入户阀上安装热计量表- rimeifa18 - rimeifa18 - 和讯博客
入户阀上安装热计量表 [转贴 2010-04-23 11:54:12]   

原文:The new design costs are included in new residential construction costs within
The new design costs are included in new residential construction costs within Yantai City, the implementation of heat metering, required all new residential heating in accordance with national measures to design the relevant documents. In-home installation of heat metering valve, the indoor temperature control each radiator valves installed. Temperature control valve installed at the two cases, one is installed in the radiator, heating with floor heating system installed in the manifolds on. On new residential, these costs are included in construction cost. Old residential metered heating must have three conditions The transformation of the old user and transform the use of household systems in accordance with the 142 yuan / ? (building area) to pay the standard Heating investment, which with the radiator temperature control valve, not including the heat meter. Once the heat metering in the future, existing buildings must be completely changed household composition control, while the indoor heating system, temperature control valve is installed, also install the heat meter. The three conditions are fulfilled in order to implement metered heating.
原文来自: http://www.google.com.hk/news

The new design costs are included in new residential construction costs within ; 是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海一环流体控制设备有限公司还生产 及活塞式缓闭止回阀,水封截止阀,铜角式截止阀,橡胶瓣止回阀,静音止回阀,欢迎您的选购。)

入户阀上安装热计量表 烟台市推行计量供热,要求新建住宅一律按照国家计量供热的有关文件要求设计。在入户阀上安装热计量表,户内每组暖气片安装恒温控制阀。恒温控制阀安装分两种情况,一种是装在暖气片上,采用地暖系统取暖的安装在分水器上。对新建住宅,这些费用都计算在建筑成本内。 旧住宅计量供热必须具备三个条件 对于旧城改造的用户,改造中采用分户系统的按照142元/?(建筑面积)的标准缴纳暖气投资,里面含散热器恒温控制阀,不包括热计量表。将来一旦实行计量供热,既有建筑必须全部改成分户控制,同时,在室内采暖系统上安装恒温控制阀,还要安装热计量表。上述三个条件同时具备,才能实行计量供热。

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