀 壳体上密封低压密封高压密封需要需要需要需要需要需要需要需要NANANANA需要任选需要任选需要需要任选需要任选需要任选任选 注:NA=不适用。 所有具有上密封性能的阀门都应进行上密封试验,波纹管密封阀门除外。 对于油封式旋塞阀,高压密封试验足需要的,低压密封试验任选。 如经买方同意.阀门制造厂可用低压密封试验代替高压密封试验。 弹性密封阀门经高压密封试验后,可能降低其在低压工况的密封性能。 对于动力驱动的截止阀,高压密封试验的试验压力应是选定动力驱动装置所使用的设计压差的110%。 表1--B压力试验(见3、3、4节) 阀门类型 试验项目闸阀截止阀旋塞阀止回阀浮动式球阀蝶阀固定式球阀 壳体上密封低压峦封高压密封4需要需要需要需要需要需要需要需要NANANANA任选任选任选任选任选任选需要需要需要需要任选需要 注:NA=不适用. 所有具有上密封性能的阀门都应进行上密封试验,波纹管密封阀门除外。 如经买方同意,阀门制造厂可用低压密封试验代替高压密封试验。 弹性密封阀门经高压密封试验后,可能降低其在低压工况的密封性能。 对于动力驱动的截止阀,高压密封试验的试验压力应是选定动力驱动装置所使用的设计压差的110%。 3.6试验介质 3.6.1壳体试验,高压上密封试验和高压密封试验的试验介质应是空气,惰性气体、煤油、水或粘度不高于水的非腐蚀性液体.试验介质的温度不超过125F(52℃)。低温阀门的试验介质温度可在定单中规定。 3.6.2对于低压密封试验和低压上密封试验,试验介质应是空气或惰性气体。 3.6.3当用空气或气体进行密封、上密封或壳体试验时,阀门制造厂应能证实其检漏方法是符合要求的。 3.6.4各项试验用的水可含有水溶性油或防锈剂。当买方有规定时,水中应含有润湿剂.奥氏体不锈钢阀门试验时所使用的水的氯含量不应超过100ppm。阀门制造厂应能提供证实氯含量的文件。 3.7试验压力 3.7.1壳体试验压力应符合表2的规定。 2.7.2其他试验的压力应符合表3的规定。 表2壳体试验压力 阀门类型磅级亮体试验压力(最小) 磅/平方英寸(表压)巴 球墨铸铁铸铁NPS2-12NPS14-24铸铁NPS2-12NPS14-24钢法兰和对焊连接螺纹和承插焊连接150300125250150-25008001500-2500400269756635025265198756152537aba a按ASMEBl6.34. b对于800磅级阀门,壳体试验压力应是100Y(38E)时的压力额定值的1.5倍,并加大圆整到邻近的25磅/平方英寸(表压)(或1巴)的倍数(见APl602的表2)。 3.8试验持续时间 对于每项试验,试验压力应至少持续表4所规定的最短时间。 3.9试验泄漏 3.9.1对于壳体试验和上密封试验,不允许有可见的泄漏。如试验介质为液体,则不得有明显可见的液滴或外表面潮湿(无明显可见的泄漏通过阀体、阀体衬里(如果有)和阀体?阀盖连接处.并无结构上的损坏).如果试验介质是空气或气体,则按所制定的检测方法应无泄漏。 表3其他试验压力 试验项目最小试验压力 磅/平方英寸(表压)巴 阀门(蝶阀和止回阀除外)高压密封和上密封低压密封和上密封60-1004-7 蝶阀高压密封低压密封60-1004-7 止回阀高压密封125磅级(铸铁)NPS2~1220014NPS14~4815011250磅级(铸铁)NPS2~1250035NPS14~2430021150磅级(球墨铸性)25017300磅级(球墨铸铁)64044碳钢、合金钢、不锈钢和特殊合金钢低压密封(见表1--A和表1一B)60-1004一7 所有具有上密封性能的阀都需要进行上密封试验。 按适用的采购规范,为1000F(380C)时设计压差的110%。 表4试验压力的持续时间 阀门最短试验持续时间S秒), 规格壳体密封 (NPS)止回阀其他(APl594)阀门上密封止回阀其他(APl594)阀门 ≤221/2一68-12≥146015606060120120300156060606015606060120120120 试验持续时间是指阀门xx准备好压力升至定值后的检查时间。 3.9.2对于低压密封试验和高压密封试验,不允许有明显可见的泄漏通过阀瓣、阀座背面和轴密封(如果有此结构),并无结构上的损坏(弹性阀座和密封面的塑性变形不作为结构上的损坏考虑)。 在试验持续时间内试验介质通过密封面的允许泄漏率列于表5。 当用容积仪测量泄漏量时,应将仪器校正使其得出的结果相当于表5所列的每分钟单位敷.校正容积仪应使用与产品试验相同的介质,井在相同的温度下。 表5密封试验的{zd0}允许泄漏率 阀门所有弹性除止回阀外的所有金属密封阀门金属密封止回阀 规格(NPS)密封阀门液体试验(滴/分)气体试验C气泡/分)液体试验气体试验 ≤221/2-68-l2≥14000001220280244056CCCcDDDD ?对于液体试验,1毫升(cm3)相当于16滴。 :在规定的最短试验持续时间内(见表4)无泄漏.对于液体试验,“o”滴表示在每个规定的最短试验持续即闭 内无可见泄漏.对于气体试验,“o”气泡表示在每个规定的最短试验持续时间内泄漏量小于1个气泡。 ‘{zd0}允许泄漏率应是公称通径每英寸每分钟o.18立方英寸(3cm)。 ‘{zd0}允许泄漏率应是公称通径每英寸每小时1.5标准立方英尺(o.04Zm')。 ?对于规格大于NPS24的止回阀,允许的泄漏率应由买方与制造厂商定。 3.9.3使用非金属(如,陶瓷)密封材料的阀门,其密封试验的允许泄漏率应与表5规定的同类型和规格的金属密封阀门相同。 第4章压力试验方法 4.1概述 4.1.1对于具有允许应急的或补充的向密封面或填料部位注入密封脂这种结构的阀门,在试验时,注入系统应是空的和不起作用的,油封式旋塞阀除外。 4.1.2当液体作为试验介质进行试验时,阀门内应基本上没有空气。 4.1.3要求的保护涂层,如油漆,可能掩盖表面缺陷。在检查和压力试验前,任何表面不应有这类涂层(磷化处理或类似的化学处理用于保护阀门表面是允许的,甚至可在试验前进行,只要这类处理不掩盖气孔等缺陷)。 4.1.4当进行闸阀、旋塞阀和球阀密封试验时,阀门制造厂应采用这样的试验方法,在阀座和阀盖间的阀体腔内注满介质并加压。这样能确保不至由于在试验中逐渐向上述部位充注介质和加压而使密封面的泄漏未被察觉。 4.1.5当进行阀门密封试验时,阀门制造厂的试验方法应能确保不使用过大的力来关闭阀门.所 施加的关闭力可在MSSSP--91的适当数值中确定,但在任何情况下这个力不能超过阀门制造广 公布的值。 4.2壳体试验 除4.3.2节所列的情况外,壳体试验应是向已装好的阀门内加压.此时,阀门的两端封闭,阀门部分开启,除波纹管密封阀门外,填料压盖压紧到足以保持试验压力,这样也试验了填料函.不可调节的轴密割(O形圈、单垫圈等)在壳体试验中应无泄漏。 +3上密封试验 +.3.1所有具有上密封性能的阀门都应进行上密封试验,波纹管密封阀门除外.进行试验应是向已装好的阀门内加压,此时,阀门两端封闭,填料压盖松开.上密封试验可紧接在壳体试验之后进行,上密封试验后应重新压紧填料压盖.阀门制造厂不应把阀门上密封试验的成功通过,作为推荐阀门在带压时可装入或更换填料。 4.3.2经买方与阀门制造厂商定,当使用容积仪检测壳体和上密封的泄漏时,上密封试验与壳体试验可合并进行.这样试验时,填料应放松.阀门制造厂应负责证实该阀门在100T(38c)的额定压力下填料无泄漏。 乙4低压密封试验 4.4.1进行低压密封试验时,密封面应保持干净,无油、无油脂和密封脂.如需防止擦伤,可在密封面上涂一层不重于煤油的油膜。本节要求不适用于以润滑抽起主要密封作用的阀门(如,油封式旋塞阀)。 4.4.2低压密封试验应按下列方法之一进行。 a.对于设计为双向密封的阀门(截断一排放两用阀和截止阀除外),应轮流在关闭阀门的每一端加压,另一端敞开通向大气,以在敞开端检查密封面的泄漏。对于截止阀,应在阀瓣下面受压方向加压。 对于设计为仅单向密封的井有这样标记的阀门,应仅在进口端加压。对于止回阀.应在出口端加压。阀座、阀座圈背后或通过阀瓣的任何泄漏应在阀门的敞口端进行检查,用水封住或用肥皂水或类似溶液涂抹密封处(阀瓣、阀座和阀座密封圈背后),观察从此处冒出的气泡。此外,经买方与制造厂商定,可使用排水集气装置检漏,只要可测的泄漏事与表s给出的值相当.只有在买方同意时,方可对规格大于NPS2的阀门使用气泡检测法。 b.对于截断一排放两用阀,应通过阀门孔口依次向关闭阀门的每一端加压.进入阀座间阀腔的泄漏应在填料函处(此时,未装填料)或通过阀座间的排放孔检查.进行阀门试验时,阀杆应处于垂直向上的位置.密封处的泄漏率不应超过表5的规定。 注,对于楔式单闸板(刚性或弹性的)闸阀,将试压空气或气体封闭在两密封副间的体腔内,然后用水封住或用肥皂水或类似溶液涂抹密封处进行检漏,这种低压密封试验方法是不被认可的。 4。4,3如果阀体上有排放接头,阀门按4.4.2节进行试验,则按ASMEBl.20.1接头不应超过NPS1/2.在阀门装运前,用一个材料相当阀门壳体的螺塞(按ASMEBl6.11)将排放接头塞紧。 4.4.4对于带有密封或弹性内衬、设计使用125磅级或150磅级法兰的蝶阀(APl609A类阀门),只要求在一个方向上进行密封试验.对于其他弹性密封蝶阀(APl609B类阀门),要求进行双向密封试验。对于有优选流向的阀门,非优选方向的密封试验应按降低的压差额定值在此方向进行。 4.4.5高压密封试验 4.5.1高压密封试验方法与低压密封试验相同,但当试验介质为液体时.泄漏的检测应是液滴,而不是如4.4.2节所述的气泡。 第5章阀门的合格证书和重复试验 5.1合格证书 当定单中有规定时,阀门制造厂应向买方提供一份证明阀门产品符合定单的合格证书。 5.2重复试验 除定单中规定由买方检交外,完工的阀门不需要进行重复试验。当制造厂提供丁阀门已按本标准的要求通过了检查、试验和检验,买方检查员可以放弃重复试验的要求.重复试验时,对已涂漆的阀门不需要去除抽漆.库存的阀门在重复试验和装运前应进行商业性清洗。

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Chapter 1 Overview 1.1 Scope 1.1.1 The criteria include gate valve, globe valve, plug valves, ball valves, check valves and butterfly valves for inspection, examination, supplementary examination and pressure testing requirements. The various types of valves for the flexible seal, non-metallic (eg ceramic) seal or metal? Metal seal. Flexible seal means; a. Soft sealing, solid or semi-solid grease (such as, oil seal valve, plug valve), b. Soft seal and metal seal combination c. Table 5 provides the design flexibility to meet the sealing of the leakage of any other type valve. APl598 is a reference to supplement its API standards, but agreed upon by the buyer and the valve manufacturer, APl598 also be used for other types of valves. 1.1.2 inspection requirements apply to the valve manufacturer for inspection and testing requirements in the valve manufacturer and the purchaser any additional testing carried out. Testing requirements applicable to the needs within the valve manufacturer and optional pressure test. 1,1.3 under the standard testing and examination as follows: a shell test; b. The seal test, c. low pressure seal test; d. high pressure seal test: c. Appearance of the casting test f. High-pressure gas shell test. 1.2 Reference standard 1.2.1 This standard references the following standards, regulations and norms of the latest version. ASME BL20.1 Universal Pipe Thread B16.11 Socket weld and threaded connections forged steel pipe fittings B16.34 flanges, threaded and welding to connect the valve MSS SP - 55 valves, flanges, pipe fittings and other piping accessories ---- Steel Castings visual inspection quality standards SP - 91 valve manual rules 1.2.2 of this standard to add the following APl valve standard. API Std594 wafer type, lug type and double flange on the central check valve Std599 steel and ductile iron plug valves Std600 valve cover for the bolt connection and self-sealing of the flange, and welded connections of steel gate valve Std602 flanges, threaded and welded connections and longer connections of compact steel gate valve Std603150 pound class resistant flanged gate valve (cast) Std608 flanges, threaded and welding to connect the metal ball Std609 double flange type, wafer type and lug wafer type butterfly valve Chapter 2 inspection, testing and additional testing 2.1 to check the valve manufacturer Buyer will be in the order specified in the valve manufacturer to check the valve and the valve inspection and test witnessing. During the implementation of the purchase contract, the buyer into the factory inspectors may at any time within any of the valve manufacturing sector. 2.2 Check Valve factories, When the buyer provides inspection, including the valve factory and outside the shell components, these components should accept the buyer's inspection of its manufacturing. 2.3 The inspection notice When provided by the buyer to check the valve factory valves need to be conducting additional testing and inspection or testing provisions of the first 5 working days notice of the address listed by order buyer. If required, outside the factory for inspection, the valve manufacturer should also notify the buyer within 5 working days in advance when and where to plant outside in the valve components manufactured housing inspection. 2.4 Inspection Scope Check range specified in order, unless otherwise stated, inspections should be limited to the following. a, the valve assembly during the course of inspection, to ensure compliance with the provisions of order. Examination may include the use of non-destructive testing methods specified. b. The scene witnessed the needs and requirements optional pressure test and inspection. C scene witnessed any additional tests (see 2.6). d. Review of processing records and non-destructive inspection records (including the provisions of the ray inspection records). 2.5 Inspection 2.51 valve manufacturer should all the body, valve cover and seal the casting to the appearance inspection to ensure compliance with the provisions of valve MSSSP a 55. 2.5.2 Each valve factory valves should be conducted to ensure compliance with the standards and specifications referenced in procurement (eg, APl600, see Section 1.2.2). 2.5.3 All testing shall be prepared in accordance with standards under the relevant written procedures. 2.6 Supplementary test Complementary tests specified in the order only when, and only within the specified scope. Cast steel or forged steel parts particle testing, Radiographic testing, liquid penetrant testing and ultrasonic testing shall comply with Chapter 8 or the buyer ASMEBl6.34 own procedures and acceptance criteria, if any such provision. These tests should be witnessed in the buyer's inspector on-site case, the valve manufacturer for. Chapter 3 pressure test 3.1 Test site Pressure test valve manufacturer should be carried out within the valve manufacturer. 3.2 Test equipment Valve factory used for pressure testing of the equipment needed should not influence the external seating. Such as the use of the end clamp test device, the valve manufacturer should be able to confirm the test device does not affect the pilot valve sealing performance. End clamping device suitable for assembly in line with the valve between flanges, such as: wafer type check valve and wafer type butterfly valve. 3.3 The need to test 3.3.1 Each valve shall be prepared in accordance with standard written procedures Table 1 A or B listed in Table 1, a pressure test. 3.3.2 Unless otherwise stated orders on the sealing performance of the valve with its pressure on the seal test for testing or low-voltage test by the factory options. 3.3.3 Specifications Pressure Rating less than or equal NPS4 level less than or equal ASME1500 pounds and specifications of the valve pressure rating less than or equal greater than NP54 AsME600 pound class valves shall table l? A trial. 3.3.4 Specifications Pressure Rating less than or equal NPS4 than AsME1500 pound class size is larger than NPS4 valves and pressure rating greater than ASME600 pound class B valves should be tested Table 1. 3.4 high-pressure seal test Table 1? A and B as shown in Table 1, there are several types of valves, pressure seal test required. According to Table 1 and Table A, a B, some types of valve the high pressure seal test is optional, but these valves are still required through the high pressure seal test (as the structural design of the valve sealing test). 3.5 high-pressure gas shell test When the order specified, the test should be high-pressure gas shell. High-pressure gas shell test should be carried out after hydraulic test case, and have appropriate security measures, the gas shell test pressure should be under 100 (30 ℃) the maximum allowable pressure of 110% or by order of the provisions of , does not allow a visible leak. Table 1 A pressure test (see Section 3.3.3) Valve type Pilot check valve gate valve globe valve plug valve butterfly valve floating ball valve and fixed ball valve Shell seals low pressure seal sealing need need need need need need need need need NANANANA optional required optional required optional required optional required optional required optional Note: NA = not applicable. All with the valve sealing performance test should be conducted on the seal, bellows sealed valves except. For the seal-type plug, high pressure seal test foot needs, low seal test optional. If agreed by the Buyer. Valve manufacturer can be replaced by low-pressure seal test pressure seal test. Flexible sealed valves with high pressure seal test, may reduce the working conditions in low pressure sealing performance. For power-driven valve, high pressure sealing test of the test pressure should be selected by using the power drive unit design pressure of 110%. Table 1 - B Pressure Test (see section 3,3,4) Valve type Pilot check valve gate valve globe valve plug valve butterfly valve floating ball valve fixed ball valve Shell Seal Seal 4 High Low Crest letters need need need need need need need need NANANANA optional optional optional optional optional optional optional need need need need need Note: NA = not applicable. All with the valve sealing performance test should be conducted on the seal, bellows sealed valves except. If agreed by the Buyer, the valve manufacturer can be replaced by low-pressure seal test pressure seal test. Flexible sealed valves with high pressure seal test, may reduce the working conditions in low pressure sealing performance. For power-driven valve, high pressure sealing test of the test pressure should be selected by using the power drive unit design pressure of 110%. 3.6 Media Test 3.6.1 shell test, high pressure and high pressure seal on the seal test test test medium should be air, an inert gas, kerosene, water or water viscosity of not higher than the non-corrosive liquids. Test medium temperature does not exceed 125F (52 ℃). Low temperature valve test medium temperature specified in the order. 3.6.2 For the low pressure and low pressure on the sealing seal test test test medium should be air or inert gas. 3.6.3 When using air or gas seal, the seal or a shell test, the valve manufacturer should be able to confirm the leak detection method is to meet the requirements. 3.6.4 The experiment with the water may contain water-soluble oil or rust inhibitor. When the buyer requirements, the water should contain wetting agent. Austenitic stainless steel valves used in water test chlorine content should not exceed 100ppm. Valve manufacturer should be able to provide evidence of chlorine paper. 3.7 Test pressure 3.7.1 Shell test pressure shall comply with the provisions of Table 2. 2.7.2 Other test pressure should be consistent with the provisions of Table 3. Table 2 shell test pressure Valve Type-pound light body test pressure (minimum) Pounds / square inch (gauge) Pakistan Ductile cast iron NPS2-12NPS14-24 cast iron NPS2-12NPS14-24 steel flanges and butt weld connecting thread and socket connection 150300125250150-25008001500-2500400269756635025265198756152537aba a press ASMEBl6.34. b For the 800-pound class valves, shell test pressure should be 100Y (38E) when the pressure rating of 1.5 times, and increase rounded to the near 25 pounds / square inch (gauge) (or 1 bar) multiples (see APl602 of Table 2). 3.8 Test duration For each test, the test pressure shall be provided in table 4 for at least the minimum time. 3.9 Leak Test 3.9.1 Test for the shell and the sealing test, does not allow a visible leak. Such as the test medium is liquid, it may not have visible droplets or wet the outer surface (no visible leakage through the valve, valve linings (if any) and the body? Valve cover connection. There is no structural damage ). If the test medium is air or gas, according to the development of detection methods should be no leakage. Table 3 Test pressure other Minimum test pressure of pilot projects Pounds / square inch (gauge) Pakistan Valve (butterfly valve and check valve excluded) high-pressure seals and low pressure seal and the seal on the seal 60-1004-7 Low pressure seal valve seal 60-1004-7 125 pounds of high-pressure seal valve level (cast iron) NPS2 ~ 1220014NPS14 ~ 4815011250-pound (cast iron) NPS2 ~ 1250035NPS14 ~ 2430021150-pound (nodular cast of) 25,017,300 pounds Class (ductile iron) 64044 carbon steel, alloy steel, stainless steel and special Low alloy steel seal (see Table 1 - A and Table 1 B) 60-1004 a 7 All with the sealing performance of the valve seal need to be on the test. In accordance with the applicable procurement specification for 1000F (380C) when the design pressure of 110%. Table 4 The duration of the test pressure The shortest test duration valve S seconds), Specifications enclosure (NPS) Check Valve Other (APl594) valve on the valve sealing the other (APl594) valve ≤ 221 / 2 for a 68-12 ≥ 146015606060120120300156060606015606060120120120 Test duration is completely ready pressure valve value rose after the inspection time. 3.9.2 For the low-pressure seal test and high pressure sealing test, does not allow visible leak through the valve flap, the back seat and shaft seal (if there is such a structure), there is no structural damage (elastic seat and seal surface deformation is not considered as structural damage). The duration of the experiment through the sealing surface of the test medium and allowed to leak rate shown in Table 5. When measured with the volume of leakage, should the results of instrument calibration to the equivalent of table 5 units per minute apply. Volume of instrument calibration and product testing should use the same medium, well at the same temperature. Table 5 sealed the maximum allowable leakage rate test In addition to all the flexible valve outside the check valve seal valve metal seal all metal valve Specifications (NPS) liquid valve sealing test (drops / min) gas bubble test C / minute) liquid gas test test ≤ 221/2-68-l2 ≥ 14000001220280244056CCCcDDDD ? For liquid test, 1 ml (cm3) is equivalent to 16 drops. : The minimum specified test duration (see Table 4) without leakage. For liquid test, "o" drops that the minimum requirements in each trial is ongoing close No visible leakage within. For gas test, "o" bubble that the minimum requirement in each test the leakage rate is less than the duration of a bubble. 'Maximum allowable leakage rate should be nominal diameter per inch per minute o. 18 cubic inches (3cm). 'Maximum allowable leakage rate should be the nominal diameter of 1.5 standard cubic feet per hour per inch (o.04Zm'). ? For specification than NPS24 the check valve, allowing the leakage rate agreed upon by the buyer and the manufacturer. 3.9.3 use of non-metallic (eg ceramic) material of the valve seal, the seal allows leak rate test shall be provided in table 5 with the type and specifications of the same metal seal valve. Chapter 4 test method 4.1 Overview 4.1.1 has a permit for emergency or supplementary parts of the sealing surface or packing grease into the structure of the valve seal, during the trial, the injection system should be empty and does not work, the oil seal plug exception. 4.1.2 When the liquid medium as a test pilot, the valve should be virtually no air inside. 4.1.3 required protective coating, such as paint, may cover up surface defects. In the inspection and pressure test before any surface should not be such coating (phosphate chemical treatment process or a similar valve used to protect the surface is allowed, even before the trial, as long as such treatment does not cover such as porosity defects). 4.1.4 When conducting gate valve, plug valve and valve seal test, the valve manufacturer should be such a trial, between the valve seat and valve cover body cavity filled with media and pressure. This will ensure not to test because of gradually filling the part of media and pressure leak sealing surface Ershi undetected. 4.1.5 When the test the valve seal, valve manufacturer's test method should be able to ensure that no excessive force used to close the valve. The Closing force imposed in MSSSP - 91 to determine the appropriate value of, but in any case the force can not exceed the valve manufacturing wide Published value. 4.2 Test Case In addition to the circumstances listed in section 4.3.2, the shell test should be good to have installed within the valve pressure. At this point, the two ends of the valve closed, the valve is partially open, in addition to bellows seal valves, the packing gland compression to be able to maintain the test pressure, it also developed a gland. Can not adjust the axis density cut (O-ring, single ring, etc.) test in the shell should be no leakage. +3 On the seal test +. 3.1 All valves have on the sealing performance test should be conducted on the seal, except bellows seal valves. Trial should be good to have installed within the valve pressure, this time, the valve closed ends, packing gland release. The seal test can be carried out immediately after the test case, the test should be re-sealed compression gland. Valve valve manufacturer should not be passed on the seal test, as recommended by the valve when pressure in the zone into or replace the packing. 4.3.2 agreed upon by the buyer and the valve manufacturer, was detected when using the volumetric leakage shell and the seal when the seal test and shell test can be combined. This test, the filler should be relaxed. Valve confirmed that the valve manufacturer shall be responsible for the 100T (38c) fill the rated pressure without leakage. B 4 low pressure seal test 4.4.1 for low pressure seal test, the sealing surface should be kept clean, no oil, no grease and seal fat. For prevention of abrasion, can seal the surface coating layer of the film is not more important than kerosene. Requirements of this section shall not apply to the role of lubrication withdrawn valve main seal (eg, oil seal type plug). 4.4.2 Low-voltage test shall be sealed in one of the following methods. a. For the design of two-way sealing valve (cut off valve and a discharge valve dual-use exception), should take turns at each end of the closed valve pressure, the other end open towards the atmosphere, in order to check the sealing surface at the open end of the leakage. For the cut-off valve, pressure should be in the direction of pressure below the valve flap. Only one way to design such a mark well sealed valves, pressure should be only in the import side. For the check valve. Should be pressure at the exit. Valve seat, valve seat ring or through the valve flap behind any leak should check the valve end of exposure, water sealed or coated with soap and water or a similar solution, the seal (flap valve, seat and back seat ring ), observation bubble comes out from here. In addition, the buyer and the manufacturer agreed to use the water collecting gas leak detection device, as long as something can be measured leakage value given in the table s very. Only when the buyer agreed to before the valve on the specifications of more than NPS2 use bubble detection. b. Cut off a dual-purpose valve for discharge, in turn, through the valve orifice at each end to close the valve pressure. Between the valve chamber into the valve seat leakage should be stuffing Office (At this point, no filler installed) or through the discharge hole between the check valve seat. When the valve testing, valve stem should be in a vertical upward position. Seals, the leakage rate should not exceed the provisions of Table 5. Note, for the wedge-type single-gate (rigid or flexible) valve, air or gas pressure test will be closed between the two body cavity seal pair, and then water sealed or coated with soap and water or similar seals for leak detection solution This low pressure seal test method is not recognized. 4. 4,3 If there is discharge valve fittings, valves tested in accordance with 4.4.2, according to ASMEBl. 20.1 joints should not exceed NPS1 / 2. The valve before shipment, with a shell material rather Plug valve (by ASMEBl6.11) will discharge connector plugged. 4.4.4 The seal or with a flexible liner, designed for use with 125 pounds or 150-pound class flanges butterfly valve (APl609A type valve), requires only one direction for sealing test. For other elastic sealing valve (APl609B type valve) to require two-way sealing test. For optimal flow valve, non-preferred direction of lower pressure seal test shall be rated in this direction. 4.4.5 high-pressure seal test 4.5.1 Test Method and low pressure seal sealing the same test, but when the test medium is liquid. Leakage detection should be a drop, but not as described in section 4.4.2 of the bubble. Chapter 5 of the valve and repeat the test certificate 5.1 Certificate When the order has provided, the valve manufacturer shall provide a copy of the buyer that products comply with orders valve certificate. Repeat Test 5.2 In addition to orders provided for inspection submitted by the buyer, the completion of the valve does not need to repeat the test. When the factory to provide the small valve has been adopted in accordance with the requirements of this standard to inspect, test and inspection, inspectors can give the buyer repeated testing requirements. Repeat tests that have been painted the valve does not require pumping to remove paint. Stock valve testing and pre-shipment in the repeat business of cleaning should be carried out.

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