使用液化石油气瓶怎样防火- rimeifa18 - rimeifa18 - 和讯博客
使用液化石油气瓶怎样防火 [转贴 2010-04-23 11:42:34]   

原文:How to use liquefied petroleum gas cylinder fire
How to use liquefied petroleum gas cylinder fire Liquefied petroleum gas cylinders coherent, the LPG bottle filling shall not exceed 85% of cylinder volume. Liquefied gas bottles and fire and heat not less than 1.5 meters distance. Cylinders is not easy with fire, open Shuitang, exposure. Cylinders must be erected to use, not allowed to reverse, or liquefied petroleum gas liquid flows easily fire booster explosion. LPG bottle residue to pay supply station centrally, not at random into the toilet, sewer, small river, to prevent fire. Educate their children not to play cylinders Angle, casual twist components. If it is found at home liquefied gas leak, smell the odor when the liquefied gas, should open the doors and windows in time ventilation to reduce the content of liquefied gas in the air, do not rush to turn on the lights or the use of fire lighting.
原文来自: http://www.google.com.hk/news

How to use liquefied petroleum gas cylinder fire ; 是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海日美阀门制造有限公司还生产 及楔式闸阀,弹性座封闸阀,伞链轮浆液阀,电动楔式闸阀,信号闸阀,欢迎您的选购。)

使用液化石油气瓶怎样防火 液化石油气瓶接气时,液化气瓶的灌装量不得超过气瓶容积的85%。 液化气瓶与火源、热源的距离不得小于1.5米。 气瓶不易用火烤、开水烫、暴晒。 气瓶必须竖立使用,不准倒置,否则液化石油气的液体流入调压器极易发生火灾爆炸事故。 液化气瓶里残液要交供应站统一处理,不可随意倒入厕所、下水道、小河里,以防发生火灾。 教育小孩不要玩耍气瓶角阀,随意扭动零部件。 若发现家中液化气泄漏,闻到液化气臭味时,应先及时打开门窗通风,减少液化气在空气中的含量,不要急于开灯或使用明火照明。

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